#37 Want to Stay in a Curious Cube House? 🏠🇳🇱 探秘鹿特丹的立体魔方屋 |月旦评

#37 Want to Stay in a Curious Cube House? 🏠🇳🇱 探秘鹿特丹的立体魔方屋 |月旦评


All texts and images by @ItchyfeetDonica |图文 by Donica

The Cube Houses (“Kubuswoningen” in Dutch) in central Rotterdam have long attracted visitors for their creative design and bright color. This set of unique houses were designed by Dutch architect Piet Blom, who is one of the representatives of the movement Structuralism.

In fact, Blom designed the first Cube Houses in Helmond(northeast of Eindhoven) in the mid-1970s. But these yellow houses built later in the early 1980s in Rotterdam are better known to the world. You can visit Piet Blom Museum in Hengelo, The Netherlands, if you are interested in knowing more about his works.

鹿特丹是荷兰仅次于首都阿姆斯特丹的第二大城市,也是欧洲最大的海港。不同于众多拥有中世纪古风建筑的欧洲城市,鹿特丹以标新立异的现代建筑而闻名。原本是座历史古城,但是二战的炮火几乎将其夷为平地,不同于严谨坚韧的德国人将科隆、德累斯顿等被炸毁的古城悉数复原,富有创意的荷兰人在片片废墟上立起了独特的新作。这里也诞生了不少知名的建筑设计师,比如北京CCTV的新楼“大裤衩” 就是由来自鹿特丹的设计师然·考哈斯(Rem Koolhass)设计的。




Blom’s vision for Cube Houses is to combine functionality and style to achieve livable, affordable, and beautiful homes. All the 38 cubes are attached to each other, which represents a village within a city. As you can see from the photos, these cube houses are tilted 45 degrees and are rested upon a hexagon-shaped pylon. Each house represents a tree, and all the houses together, a forest. The open space under the cubes integrates well with the rest of the city.



As these innovative houses are so popular among curious visitors, the residents here are often disturbed, and one owner decided to open a “show cube” and offer tours to tourists. A real Dutch entrepreneur! ;) Since his living space is so popular, it’s a great idea to make a living out of it, right? I lived in Belgium for years, so I visited the Netherlands pretty often, and was attracted by the ubiquitous adventurous and mercantile spirit, and its cultural liberalism and tolerance.

The houses contain three floors: ground floor entrance, first floor with living room and open kitchen, second floor with two bedrooms and bathroom, top floor which is sometimes used as a small garden. I paid a few euros to get in and found inside just like normal houses, the main differences are the walls and windows are angled at 54.7 degrees, so around a quarter of the 100-square-meter space is unusable. It reminds me of high heels, yes they are pretty, but not so comfortable to wear.

来看这些新颖的立体屋的访客络绎不绝,里面的居民深受其扰。于是,其中有一位屋主干脆开放了自家的房子供游客付费参观。此举真是尽显荷兰的企业家精神啊!由于在荷兰南边的比利时住了几年,常常去荷兰,对这个大航海时代的第二代霸主有了些许了解。荷兰一向以开放包容,勇于冒险的开拓创新精神著称,在其他很多国民眼里都是个很酷的国家,以致于很多次的旅途谈话中,别人不知道比利时在何方的情况下,我就说我住在荷兰南边,也是说荷兰语的地方。得到的答案总是:好酷啊。呵呵,真是沾了人家荷兰不少的光啊。; )






You can book several of the homes online to stay overnight or longer, and do it as early as possible, since they often fill up months in advance. There’s also a hostel at the ground floor called Stayokay. Along with this special living experience, the location at the city center is also convenient to explore Rotterdam, this port city known for bold, modern architecture.

If you visit Cube Houses here, don’t forget to check out the Markthal (Market Hall) close by, another architecture marvel and an awesome indoor food court and fresh market. I’m going to show you this market in my next post. Stay tuned!

So that’s it for today. Hope you enjoyed it! Have you visited Rotterdam? What modern architectures did you see there? Tell me your experiences in the comments below! If you like my content, upvote it and follow me for more! =)

还有几家可供住宿,只要去网上预订,但是要趁早,因为常常是提前几个月就被预订一空。底层还有一家青旅叫StayOkay, 有兴趣也可以去住住。除了体验一下这种独特的立体住宅,处于市中心的位置也为游客提供了方便。



Thank you for reading. =) Check out my recent posts , and follow me for more!

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