SteemDice - Play dice game with Steem/SBD

SteemDice - Play dice game with Steem/SBD


Play dice game with Steem/SBD



Hunter’s comment


The Steemdice is a simple gambling game that utilizing STEEM’s blazing fast transaction time that I see the potential for it to become a really great gambling chip.

Steemdice is simple as 123:

  • Login with the Steem account with active key permission
  • Place the Bet Amount either in STEEM or SBD.
  • Set the Win Chance from 1 to 99.
  • Roll the Dice!

For example, you set Win Chance by 70 and roll the dice. Within a few second the Steemdice algorithm will get you a random number from 1 to 99 as well. If the generated number smaller than 70, you win, otherwise you lose. Told you it is dead simple right?

Things to take note

  • Steemdice is taking 2% from winning bet as house edge.
  • Gambling can be addictive, play with the amount you can afford to lose. Text @pharesim for blacklisting your account for better self-control.
  • The game code is open-source which you can view here if you are feeling suspicious(I love open-souce stuff!).

We use STEEM and SBD every day but sometimes it is easy to forget how powerful this lovely cryptocurrency can be. Zero fees, 3 seconds transaction time with a huge community, Steemdice is the simplest yet efficient application I’ve ever used to take full advantage of those wonderful characteristics.

As long as one does not overdo it, a couple of nice dice games using STEEM/SBD is always welcome!


Hunter: @fr3eze
Makers and Contributors:

  • @pharesim (10% beneficiary of this article)

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