盘点多语言的好处 Ranking the languages that I know base on everyday usage

盘点多语言的好处 Ranking the languages that I know base on everyday usage










像花虽未红 如冰虽不冻 却像有无数说话 可惜我听不懂


不怕相思苦 只怕妳伤痛 怨只怨人在风中 聚散都不由我










  • 旅游时可以和各色人等无障碍的交流,让旅程内容更丰富。作为世界语言,出门在外很多国家的指示牌都起码会标注英文的翻译。从发达至发展中国家,都是如此。爱旅游的人不可不会。

  • 无压力浏览各大国际网站,新闻,论坛等等,收集信息的时候可以和中文来源互相核实。正如我爱逛Quora,有时也可去知乎看看。

  • 娱乐方面更多姿多彩,美剧,欧美歌等等。更不用说很多书籍原著都只有英文版了。有时找游戏从中文管道找不到,却在英文论坛上很热门。








马来西亚华人的华语发音其实是很不标准的,我想是也多亏了多语言的环境照成的吧。往往一句话里也会夹杂了两到三种语言,比如,“So, 晚上要去哪里makan(马来文,用餐的意思)”。也正因为多语言性,在非东南亚的华人地区要入乡随俗的说话,如台湾,发音还是可以临时“标准”起来的。某次在台湾某个地铁站里选购物品,和店里老板聊了两句后还问我怎么办那么早就放学了。后来才发现他把我当本地学生了。


I come from a Malaysian Chinese family and naturally Chinese language was my mother tongue.
Malay is the official language of Malaysia. Living in a community where the Malays are the majority race, acquiring basic Malay skills is a must or you won’t be able to read a simple electricity bill.
My grandfather migrated from the southern part of China to Malaysia in the early 00’s. Our family then regard ourselves as Cantonese people. I don’t speak much Cantonese when I was young, but the Hong Kong dramas and songs taught me well on that.
English is the language I learned the latest. Thanks to the 4 years in the University that English is the main conduct language, I slowly picked up this one of the most important languages before graduation.

I will now rank these four languages by the actual benefits in real life to me. Ranking starts from lowest to highest.


Back in the 90’s, Hong Kong culture had a huge influence in South East Asia. Due to the fact I can handle multiple languages, I have a minimum requirement in entertainments like movie and songs, that I only stick to the original audio version of the end product. If a movie is produced from HK which is originally recorded in Cantonese, I won’t bother to play the other version like in Chinese or English. Same applies to the songs.

Knowing Cantonese might helps here and there but most will be in term of entertainment. Not much of real boost in real life application for me.


I’ve mentioned not knowing the Malay language is going to be a big trouble as a Malaysian. Almost everything in this country is in Malay. However I don’t think this language will have much usefulness outside Malaysia, and I’ve been right thus far as I’m working in Singapore.

However as a student, you better at least get a Credit for the Malay language subject, because that is the must-pass subject for every high school student in order to be certified that you’ve completed high school education. Or else you will feel like hell when finding a job after that. That certification is a minimum requirement in most of the jobs available on the market.


I don’t have to stress more on the importance of English, you would talk in that all day in the workplace in Singapore. And mastering English allows me to have an ‘extra world’ to those who don’t.

  • I can talk to all kind of people whenever I travel which will really enrich the content of the whole trip. Travel lover has know English as this language works from the developing countries to the developed one.
  • Surfing global sites without pressure, from BBC to Reddit.
  • More entertainment sources like the TV series and songs. Not to mention tons of book that only available in English version.


I’m always proud to use the world-most-difficult-language as my first language. In fact, I have no idea how difficult it is to when learning it. I guess it was the advantage for picking up something difficult as your mother tongue, you master it naturally without having much pain.

Chinese language is so deep and profound that you can express the same meaning using long and complicated sentences as well as a few simplified words. Excuse me for not able to provide a proper example as I think the readers will need basic understandings of Chinese to get the beauty of this language. From calligraphy to poems, and to countless kind of dialects, each of every aspect will cost someone a lifetime to study.

Disclaimer: Ranking above were purely based on the usefulness in my everyday life. No offense at all.

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