The theme of Deranged Photography Contest this week is World of Color. I love it. Black and white photography is excellent in certain situations, but thank god we live in such a colorful world. =)
Here’s my entry for the contest - a rainbow staircase I found in Tivoli Park in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Below are some other colorful photos I shared before, and I will keep on posting shots to this “Colors” series in future. :)
彩虹门 | 波多黎各 圣胡安

彩虹山 | 秘鲁

平铺俯拍 | 家中 地板上 ;)

多彩小城 | 巴西 奥林达
多彩玻璃灯 | 土耳其 伊斯坦布尔
多彩街区 | 阿根廷 布宜诺斯艾利斯
图文 by Donica多
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