Watching someone exit scamming is kinda fun.

Watching someone exit scamming is kinda fun.

Watching the new FOMO3D Quick going on live now. This is the 8th or 9th round I’m not sure but from the accumulated ammount of ETH we can clearly tell that the passion has been stabilized now compared to the 1st round whooping 7000 ETH within a few minutes!

But yeah 50 ETH is still a hansome amount. I hold some P3D which but have not take part in the FOMO game, maybe I should for the next round. Best thing holding P3D is that I somehow will be paid in term of bonus dividend when the FOMO3D game has ended every round.

If you are interested in the new game you can read it more here:

正在这寂静的夜里看着这不知道是第几轮的 FOMO3D Quick,挺有趣的。比起第一轮短短几分钟就累计的 7000 ETH,最近这几轮的累计数目看起来就不那么惊心动魄了,但是 50 ETH 也还是不小的数目。我本身还不曾接触这个游戏,很多人入场买 Key(此游戏的货币) 其实也不是为了做最后的胜利者吸干奖励池,而是赚取别人买进 Key 的手续费,相比大奖可是现实得多。

我持有的是这个游戏公司的母币 P3D,好处就是可以从子游戏比如这个 FOMO3D quick 还有还再进行中的 FOMO3D Long 抽取手续费。可是很不错呢!

Posted from my blog with SteemPress :

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