#292 My Trans-Siberian Journey (3) 🚂 - Ural Summer Portraits 西伯利亚之旅 —— 乌拉尔的夏天

#292 My Trans-Siberian Journey (3) 🚂 - Ural Summer Portraits 西伯利亚之旅 —— 乌拉尔的夏天

Yekaterinburg of Russia is my second stop during the Trans-Siberian train journey. Here are some portraits I shot in that region. They are my entries for the @portraitcontest Week 90 themed SUMMER.

When I saw this keyword, the image of a happy woman in a flowery dress immediately popped up in my mind, as she was shouting “I love summer!” when I took the photo for her.


This sweet girl in the first photo was my host in Yekaterinburg, and together we visited a forest nearby. Living in a place with a long harsh winter, she was extremely happy getting close to the Ural nature on a warm sunny day. She just couldn’t stop singing and dancing all the time. :)

When I’m going down the memory lane to my Trans-Siberian journey, moments like this started to replay. They are unforgettable because of these lovely people I met on the way.


My Trans-Siberian Journey (1) - By the Moscow River | 西伯利亚之旅 —— 启程 + 河岸黄昏



My Trans-Siberian Journey (2) - Boat Tour on the Moscow River | 西伯利亚之旅 —— 泛舟莫斯科河

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她是我西伯利亚之旅第二站 —— 叶卡捷琳堡的当地host,一个乐观自信、活泼开朗、人见人爱、花见花开的妹纸。;)

我们一起去城市附近乌拉尔山区的森林里玩耍。她一路上都在奔跑跳跃,不住地大喊:“夏天真美好啊~ 我爱夏天!” 每年都要熬过西伯利亚式漫长的寒冬,可以想见她对这短暂而温暖的夏天是有多期待和眷念。我也被她的兴奋所感染,给她拍下了很多快乐的瞬间。


All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多

Thank you for visiting. Please tell me what you think in the comments. Until next time! =)

感谢来访!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

Here are some of my travel shots. Check out my travel posts on Steemit World Map, and follow me for more adventures around the globe!

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