购物的正确方式 Say no to impulsive buying

购物的正确方式 Say no to impulsive buying

自三个月前接触了数码货币之后,生活发生了可谓翻天覆地的变化。由开始的地域搬砖(geographical arbitrage), 无时无刻想关注市场的价格波动;到现在发现了Steemit,终于有个很好的理由开始之前打算了很久的写作计划。然而开始要持续的写作是有点难度的,我明白习惯的养成再于坚持,所以规定了自己每两天必须至少有一次输出。

Life has been changed for a great deal after involving in the world of cryptocurrency. Starting from arbitrage trading, to develop a new habit of blogging in Steemit.



To perform better in coin trading and monitoring, I’ve sold away my 2 years old notebook for a performance desktop machine. Typing on my first mechanical keyboard does help the new blogging life a lot. I’ve been cutting down the frequency of a leisure walk in the mall, because spending that time on a new blog is in the higher priority now.

但我不能一直和电脑一起 But I can’t always stick with my desktop

由于我在外地工作(新加坡), 每个月总有几天需要回家乡(马来西亚)。刚换的台式电脑得到强劲性能的同时,也完全失去了之前笔记本的便携性。往来两地,唯有手机随身矣。虽然手机在操作市场和写作上还勉强可以凑合,但也实在是很不方便。

Since I’m working in Singapore, I often travel back to my hometown, Malaysia few times in a month. Traded the portability of notebook with try performance of desktop pc, smartphone is the only device travel with me now. Trading and blogging on it is such a struggling mission.

于是就有了买平板电脑的想法 The thought of buying an tablet kicks in

Microsoft Surface 是目前的最佳人选。融合了两大优点于一身:屏幕大,让交易操作更容易,windows也可以轻松处理多重任务;可加载键盘,让写作更有效率。

而且还有电子笔和触屏特性组合也可以让我开始学习最学很久的数码艺术(digital art)。一举多得啊。

A tablet have a big screen makes trading a breeze and try detachable keyboard would type better than on the phone. Furthermore I can start to pick up the long-wanted skill in digital art. Microsoft Surface series is a great match so far.

但是花钱不能这样任性 But we shouldn’t at our free will





This is a random wise advice from Quora:

When you have got a new stuff to buy, don’t buy it even you can afford it right now. Instead, start saving up for it.

By doing so, good chances you can eliminate the potential impulsive spending. We bought what we wanted during causal shopping and regret with the purchases after some days. To stop wasting money on impulsive shopping the key is not to act the moment we would like to own that item. Make it a goal and start saving towards it.

Two things is gonna happen when you have enough money: if you still want to buy it, likely you are really needing it; if you lost the interest already, congratulation that you have just skipping the unnecessary spending at the same time accumulated small wealth in the pocket!

所以我也设定了一个有趣的存钱方式 So I came up with a interesting way to save up




To buy that Surface, I must earn the equivalent amount on Steemit. This strategy not only can motivate me to keep writing, I will be able to reassess the need of a tablet. As I’m suspicious this is likely to be another impulsive buying, haha!

Have anything to buy? Start saving now.

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