Hey everyone! Have you tried tajine, the popular dish from North Africa and the Middle East?
So why is it called tajine? Well, look at the shallow earthen pots in my photos here. This kind of container is “tajine” in local languages in North Africa. While in the Middle East it is called a maraq (meaning broth) or a qidra (name of the cooking pot).
地点是在摩洛哥中部干旱的小城Midelt,我刚走出旅馆,就闻到诱人的食物香气,循着找过去,看到这户外一角的简易炉灶。只见五个古朴的塔吉锅正在烧红的炭火上炖着。旁边的大厨看到我走过去,就揭开其中一个锅盖让我先一睹为快。盖子一掀开,更浓郁的香气立刻扑面而来…… 可是,午饭时间却还没有到,只能先咽咽口水拍了几张照片来解馋。炭黑的背景下,这些颜色鲜艳的蔬菜们冒着缕缕热气,感觉比饭店里端上桌后的塔吉锅还要吸引人,舌尖仿佛已经能尝到那股子烟火之味~
The main ingredients for tajine normally include some of the following: beef, chicken, vegetables, nuts and dried fruits. I once posted a beef tajine when traveling in Morocco, and I am going to share my experience in learning how to cook chicken tajine in a workshop there.
The ones here are vegetable tajines. As you can see, there were tomatoes, onions, zucchini, potatoes, carrots and some herbs inside. Yummy~
They were being cooked on charcoal fire out of a small hotel with a restaurant on the ground floor. I stayed in this place in Midelt, a dry and arid town in central Morocco. The lunch smelled so good that it immediately drew my attention when I stepped out of the hotel. The setting was not fancy at all, but the steaming hot and bright-colored vegetables just looked more attractive against it.
This is my entry for Tasty Tuesday competition. Hope you enjoy (looking at) the delicacy! :)
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