#290 Upcycled Succulents Planters 🌱| 多肉的家

#290 Upcycled Succulents Planters 🌱| 多肉的家


Hey everyone, inspired by @kus-knee’s The Succulent Succulents Contest, I’m sharing with you some succulents I saw last year. It’s outside of a cafe in Maleny, Australia.

Look at these upcycled planters. Aren’t they as lovely as the succulents? The drawer cabinet and the tea kettle are creatively repurposed, so the old objects are given new values now, and the plants find their cozy home. Brilliant ideas I have to say! :) What do you think?


Succulents (4).jpg.jpg)


这种升级改造(upcycling) 不用像循环利用(recycling)一样先将原材料拆解再制成别的东西,而是换个方式利用它们。除了节约能源,升级改造的另一个好处就是能够让那些传统循环方式无法回收处理的物品再次被利用。


Succulents (2).jpg.jpg)

Succulents (5).jpg.jpg)

Also free books nearby:
Succulents (1).jpg.jpg)

Here are some more upcycling ideas I posted before:


Do you have upcycling examples to share too? Feel free to comment below.

All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多

Thank you for visiting. Please tell me what you think in the comments. Until next time! =)

感谢来访!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

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