Wealth inequality is the result of humanity 贫富悬殊是人性的结果

Wealth inequality is the result of humanity 贫富悬殊是人性的结果

Wealth inequality is a global problem and there are so many different causes to it in different regions. Despite all the complicated political and social factors, can we really equalize the wealth? Not possible as of now. Let’s do an experiment, we create an environment with equal resources distribution, same geographical location, and a fair policy:

In a village, there are 100 villagers and 1000 chickens. For the purpose of wealth sharing, each one of them gets 10 chickens. The followings are likely to occur:

  1. Some of them will kill the chicken to eat whenever they are hungry, soon they will have empty the chicken they had. They will start to exchange more chicken for food with other assets.
  2. Some of them will kill the chicken to eat, but they won’t eat them all. They keep some chickens for laying eggs. The eggs will get them more chicks so that they can continue to kill the old unproductive chickens for food. Because they keep regenerating the source of food, they are self-sufficient.
  3. Some of them will kill the chicken to eat whenever it is necessary. At the same time get more chicken from the others by trading. Laying for more eggs, more eggs for more chickens. Repeating that, they will have more and more chickens to start selling to those who are in need(like the people from the first point).

A few months later, 10% of the villagers own 80% of chickens, 20% own 15% of chickens, and 70% people will sharing the remaining 5% of chickens. Wealth inequality happens again.

This is how our world working now. Those who are insightful put the resources to good use instead of spending them all at once. They will keep consuming at the minimal rate and invest the difference. Everything that pays off will have a harder start, spending or investing? Reading or gaming?

On the contrary, the poors will focus solving the immediate problems. Kill the chickens for the hungry stomach, get the job when the pockets are empty. This can keep them survival too but provides no security in the future.

Suffer now for better future, or enjoy today and leave all the worries tomorrow?



  1. 有的人会在饿肚子把鸡杀来吃,很快的鸡就吃完了。他们就需要开始向还有鸡的人用其他物资交换以获取粮食。
  2. 有的人会在饿肚子把鸡杀来吃,但不会一下子吃清光。留下一部分鸡继续饲养,下蛋生出新的小鸡,才把生产力下降的老鸡杀来吃。这样他们虽然不会有太多的鸡只,但因为不过度消耗资源,生活倒也自供自足。
  3. 有的人只会在必要的时候把鸡杀来吃。同时也会用其他物资来像其他人换取更多的鸡只,饲养下蛋,等到更多的鸡。如此循环,他们拥有的鸡只就会持续增多,可以出售给需要的人们(第一类人)。





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