What’s up fellow Steemians! It’s been a hectic week for me, and today I’ll announce the winners for the guessing game I hosted 7 days ago. :D
At the end of my post about Sintklass Day, I asked what the objects are in my photo (the head image here). Some thought they were pebble stones; some guessed turkey eggs (very creative I have to say ;p ), and many answered chocolates, as I was posting pictures of chocolate figurines, plus Belgium is known for great chocolates (if you do know the existence of this small country, and I appreciate it ;)). Hmmm, so did they get it right?
大家最近好吗?我这几天忙成狗,很少玩Steemit,但是,现在到了揭晓七天前猜图答案的重要关头,我必须抽空爬上来冒个泡! 🎈
@starrouge: 巧克力或者糖果盒
@hmayak: 巧克力豆
@sunai: 類似涼糕的小點心
@tanlikming: 糖果
@kelvinzhang: 石头
@ericet: 巧克力
@aaronli: 朱古力豆
@kidsreturn: 夹心糖
@honoru: 糖果
@windowglass: 火鸡蛋
@annepink: 鸵鸟蛋
@tydebbie: Chocolate or dessert
Here’s the answer (druuuuuum rooooooll please…):
如果你没看清楚,下面这张照片的标签上有名字 — Marzipan Stones,也就是杏仁糖豆!主要成分是杏仁和糖,鉴于它们周围也包了一小层巧克力,我决定把钱分给提到糖和巧克力的各位盆友!不好意思,猜石头和蛋的几位对不住了,虽然很有创意我喜欢,但实在是差得有点远,哈哈哈~ 😂
As you can see from the picture below, they are Marzipan Stones! The main ingredients are marzipan, so no one offered the exact answer. But there’s indeed a tiny bit of chocolates lining the marzipan, so I am going to give the rewards to Steemians who guessed sweets or chocolates! =)
Marzipan是个德语词,这种杏仁软糖在欧洲各地很常见,有各种外形,比如做成金条状和水果状,软乎乎的挺可爱~ 我刚查了下,说是起源于意大利。下面还有几张也是我当天拍的杏仁软糖,我买的小袋子里那几个小球也是软糯的marzipan,却伪装成一副巧克力的样子😏:
Marzipan is mainly made of sugar or honey and almond meal, though it’s a German word, the birth place is said to be Italy. I’ve seen them in most countries in Europe, and here are 2 more pictures of marzipan I took last week:
图文 by Donica多
Thank you for reading. Please tell me what you think in the comments. Until next time! =)
感谢阅读!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)
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