Which way is more profitable in getting EOS, trading or ICO? 众筹和交易哪个可以得到更多 EOS

Which way is more profitable in getting EOS, trading or ICO? 众筹和交易哪个可以得到更多 EOS

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Suddenly I was very interested in EOS and wanted to be part of it. Currently, there is two way to get you hand on the EOS tokens: buy them straight from the exchanges with the market price, or participate in the EOS Token Distribution.

The first method is pretty straightforward like how you trading just for any cryptocurrency pair available on an exchange. Topup your account with the mainstream BTC or ETC, and trade with market orders with the desired price.

The second method, however, is a bit tricky and interesting. EOS Token Distribution is now at the phase that 2,000,000 EOS will be distributed every day. People can contribute ETH to the crowdfunding address and the two millions of EOS will be distributed equally base to the total contribution of that period.

With that said, the more contribution the less EOS participant can get, EOS is more expensive here. On the other hand, if we get a lesser contribution, each investor can get more EOS from the fixed amount distribution. Cheaper EOS.

The tricky part is, the contribution is real-time so no one can tell what the final total contribution will be. Things suddenly become quite a bit of gambling, and I decided to give it a try.

Let’s do it!

In this gambleexperiment, I sent 1 Ether to the EOS crowdsale address. Thing was smooth, network was low in traffic, transaction was done within minutes.

Then I start to monitor the real-time collected contribution using two useful sites. The first is the official EOS site and the second is a really useful third-party site, EOSscan.io. EOSscan provides real-time calculation of the EOS token price based on the contributed ETH.


Official EOS site



As you can see, so far there is 7920 ETH collected and we are looking at $5.30 for a piece of EOS. Current market price for EOS on the exchanges is about $13. And we have less than two hours to close the deal.

Time is ticking, I knew the ETH will keep coming in. But so far everything looks good and I already starts to think about what to do with my cheap EOS later. Yay!

And things escalate quickly



Within two hours, total collected ETH has come to 23,566. This made the price of EOS token soared up to almost $16. Damn, my heart was just bleeding non-stop.

After the distribution period is done, I proceeded to register my ETH address and claim the EOS token. How much in total did I get in the end?

I got 80.91 EOS from the daily ICO with each token priced at $16 while the open market is trading at $12.40 according to coinmarketcap.com.

My EOS is almost $4 more expensive from the others. Such a tragedy right? Let’s see it in the real world perspective.


Let’s do some quick calculation

What if I choose to spend 1 Ether to buy EOS at Binance? How much could I get?

Let’s get the live feed price at Binance using EOS/ETH pair at 22:00 UTC+8 time which is the ending time of EOS token distribution for Period 215.


It was trading at 0.0129 EOS/ETH.

1/0.0129 = I will get 77.519379845 EOS by trading 1 Ether neglecting minor fees.

To calculate the value of each EOS in fiat, 1 Ether cost $950 at that time and the formula will be 950/77.519379845 = $12.26

Pretty close to the price at coinmarketcap.com which was $12.40.

Now what is the fiat price for EOS token I got from the ICO? 950/80.910557854999802311 = $11.74


  • 1 Ether at open exchange can buy 77.51 EOS while EOS ICO can get you 80.91 EOS.
  • EOS token in ICO Period 215 costs $11.74 yet in Binance it would cost $12.26.
  • I got extra 3.4 EOS via ICO which is equivalent to $43.
  • ICO is the more profitable way to get EOS than trading in the open market.

Disclaimer: Conclusion is based on the comparison at the mentioned specific time only. Performance may vary. Luck is playing a big factor here.

昨晚心血来潮想入手一些 EOS。目前入手的方法有两种,一就是直接在自由市场比如 Binance 上进行交易。第二种就比较刺激有趣了,那就是参加为期一年的 EOS ICO。现在每天都有二百万的 EOS 会被发放,每个时段投资者得到多少取决于当个时段所筹到的 ETH 总数。

换言之,筹到的 ETH 越多每人可以得到的 EOS 越少,单个 EOS 的价格相对就越高。没人会知道最后会筹到多少钱,所以相比可以在市场上用明价买卖的方式,这个每天都有的 ICO 会更有赌博性质。我决定试一试。


  • 1 ETH 在 Binance 可以买到 77.51 EOS,而通过 ICO 可以得到 80.91 EOS。
  • ICO 得到的 EOS 单价为 $11.74 而 Binance 上需要花费 $12.26。
  • 通过 ICO 我多赚了 3.4 EOS,等价为 $43。
  • EOS ICO 比自由市场交易更为划算。

声明:这个结果只是基于特定的 ICO 时段(Period 215)和当下市场情况,不能一概而论。运气还是占了很大的部分。

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