1500+ followers and officially a happy DOLPHIN now. Introduce my new logo and banner

1500+ followers and officially a happy DOLPHIN now. Introduce my new logo and banner


I joined Steemit on 9th May and it has been more than three months now, and I am happy to announce that I am officially a dolphin (with more than 5000 SP) now! I was so lucky to join this incredible platform not long before HF19, witness the emergence of many amazing applications like chainBB and eSteem app, and meet a lot of new friends here. May is also my birthday month and Steemit has totally changed my lifestyle and habits, and I have to look for new and interesting topics to write every day, as well as reading posts.

The road was not always easy, I still remember the days that my first few posts worth less than one cent. We have all been through this, so don’t give up on writing and steeming. Your work will be realised some day. Before the delegation, I have never dreamt of or even thought about this too, and there are still many opportunities out there on this platform. Make the best use of your own talent, knowledge and strength and I am sure that you can do pretty well on Steemit. There are also many senior Steemians who are very helpful, and you can make friends with them, seek for their guidance and help, and I also benefited and learnt a lot from them. ( Please be reminded that I am not asking you to keep annoying them)

Steemit probably has the largest number of female users among all kinds of cryptocurrency and there are also countless applications and tools built for Steemit. The number of users also keeps rising, with more than 300k users now, therefore I am quite optimistic about Steemit’s future development, and I promise I will try my best in promoting Steemit in Hong Kong and China, bringing more talented authors to this great platform.

Recently, I have just asked @orcheva, the Graphic Designer Artist in #whalepower Management Team to help me with my personal logo and banner to celebrate my milestone here, I am grateful for his help and they will be used in this post and my future posts. You can visit his post to know more about how to make them.

At last, in case you are my new follower and not familiar with me and my posts, you may visit my self-introduction here , learn more about my post series here and see some of my statistics here, which is written by @dapeng and currently available in Chinese only.

Leave your feedback or feelings in the comments below, to celebrate my milestone, maybe I will be more generous in giving upvotes for the replies today. Show some quality and just don’t reply something like “Nice content, I have upvoted you”, “Please visit my post” or anything like that is fine.


一路走來,道路也不是一直是平坦的,我最初的帖子收益可是連一美仙也沒有,即使後來進了中文區發展,帖子也是要絞盡腦汁寫作才能獲得大神的青睞的,也有很多帖子沒有大神點贊哦,所以剛來的你們算是來的對時候了,多了這麽多獲得點贊的機會,所以更加應該把握好機會,把文章寫好。會創作優質雙語帖子的作者不妨找一找 @someone投稿吧,我在早期(其實也只是不久前)也受了他不少幫助來成長的,是新人增加SP和曝光率的不二之選哦,也不用一遍遍刷屏苦等大神點贊

Steemit的女用戶大概是眾多加密貨幣中最多吧,而且也有不少愛好者為Steemit開發了無數有用的介面和工具,現在用戶人數都來到三十多萬了,相信以後人數的增長只會越來越快,所以我對Steemit將來的發展是十分樂觀的, 什麽十刀、二十刀的,也不是沒可能哦,來吧,票都來砸我吧。 未來依然會致力於在香港和中國推廣Steemit,為這平台發掘更多優秀的作者。

最近,為了慶祝我的這個里程碑,我還特地找了 #whalepower團隊裡的設計師 @orcheva幫我設計了我的專用標誌和橫幅,謝謝他的幫忙,以後大概都會把它們放在帖子的底部。




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