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#149 Follow Me to an Abbey (35 photos) 🍻 | 🇧🇪 修道院的美好时光~

#149 Follow Me to an Abbey (35 photos) 🍻 | 🇧🇪 修道院的美好时光~

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How’s it going my Steemit friends? Today I’m sharing my photo journal of a beautiful weekend - great quality time spent with family and friends. It’s the anniversary of Tongerlo Abbey in Belgium, so there’s an event of celebration with beers, snacks, music performance and vespers in the church. And it happened to be sunny, so everything looked even more pleasant. The climate is a bit weird this year in Europe right? Normally it’s pretty chilly already at this time of the year in Western Europe. But yeah, nobody is complaining about the warm sunshine. At least I don’t mind. Stay even longer please! :)


大家好!今天分享的是周末在比利时的Tongerlo修道院度过的美好时光。比利时国家虽小,啤酒却有两千多种,它历史上的最初酿造也是起源于修道院。这里的啤酒文化被联合国教科文组织列为人类非物质文化遗产。各种啤酒也有自己专属的玻璃杯,一般都印有名称和商标,有不少还有独特的外形。据说如果有酒保将啤酒倒错玻璃杯,轻则被众人耻笑,重则丢掉饭碗,可见比利时人对啤酒是有多上心~ 呵呵。

Now follow me for a tour in this lovely abbey and its back garden:

First, it’s the church and a court yard with a typical Flemish style. Pardon me for this incomplete view of the building - I was using a prime lens, and it’s already the furthest spot I could run to for the photo… ;)

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Tongerlo Abbey was founded in 1128 in honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and it used to be quite influential in the district of Northeast Belgium and the south of the Netherlands. Since 1545, this Abbey has been home to a replica of “The Last Supper” by Leonardo Da Vinci. It’s a valuable copy, since it reveals many details that are no longer visible in the deteriorated original fresco.



After the entrance, you will see these beer stands. Belgium is a small country, but it boasts over 2,000 different beers, each of which requires a unique glass. Belgian beer culture is listed by UNESCO as intangible cultural heritage of humanity. Like chocolates, French Belgian fries and waffles, it’s something Belgians are pretty proud of. So don’t miss the chance to try them out if you come here!


Since we are now in an abbey, we are served with their own beer. In fact, beer brewing started in abbeys in Belgium dating back to the 12th century. At that time, the relatively low-alcohol beer was seen as a more sanitary option than drinking water. The local abbeys first brewed and distributed beer as a fund raising method under the Catholic Church’s permission. In the following centuries, the brewing methods have been evolving. Only until the 19th century, the first Trappist brewery in Belgium started operation, and that beer was exclusively for the monks.

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As you can see from this green list, 3 Tongerlo beers with different alcoholic strengths are offered:

从下面的酒单上(那张寒碜的绿纸 ;)),就能看到三种不同酒精度的Tongerlo啤酒:

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The “abbey beers” are similar in style or presentation to monastic beers. Tongerlo beer is one of the 18 certified Abbey beers in Belgium. It’s brewed in Boortmeerbeek by Brouwerij Haacht. (Hehehe, long Dutch/Flemish words… ;p)

You can see here from the photo: the church and its image on the beer glass. As I mentioned earlier, Belgians are quite serious with their beer glasses. Each different beer has its own branded glass, many of which even has a unique shape. I heard some bartenders are frowned upon or disqualified if they pour a beer into an unmatched glass. =)

Tongerlo啤酒是比利时18种认证修道院啤酒之一,从下图中可以看到它的酒杯设计 — 印有后面教堂的图案:

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Of course, you can also drink tea, coffee or wine if you are not a fan of beers:


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Enjoy some music performance while drinking and chatting in the yard. The friendly monks are having fun as well:


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And there’s finger food too. I was happily trying out a wide selection of snacks, like different types of cheese and ham, olives, raisins… and yummilicious deserts - cheese cakes, strawberry cakes and chocolate cakes. Hmmm, so satisfying… But I only took this one food photo below, perhaps because it’s not in Asia, and no other people were pesky bloggers like me who were crazy about taking pictures of food, haha… So I kind of forgot about this snapping shots thing when eating! And it’s a bit out of focus when I was holding food in another hand. ;p Otherwise I’m sure the pictures of the deserts will make you drool… :D


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A cute baby boy in the family and his parents:

下面来组跟拍 — 可爱的一家子:

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Playing with Mama is always so fun:


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Hmmm, how does the leaf taste?


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Squeeeeezed by love: :D


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Now let’s move on to the back garden, a green natural space full of flowers and fruit trees!


These pears might look a bit strange, but I heard that the jam made out of them tastes good:


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Prunes fresh off the tree:


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Pink pink rose:


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We get lucky - even spot a few white peacocks. It’s not so common to see them like their blue buddies:

幸运地看到三只白孔雀,跟蓝孔雀比起来,貌似更加珍稀,我突然想到四叶草 VS 三叶草 ☘ :

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Now let’s walk back to the church for the vespers:


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I didn’t take photos during the vespers, and here’s the music scene afterwards:


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You are probably like me - having seen numerous churches, but this interior is still pretty neat right?


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Come out to the greeeeeeen lawn (also very neat) and visit the little house there:


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Look at these beautiful mechanics indside the house:


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On the wall, you get a view of the whole abbey area. Hmmm, a good place for some drone photography:


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Ok, now it’s time to finish our trip. Hope you enjoyed it like I did. :)


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All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多

Thank you for reading. Please tell me what you think in the comments. Until next time! =)

感谢阅读!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

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