#200 Zugspitze & Blindsee ⛰ | 楚格峰远眺

#200 Zugspitze & Blindsee ⛰ | 楚格峰远眺


Hey fellow Steemians! Today I’m sharing the amazing view I captured from Zugspitzblick. It’s near the Fernpass in Austria, close to the border with Germany.

As its name Zugspitzblick suggests, this is a great point to enjoy the view of the Zugspitze peak. Standing at 2,962 m above sea level, the Zugspitze is the highest peak in Germany. The border between Austria and Germany runs over its western summit.

The green lake you see here is Blindsee. With a visibility of about 30 m, its deep clear water and rich varieties of fish have attracted many divers.

Mother nature never fails to impress me, and words always fail me when I face this kind of beauty. :) So just have a look at my photo. Hope you enjoy this view from the Alps like I did!

This is my entry for the European Thursday Photo Challenge and @qurator’s Photo Friday competition.

今天分享一张我在奥地利蒂罗尔州楚格峰山区的手机摄影。照片里的山是德国最高峰 —— 楚格峰,海拔2962米,属于阿尔卑斯山脉。 这山位于德国巴伐利亚州,在奥地利边境附近。这湖叫Blindsee,海拔1093米。湖水很清澈,水下30米可见,是由一个巨大的石体滑坡在4100年前形成的。据说湖里鱼🐟类品种丰富,所以吸引了许多潜水员前来体验。我就这样远远地看着,已经不由对大自然老母亲心生敬畏,以后如果有机会,也想下水去跟这湖里的鱼儿们打个招呼~ :)

All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多
photo shot with iPhone 7

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Here are some of my travel shots. Check out my posts on Steemit World Map, and follow me for more adventures around the globe!



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