#20 Australian Monday - Spectacular View Near Kiama, NSW 🇦🇺 图说澳洲小镇凯马附近景观

#20 Australian Monday - Spectacular View Near Kiama, NSW 🇦🇺 图说澳洲小镇凯马附近景观



I got the view in this shot from a lookout south of Kiama Heights, New South Wales. The coastal towns in this region feature several great surfing beaches and caravan parks. The main tourist attraction in Kiama is the unique Blowhole and the white light house.

这张照片是我前几天在澳大利亚新南威尔士州的Kiama高地附近拍的。这里离悉尼约1.5小时车程,附近的海滨小镇阳光充足,有几处很适合冲浪🏄的海滩和房车营地。Kiama最有名的景点是海边一处壮观的天然喷水洞,当海水从大洋涌进,会形成最高达60米的天然水柱,水柱顶端还不时有彩虹出现🌈。旁边的白色灯塔也小有名气。灯塔建于1887年,至今仍在使用。建塔十年前,这里的人造港口Robertson Basin刚刚形成,用来将凯马产的蓝色碎金属和铺路石运往悉尼。

( 发文当天在野外手机网络不行 - 更多照片没上传成功,以后会另贴增补喷水洞等景观照片,感谢关注!)

!steemitworldmap -34.705493 lat 150.842972 long Mount Pleasant Lookout d3scr

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