#333  Welsh Silverside | 在威尔士吃了很多派(一)

#333 Welsh Silverside | 在威尔士吃了很多派(一)

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On my recent trip to Wales, I tried quite a lot of pieish food. Today I’m sharing with you a lunch I had in a waterfall country there. The head image is my entry for Qurator’s Tasty Tuesday competition.

It was in The Old White Horse Inn. It’s a nice cozy place with a rustic feel, a great stop to fill up energy tank before hiking to the waterfalls nearby.


这家餐馆/pub叫老白马,我竟想到白马寺 位于一处瀑布山区的入口,所以对我们打算去徒步看瀑布的人来说,是个补充能量的好驿站。

这里的内部装修是古朴的乡间风格,随处可见木质元素,墙上饰有很多木板写就的励志警句、人生格言,看得我一时心潮澎湃,久久不能平静 ;)。连菜单也印成了木头底纹。暖暖的色调和壁炉里的火苗在这种经常狂风呼啸的荒郊野外很是抚慰人心。外墙刷成了白色,吊挂着的盆栽花朵颜色鲜艳、赏心悦目。

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For the starter, I ordered fricassee of button mushrooms with garlic croutons. Fricassee is a method of braising cut meat and serving it later with its sauce. The sauce is traditionally a white sauce, like the homemade creamy garlic butter and herb sauce here. Very heartwarming in the chilly wind!

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For the main, I had Welsh black silverside of roast beef, a cut from cattle’s hindquarter, just above the leg cut. As you can see from the menu picture above, there are also options for vegetarians and vegans. The tender and succulent beef went well with the rich gravy, but the lamb flavor was a bit too strong in the sauce for my personal taste. No, I’m not joking about the sheep in Wales… ;) Believe me, as a Chinese, I have heard of enough stereotypes, and I don’t eat dogs.

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According to a comment, the puff pastry on top is a shop bought frozen Yorkshire Pudding. ;) It reminds me of the common dish in Belgium: vol-au-vent in French (meaning “windblown” to describe its lightness) or Koninginnehapje in Dutch (meaning “queen’s bite”). It’s served with a round hollow puff pastry case for filling in chicken stew.

Have you tried similar dishes before? Did you enjoy them?

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