If you think of Cuba, what icons does it conjure up? The mojito? Classic cars? Colorful streets? Che Guevara (even though he’s Argentinean)?
Here I’m going to show you some images of another Cuban icon - the cigars. To be exact, a tobacco farmer’s rolling and smoking cigar. The head picture is my entry to the PeoplePhotography Contest by @worldcapture and Qurator’s Photo Friday competition.
Cigar is believed by many to be originated from Cuba. It’s not uncommon to see locals smoking cigar on the streets. It’s an interesting experience for me to visit a tobacco farm in the Viñales Valley, situated in the west of Cuba.
In front of a hut, this man in my photos demonstrated how to hand roll cigars. I also tried smoking a bit afterwards. The earthy flavor with a smell of the soil was unforgettable.
Do you like smoking cigars? =) Have you visited Cuba and the tobacco farms in the Viñales Valley?
今天我要分享的内容是关于另外一项大名鼎鼎的古巴特产 —— 雪茄。确切点说,是一位古巴烟草种植户卷烟的过程。
一般认为古巴是雪茄的起源地,据史书记载,早在1492年,哥伦布就已经在古巴岛上遇到吸简易烟草卷的土著居民。 19世纪时雪茄烟被传到欧洲,一度风行于上流社会,一些富人还专门组织了雪茄俱乐部,品评不同种类的卷烟。我在古巴旅行时,常常在街头看到抽雪茄的当地居民,坐在门前的男女,衣着鲜艳,神态自若,嘴里叼着根粗大的雪茄,缭绕的烟雾里静观眼前人来人往,正如我们这些游客,成为各自眼中的风景。
Some of my previous posts about Cuba:
The Wild Cuban Beach and Dying Mangroves 鲜为人知的加勒比海滩 & 濒危的红树林
Locals in Old Havana 哈瓦那老城区街头记忆
图文 by Donica多
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