500追隨者達成!送出共20 SBD! 500 followers, $20 SBD giveaway

500追隨者達成!送出共20 SBD! 500 followers, $20 SBD giveaway


最感動的是有不少有著不同興趣與長處的新人加入。香港的社區也茁壯成長,每日cn區裏都有各種不同的主題出現,很多高手分享他們的經歷和想法,大家在茶館和其他帖子互相討論,談論各自的抱負與對中文區的展望,讓我們這些新手都有所得著。有些我寫的帖子還得到 @abit大神的青睞,實在不勝惶恐。



首先我已把$5 SBD 轉帳給 @abit大神,只有A神越來越強大才能令cn區更茁壯成長,也好幫助越來越多的新人。(雖然是完全沒用啦,特別是對A神而言,只能算一點心意)另外的15SBD將會透過以下的活動送出。


  1. Upvote此帖(當然最好還是順道RESTEEM啦 xD)
  2. 請說出你在我的帖子裏最感興趣的題目和我的帖子可以改進的地方(內容、排板、styling等)。
  3. 每一條有建設性的留言將得到$1.5 SBD的奬勵(只限頭10位留言者)


English Version

Having played Steemit for almost two months, I have learned and gained a lot from this incredible platform. My follower just reached 500 today! Therefore, I am now going to give some SBD away and share my joy with you.

$5 SBD is already given to the Chinese witness @abit who has helped a lot in helping me and the Chinese community grow. Another $15 SBD will be given to all people who join the following event.

Here are the rules:

  1. Upvote this post(You may also resteem it if you wish)
  2. Say one topic in my posts that you are most interested in and state one improvement that I can make
  3. For the first 10 constructive comments, each will gain a $1.5 SBD reward

Look forward to your suggestions that can help me improve in my writings. Thank you.

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