#297 Cook with Donica - Eggs Baked in Avo πŸ₯‘πŸ₯š | η‰›ζ²Ήζžœηƒ€θ›‹

#297 Cook with Donica - Eggs Baked in Avo πŸ₯‘πŸ₯š | η‰›ζ²Ήζžœηƒ€θ›‹


Hey, have you ever baked eggs in avocado? Do you like this brunch classic? I first tried it in San Antonio of Texas, USA, and was told later that it might have originated from the American Southwest. Since then, I have learned to make this culinary delight. Pretty, tasty and nourishing. Always fun to bring a recipe back from travels, isn’t it?

Here’s the cooking method. It’s not so difficult as you can see. A few tips:

  • Preheat the oven to 220 °C (425 °F).
  • Use an empty egg shell to scoop up the egg yolk to fill the avo cavities.
  • Season with salt, pepper, bacon, chives or whatever you want.
  • Bake for around 15 minutes, depending on how you want the egg texture. (I prefer more solid yolk, so I baked it for 16 minutes.)
  • The scooped avo can be made into guacamole. :)

It’s my entry to Qurator’s Tasty Tuesday competition. Feel free to join the fun if you also love food and photography!

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你尝试过牛油果烤蛋吗?今天我就来分享一下这一美味的做法。最先是在美国德州的圣安东尼奥吃到这道独特的小食,据说起源于美国西南部,从此就不时自己做做来解馋。:) 牛油果和蛋黄的组合营养很好,粉滑香浓的口感,颜色搭配也赏心悦目,但吃多了会比较腻,一般一次两个牛油果加上四个蛋黄已经足够。


  • 预热烤箱到220度;
  • 用半个空蛋壳舀蛋黄去填充挖空的一半牛油果比其他工具效果好;
  • 可以根据个人喜好洒上盐、胡椒粉、培根、小葱等调味;
  • 烤15分钟左右;(因为我更喜欢全熟的蛋黄,所以烤了16分钟。)
  • 挖出来的牛油果肉也可以做成鳄梨酱(牛油果沙拉)。

It’s not Guacamole, but the avocado reminds me of this song~ muy rico: =)

Kevin Johansen - Guacamole

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