What’s up fellow Steemians! Today I’m sharing some photos I took in the Andean mountains of Ecuador. The head image is my entry for the Peoplephotography contest by @worldcapture. Check out his page and join the photo fun! :)
I visited a local family with some other solo travelers on our way back from the Quilotoa crater lake. Here’s the stunning lake:
If my crappy Spanish did work out, this couple should be the grandparents of the lovely boy, and his parents were working somewhere else at that moment. So I did this candid shot of the grandma out of their hut, when she was waiting for her husband to enter. Beautiful smile, isn’t it?
These indigenous Kichwa people are descendants of the Incas, the largest of the 13 indigenous communities in Ecuador. They speak Kichwa/Quichua, which is an Ecuador variety of Quechuan languages, a native South American language family spoken primarily in the Andean mountainous regions.
From the 2 photos above, you can see the Kichwa women’s traditional clothing: a durable felt hat, a bright synthetic sweater, shawls held over the shoulder, a vibrant skirt, long stockings and black leather shoes. All these keep them warm high up in the Andes mountains, at an elevation of almost 4000 meters.
在这寒冷的海拔近四千米的高原地区,原住民女性们都戴着传统的毡帽,穿着色彩鲜艳的羊毛衫或外套,暖和的大披肩,下身继续色彩鲜艳的中长裙,厚厚的长筒袜,脚穿黑皮鞋。可能你会觉得她们衣服的颜色搭配有些神奇,😅 但在南美这片神奇的土地上,这种轰轰烈烈的大红大紫却很稀松平常。我当时去还是初夏时节,穿着一件外套爬到山顶,已经被火山湖边缘的凛冽寒风吹得瑟瑟发抖,不禁羡慕起她们保暖的传统装束来。
I’ll show you how their living environment looks like and the hundreds of guinea pigs they kept in their house in my coming post. Stay tuned and see you soon! :)
图文 by Donica多
Thank you for reading. Please tell me what you think in the comments. Until next time! =)
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