#335 Pichilemu | 冲浪胜地

#335 Pichilemu | 冲浪胜地

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Pichilemu is a popular surfing spot at the Pacific coast in Chile. Sometimes the waves here can reach 9 meters high! It’s about three hours’ drive to the southwest from the capital city Santiago.



Pichilemu的城中心虽然很小,但也值得一看,有些殖民时期留下来的老建筑,还有纪念碑、喷泉和棕榈大道等。附近的Colchagua山谷还是智利有名的葡萄酒产区,可以在首府San Fernando搭乘蒸汽火车葡萄酒专列,一路穿越葡萄园向西行进。

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We had a stop here on a road trip, but none of us tried surfing. The others dipped into the sea water shortly with their feet, and I, with my hands, haha. Yes, it’s freeeeezing cold! I’m more used to warm waters. So we figured that watching the sunset while being sprayed by the huge waves was also fun. 😉

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I truly admired the few brave surfers we saw that day. That must be true love to the sport! I guess it’s pretty cold even with the wetsuit on (perhaps not for them ;)). Some beaches here host international surf competitions every year. You can also enjoy other water sports such as windsurfing, kitesurfing and sailing.

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Besides the waves and the black sand beaches, the cliffs and rock formations are quite impressive as well. As you can see from my photos, there are people riding horses to enjoy the nature.

I can’t say it’s stunningly beautful here, but it’s refreshing and relaxing to spend some time at the beach. Oh, and that feeling of a bit out of this mundane world, like in many remote places in Chile, though Pichilemu is not so remote.

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If you have more time, wandering around the small town of Pichilemu is a great choice too. Its downtown center has colonial architectures, national monuments, fountains and palm-lined pathways to offer.

If you have even longer time to linger, you can visit the surrounding hills, pine forests and vineyards. Make sure to taste the local wine from the famous Colchagua Valley. This area is known for its wineries in Chile. It’s also fun to hop on the steam-powered Wine Train in its regional capital San Fernando to enjoy a journey to the west through the valley!

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The head image here is my entry for Qurator’s Photo Friday competition.

All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多

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