#39 B&W Photo Contest ~ Windmill Reflection  🇳🇱 黑白摄影 - 荷兰风车倒影

#39 B&W Photo Contest ~ Windmill Reflection 🇳🇱 黑白摄影 - 荷兰风车倒影



I shot this photo in the village of Kinderdijk in the southern Netherlands. This place is best known for its 19 iconic 18th-century windmills. I waited till sunset when everything was closed, and almost all tourists were gone. At this moment, the beautiful windmill, the house and the plants were all reflected in the water in complete tranquility.

This is my entry for the Black & White photo contest by @daveks, and it’s my first time participating this challenge, since I just discovered it. I would like to say thank you to these amazing hosts who are building an active photography community on #Steemit.


这张照片是我在荷兰南部的小孩堤坝风车村拍摄的。这个风车村位于鹿特丹东南10公里处,保存着19架建于1740年代的风车,已被列入世界遗产名录。我等到傍晚景点结束营业,游客们陆续离去,整个村子一片安宁静谧。风车和周边的房子,水草都静静地倒映在水中,被夕阳的光辉裹上一层金色的外衣。好吧,从这黑白照片上,你也看不出这金辉 ;) 而那些结构和细节却更加清晰,颜色的对比也更加明显。

If you want to read more detailed photo journals about my travels, here are my recent posts:

#38 Visit the Rotterdam Market Hall with Me 🧀 🥘 🌽 🇳🇱 全球颜值最高的菜市场究竟长什么样?

#37 Cube Houses in Rotterdam 探秘鹿特丹的魔方房

#36 金色布拉格随想 Golden Prague

#35 Hong Kong Star Ferry Crossing at Sunset 暮色中的维港和天星小轮

#34 Traditional Clothing in Peru’s Colca Canyon 秘鲁大峡谷山民的传统服装

#33 The Exciting Drive at Gotthard Pass in Swiss Alps 全球最长的隧道山口

#32 Explore Easter Island with Me (1) - Introduction and Anakena 复活节岛摩托之旅(一)

#31 Train Travels in Sri Lanka (1) 斯里兰卡的火车旅行(一)

@ItchyfeetDonica is my only account here and I’m 200% real ;) → Introduce Cross-culture Me on This Cross-over Platform 处女贴-自我介绍

Here are some screenshots from my Instagram. Follow @ItchyfeetDonica for more shots around the globe !

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