A little bit about the background of EOS for newbies

A little bit about the background of EOS for newbies


As a person who is so interested in cryptocurrency, recently the most eye-catching one for me must be EOS, so I started to do some research from scratch(YES, I knew NOTHING before) and I hope to know more about this new cryptocurrency.

All the code for EOS is written by Block.one, a Hong Kong-based company with a core team of genius software developers who specialise in Blockchain technology. Actually I was quite surprised when I found out that the company is based in Hong Kong because I live in Hong Kong!

Core Team includes:

Name Post Background
Brendan Blumer CEO Businnesses involved: okay.com, 1Group
Daniel Larimer(Dan) CTO founder of Bitshares, architect of the Steem Blockchain, CEO of Cryptonomex
Ian Grigg Partner inventor of the Ricardian Contract, co-inventor of Triple-Entry Accounting
Brock Pierce Partner Chairman of the Bitcoin Foundation, co-founder of Blockchain Capital

Positioning: Open source platform for scalable decentralised applications

Aim: Using the new Blockchain technologies to solve the scalability issues and high fees problems which appear on DAPP platforms

Protocol: Delegated Proof of Stake

Competitors: Ethereum, Waves, Lisk

The architect behind EOS(and STEEM also), Dan, is truly a genius and he put many brand-new ideas into his projects that are worth studying.

In fact, I think EOS is the best cryptocurrency that you should invest in right now.

To understand more about the advantages of EOS, you can visit here. Thank you for reading. :)

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