Pros of the Surface Pro 6 after a few weeks usage

Pros of the Surface Pro 6 after a few weeks usage

I’ve spent a few weeks on the latest Microsoft Surface Pro 6 for light work like reading and web surfing. Following will be the impressions of my not very extensive usage.


  • Looks elegant and sexy. There are many competitors on the 2-in-1 tablet market but Surface Pro series is bar to none when it comes to the aesthetics. Looks great from all angles and this factor alone makes the device very welcoming to use.

  • Lightweight. With a device that thin and light(less than a kilogram), SP6 is the most portable laptop I’ve ever used. My back and arms finally can skip the extra workout session in the daily commute. However, this is definitely not a friendly one-handed device. Hold it like how you hold a phone or tablet will quickly tire the hand.

  • Battery life lasts easily for a day. I’ve never had a problem with the battery life but all I do was just web surfing and lightweight stuff that does not turn the device into beast mode. This has given me a peace of mind when I carry it to work without bringing the charging kits. Once I forgot to charge it and take it to work for casual reading at 40% battery, it stays alive till the very night with “battery saver” mode and I was impressed.

  • Keyboard beyond expectation. Many said the type cover keyboard is one of the best keyboards of laptop. While I still don’t get the pricy price point for the separate keyboard that cost S$200 alone, it actually types well. The key travel travels and feedback are reasonable and comfortable. Also, I did not expect the touchpad offers some really useful gesture controls like Macbook does. Overall, the type cover is a must to have for SP6.

  • Great speakers. While I never get the idea of getting a killer speaker on a portable device like mobile phone or laptop, which could be easily solved by much better external speakers and headphone, SP6 actually has a great pair of front-facing speakers that sounds nice.

These are the good impressions so far I’ve got from the Surface Pro 6. And a more interesting cons list is coming up on next post. Stay tuned!

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