勿忘初心才可以走得更远 Stay true to what you have started

勿忘初心才可以走得更远 Stay true to what you have started

Most of the whales in the CN community were delegated by @ned and today the owner decided to take back the delegated SP (at least 2 million) without reasons. I believe this has caused an impact especially to the minnows in CN space. I have to dedicated special thanks to @tumutanzi and @htliao for them to support me as a delegated whale. You guys rock and support tons of minnow like me.

Considering the CN community will lose significant income in the coming days, it is well expected that we will lose users gradually for this. With the saying, good money drives out bad money, those who stay through the high and low will be the real beer after the foam is eliminated.

Do not forget the original initiative why you start the Steemit journey and you may walk further.


《Dont write a lot, write often》一文中,早已知道收入不该是写作的唯一价值。该文章的收入还是$0.09而已,如果那么低的收入都撑过来了,以后还会成问题么?

刚开始以英文写作的的我,发现了中文区这块天地。这氛围很好,有数条大鱼秉着扶持新人的原则为他们点赞。看着文章收入的数字暴增,是对小鱼们最直接暴力的鼓励。在此特别感谢@tumutanzi @htliao身为代理大鲸期间对我的支持。


Good money drives out bad money

就是在某个市场中,更有价值的永远会淘汰弱者。好比早期的比特币爆发时期,在高峰的价格往往因为一些负面的流言蜚语就会导致价格暴跌。离开市场的绝大部份资金可以理解为投机炒作者,bad money。真正的价值投资者会留下来的,低价买入更多的资产,也形成了价格底线的维护者。以后价值开始体现在价格上时,收获也就更大了。


Image from pixabay

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