#100 Draw with Donica - Raccoon & Potato Cannon ~ Happy Children’s Day 🥔 🎈来画小浣熊和土豆炮 儿童节快乐~

#100 Draw with Donica - Raccoon & Potato Cannon ~ Happy Children’s Day 🥔 🎈来画小浣熊和土豆炮 儿童节快乐~

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Hey my Steemit friends! Today I’m going to show you how I created a cartoon drawing - A Raccoon and His Potato Cannon. So why did these 2 subjects come hand in hand to my mind?

The Origins

I stumbled upon the Drawing Raccoon Challenge from the pages of @ericet and @kidsreturn. Also, the theme of @angelina6688’s Drawing Contest is Military Equipment this month. To kill two birds with one stone, I was thinking of drawing something with both themes in it. That’s how this work of “raccoon and potato cannon” was born. I’m not sure if a potato cannon is a “military” equipment, but yeah, it’s fun 😁! And have you noticed how happy the 2 potatoes are in my drawing? I suppose they enjoy it! :D Happy International Children’s Day(coming soon…)! Ok, let’s shooot~




两位美女@angelina6688和@kidsreturn分别主办了齐白石杯“军事装备”绘画比赛和“新手村首届画浣熊”比赛,所以作为一个大忙人我不会告诉你其实就是懒,我就在想怎么节约时间高效率同时参加两个活动呢?答案就是:让小浣熊和军事装备同时出镜呗~ 小浣熊在我眼中是比较可爱的形象,不忍让他举着冲锋枪射击或者舞刀弄剑开坦克之类,而且六一儿童节就要到了,所以我一拍小脑瓜 – 就画个同样可爱的土豆佳能炮来给他玩玩好了!有没有被我的想象力所折服?哈哈哈😄

而我为什么要在23号晚上画呢?因为画浣熊比赛24号截止啊!我一直觉得应该给最后期限一点仪式感,如果不重视它的临近所带来的极度兴奋和焦虑,不在最后期限之前的一点有限时间里赶死般完成任务,那它的存在还有什么意义呢?毕竟每一天都有不同的deadline要赶,赶赶更健康嘛~ 生命不息,奋斗不止!上帝保佑我在今晚24号东八区23:59前写完本篇哈…… =)



What I Used

a drawing pad, water colour paint, 2 brushes, 6 colored pens, a black marker, a 2B pencil
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What I Did

I’m a bit hesitant to use step 1, 2, 3… as I didn’t really follow any rules or certain steps. I think normally we are supposed to first outline all the shapes, and later color them. But I couldn’t wait to try out the new water color paint I bought, so I finished coloring the raccoon before I drew other objects, haha, I know, I’m too random… And I drew the little boy potato with a purple marker - I was thinking drawing the girl potato in pink, and it’s matched with purple, but later, I found this purple was a bit out of nowhere, so I regretted using this color instead of blue!
Anyway, here is the so-called

Step 1 – Draw and color the raccoon and the boy potato:

其实我有点犹豫要不要弄个第一步、第二步、第三步…… 因为我真的没有遵循什么步数,毕竟不是什么专业的画家啦。冥冥中,我觉得似乎应该是先勾完所有的轮廓线(其实我很后悔用黑笔勾了线,不太自然的感觉),再上色,但由于等不及想试试看新买的水彩颜料的效果,所以我就先给小浣熊上色了,哈哈哈,我是不是太随性了……


第一步 – 勾画出小浣熊和土豆男孩,并用水彩上色:

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Step 2 – Draw the cannon and the girl potato:

To make the cannon design a bit special, I customized it with the auspicious cloud pattern from ancient China ;). Hmmm, it should be “designed by a Chinese” instead of “made in China”, my mistake… And it’s your mistake if you still think “made in China” equals bad-quality(oh how patriotic I am! ;p).

And I made the 2 potatoes very happy and excited, since I would feel so if I was shot out of a cannon to a faraway place. Imagine the swooshing sound flying away freely, and please ignore the science behind it, like hot and burning, blah blah… this is just a cartoon. 😜


第二步 – 勾画出土豆炮和土豆女孩:


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Step 3 – Draw the bird and the sun:

Apparently the sky above is lacking something. So I just added a bird tied with a balloon, since I always feel it would be cool to save some energy when flying. I believe the birds would love this idea too. What do you think?

Also, Mr. Sun needs his sunglasses, flipflop and a glass of drink to enjoy this beautiful hot day. Ain’t I considerate? Haha…


第三步 – 画出小鸟和太阳:



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Step 4 – Finish all the coloring, shade with the pencil, and add a title and signature:


第四步 – 完成所有的水彩上色,用铅笔画上阴影,添上标题和日期签名:



Here are the details of the raccoon and the cannon, since they are the 2 themes for the 2 contests:

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好了,到这里卡通就画完了,希望你们喜欢!提前祝各位儿童节快乐,童心永驻!:) 一直以为自己以成熟理性著称,却不知道为什么常常是画点东西出来,被人说太萌幼稚,而且色彩缤纷。哎,你们就将就着看吧。欢迎留言给出你的批评建议~

At last, to remember this 100th post of mine, I took a picture of my introduction sign I made last December, together with this cartoon drawing I did yesterday. I was holding this sign for the intro photo to include in my first post on Steemit, and the paper I used then was from the same drawing pad. :)

Time flies - 5 months has passed, swooshing like the flying potato from the cannon, and happy time as well! I’m not going to ramble on how much I appreciate this platform and @ all the awesome friends I made here. I might do that in the coming future when I reach a milestone like 1000 followers? Who knows, I’m lazy anyway… But still, I would love to say thank you all, and you know who you are! =)


时光飞逝,正如土豆炮里射出的小土豆一样新成语:土豆过隙,“飕飕”地飞向远方。按理说,我应该在此表达自己对Steemit这个平台的感激,并@所有在这里认识的朋友,呼朋引伴,让大家都来看看。但是,我毕竟是个比较低调的人,也许会等到1000个粉丝(虽然可能很多僵尸)的里程碑时,再来玩玩分发SBD彩蛋的游戏吧~ 谢谢你们!不用我@, 你明白“你们”是谁~ =)

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感谢阅读!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

Thank you for reading. Check out my recent posts, and follow me for more! =)

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