Greetings everyone! Today I’d love to show you the Port House of Antwerp I captured in the evening. Antwerp is the capital of Belgium’s Flemish region. It is not as known as big shining cities like Paris, London or New York, but it is a gem. Lonely Planet calls this city:
The country’s capital of cool.
A powerful magnet for everyone from fashion moguls and club queens to art lovers and diamond dealers.
I once wrote a post about the beautiful Groenplaats in this city, and another post about a disappointed girl By the Scheldt River of Antwerp (1). Check them out if interested. This time, let’s have a look at a striking architecture by the Scheldt River!
The Port House is Antwerp Port Authority’s head office. It houses over 500 employees and acts as a meeting place for the international contacts of the port community. Besides the open-plan offices, it includes meeting rooms, a restaurant, a 90-seat auditorium, and an observation room. Wondering how it feels like working here? You can join a guided tour inside the building during daytime.
It is designed by the famous architect Zaha Hadid, whom was born in Iraq and known for her unique bold style in architectures. Unfortunately, she passed away just a few months before this Port House was completed. To remember her achievements, the square in front of this building was named after Hadid.
So when you look at my photos here, what’s the first thing you notice? The eye-catching glass-covered façade I guess? This sparkling modern structure refers to Antwerp, the diamond city. It also symbolises the dynamic and innovative nature of the port, a port that is ready for the future challenges.
The facade of this huge “diamond” is made up of triangular window panels, some of which are reflective and some of which are transparent. The panels shimmer like rippling waves, and they reflect the interaction of changing shades and colours in the sky. It is a referral to the building’s location surrounded by water.
The house you see under the modern expansion is an old fire station in Hanseatic style. Since it’s requested to group the technical and administrative services in one location, this house had to be integrated with some extra space. So Zaha Hadid eventually worked out this design of stunning two entwined volumes in 2009. From my photos, you can also see an external bridge connecting the existing house with the new structure.
The window design helps in regulating the amount of sunlight entering the building, and plays a role in the sustainable nature for the construction, such as a bore hole-energy-storage system that takes care of the heating and the cooling, and an optimum daylight linking system that limits the need for artificial lighting. Sounds pretty cool right?
What do you think of these shots and the building? Have you been to Antwerp or Belgium? Feel free to share your comments below.
Stay tuned and see you soon! :)
你觉得这座港口办公大楼怎么样?去过比利时或安特卫普吗?欢迎留言评论~ =)
图文 by Donica多
Photos shot with Sony A7R3 & iPhone 7
Thank you for reading. Please tell me what you think in the comments. Until next time! =)
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