#46 Photo Hunt Contest #1 ~ Peacock 📷 动物摄影 |月旦评

#46 Photo Hunt Contest #1 ~ Peacock 📷 动物摄影 |月旦评

Hello fellow Steemians, today I’d like to share a group of peacock photos I shot in Pueblito Los Dominicos, Santiago de Chile. Los Dominicos is a village of shops made of mud and straw. Renovated from an old barn and some stables, this place is for artisans and artists to create and sell their handcrafts and artworks to the public.

I know, it sounds totally irrelevant to this peacock, right?😜 But I captured its images in this village, and it is truly an interesting place for arts and crafts lovers, so I am going to blog about this village in my future post. =)

Renowned for their gorgeous plumage, peacocks are popular in many countries especially in Asia. People love to watch their fan-like crest of the beautiful feathers. Three distinct species of peafowl(male ones) are found - the blue Indian peafowl originally of the Indian subcontinent; the green peafowl of Southeast Asia; and the Congo peafowl which is an African species.

The blue Indian peafowl is seen as one of the national symbols in India. Their images can be commonly found in architectures and utensils in the country. In some ethnic groups in Southwest China, peacock is also seen as a ‘sacred bird’, that is adored by the local people and is imitated in their traditional dances.

经 #cn 中文区几位前辈提醒,摄影作品也可以参加月旦评,所以我这里发一组孔雀的照片参赛。

孔雀因其色彩鲜艳的羽毛和优雅的姿态广受各国人民喜爱。蓝孔雀在印度被尊为国鸟,形象常见于庙宇等建筑的图案中和日常生活的器皿上。在我国傣族人民的心中,孔雀也是“圣鸟”,是幸福吉祥的象征。傣族孔雀舞是久负盛名的传统民间舞蹈, 也被杨丽萍等舞蹈艺术家在国际舞台发扬光大。

孔雀自古以来便常见于我国的文学作品中,汉代已有 “孔雀东南飞,五里一徘徊” 的诗歌名句叙述封建礼教束缚下的爱情悲剧。无独有偶,英国作家D·H·劳伦斯的小说《白孔雀》中也描述了20世纪英格兰中部农村青年男女的不幸婚姻,批判了工业机械文明对自然生态的破坏,和传统价值观对人类本能的压抑和扭曲。


File Feb 15, 22 11 17.jpeg

Camera settings of the head image:

What do you think of these photos? Have you shot pictures of peacocks? Feel free to share your comments below. See you next time! :D


Thank you for reading. Check out my recent posts , and follow me for more! =)

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!steemitworldmap -33.407782 lat -70.542247 long Pueblito Los Dominicos, Santiago d3scr

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