[Event] Everything you need to know about QuarkChain 2.0

[Event] Everything you need to know about QuarkChain 2.0


Join us at the investor meetup hosted by QuarkChain (QKC) in Hong Kong!
QuarkChain provides decentralized, secure, scalable, and permissionless blockchain technology to deliver 100,000+ on-chain TPS by using horizontal scaling technology. It is using blockchain sharding technology to build a flexible infrastructure that could embrace up-to-date technology innovation, and satisfy needs from different kinds of industries at the same time. QuarkChain has a global community of 100,000+ people across the world. It launched testnet (https://testnet.quarkchain.io/) in early July with 14,000+ peak TPS.

Link: http://meetu.ps/e/FPbZH/1GFCK/a

在香港的朋友對區塊鏈和虛擬貨幣有興趣的話不妨參加於9月27日在尖沙咀舉辦的QuarkChain Meetup,QuarkChain是基於分片技術的區塊鏈底層解決方案,據傳可以在每秒達至100,000以上的交易量。QuarkChain在七月上線了它的主網,是幣安上的大熱項目之一,對區塊鏈和加密貨幣有興趣的話就不要錯過這次的活動,了解一下QuarkChain 2.0背後的技術了。


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