#210 Addis Ababa (1) | 埃塞首都剪影

#210 Addis Ababa (1) | 埃塞首都剪影

The sad news of Ethiopian Airlines plane crash these days has brought my memory back to my solo trip in Ethiopia.

I flew with the same airline from Sao Paulo of Brazil to the capital of Ethiopia in 2017, and traveled 2 weeks in the country.

So I’m going to share some photos I took there. The one you see in this post was shot at the street of its largest city Addis Ababa.

I walked past a dozen construction sites and was on my way to Red Terror Martyrs Memorial Museum. The owner of the guest house where I stayed suggested that I visit this place.

It was late afternoon. The lazy sun was hanging low in the sky. A warm shade was cast on the enormous overpass, vehicles, pedestrians and the shining wet ground. Heavy traffic, fumes and noises.

I stopped at the red light. 2 Muslim ladies in headscarf were crossing the wide road in that perfect lighting. As a photography enthusiast, I just couldn’t help capturing this moment. :)

A bit to the left (you can see Ethiopian Airlines’ logo at the top right corner):


以前写过篇首都机场惊魂记,发过几张在埃塞俄比亚南部原始部落里拍的照片,这次的两张拍于首都亚的斯亚贝巴街头。斜阳夕照,立交桥、高楼、行人、车流、积水的路面…… 都被笼上一层暖雾。噪音、尾气、右上方的埃航标志、不远处的工地和我的目的地 —— 红色恐怖殉难者纪念馆(客栈老板建议我去那里了解下他们国家这段惨痛的历史)…… 我在红灯的路口停下脚步,两名裹着头巾的穆斯林女士快步穿过大马路,几乎完美的光影瞬间。

All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多

Posted using Partiko iOS

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