#258 Street Fashion πŸ‘˜πŸ‘΄ | 著倴长蒍 Entry for Peoplephotography and Portrait Contest

#258 Street Fashion πŸ‘˜πŸ‘΄ | 著倴长蒍 Entry for Peoplephotography and Portrait Contest


This elderly man was walking in front of me in the medina of Tétouan, Morocco. He’s wearing a Fez hat and a traditional long robe djellaba which is commonly seen in the Maghreb region of North Africa.

This type of robe is usually made of either cotton for summer wear or coarse wool for the winter. I’ve frequently seen flocks of sheep when traveling in the surrounding Atlas mountains where the wool is typically obtained.

The baggy hood with a point at the back can protect the wearer from the sun, the snow and rain or the sand blown by strong desert wind.

It’s not a typical street fashion by an urban youth (though in recent years quite a lot of designers have been inspired by these robes to create modern kaftans), but this local man in the traditional wear just blends perfectly with the charming old streets. What do you think?

The head image is my entry to @worldcapture’s People Photography Contest week #24. Below is the photo in original colors joining the @portraitcontest themed Fashion.





Cityscape of Tétouan | 俯瞰摩洛哥北部小城

Traditional Clothing in Peru’s Colca Canyon | 秘鲁大峡谷山民的传统服装长什么样?

All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多

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