Trezor cannot claim Bitcoin Gold with its Claim Tool

Trezor cannot claim Bitcoin Gold with its Claim Tool

Expected behavior

Trezor should show me the BTG amount that I can claim using the tool. Picture below is the expected result taken from official Trezor blog.


Actual behavior

After selecting either Standard account or Legacy account to claim BTG, the page will wait for about 16 second and return with a error message.

How to reproduce


1) Login Trezor via If you are prompted with firmware update, do it and update to latest firmware before the claiming process. Ihe the latest firmware, there will be a new wallet Bitcoin Gold (BTG). Select it.


2) Clink on the coin-splitting tool and a new tab will be opened up.

The alternative way is access Claim tool via


3) In the Tool page, you will have to choose which Bitcoin account you want to claim from. In my case, I choose Legacy account as I store my BTC there during the fork.


4) Wait for about 16s, an error mesasge Reading of accounts failed. will poped up. Same thing happened if I claim from Standard account.

  • Browser: Google Chrome [Version 63.0.3239.132 (Official Build) (64-bit)]
  • Operating system: Windows 7 & 10
  • Trezor firmware: 1.6.0

Recording Of The Bug (2).gif (1).gif

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