Will bitcoin trade over $17000 before March? 狠狠的一次预测

Will bitcoin trade over $17000 before March? 狠狠的一次预测


It is part of my routine making forecast in Cindicator application, just like how I used to post at least one time on Steem. Days ago I was stumbled upon this question in about Bitcoin after a minor slide down to $9000.


Will Bitcoin/USD manage to recover and trade above $17,000 at any time before February 28?

And my prediction at that time was an aggressive 0%.

Good and bad.

Good is I made this prediction just before the major crash for Bitcoin to score a 2018 low record at $6000. And chances are I am likely going to be right on this one.

Bad is having part of my fund invested in Bitcoin, it doesn’t feels good for an investment to stay at red, though it is just a paper loss.

Let’s see what the market has to offer before March.

之前在 Cindicator app 被问到了比特币有没有机会在二月二十八号之前的某一个时间点,突破 $17,000 的交易价?我的预测是狠狠的 0%。

这个预测还是在比特币大跌至 $6,000 之前所做的,现在才恢复到八千左右的水平,离十七千还有一倍的距离啊!看来这次的预测很可能成真了。



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