#48 By the Scheldt River of Antwerp(1) 失望的小女孩|月旦评 摄影

#48 By the Scheldt River of Antwerp(1) 失望的小女孩|月旦评 摄影

I used to live very close to Antwerp in Belgium, so I visited this city frequently and knew it pretty well. One summer, my mom came to visit me, and I brought her to the Scheldt River in Antwerp for some fresh breeze from the sea. When we were strolling along the river, there was a little girl in front of us trying to look into a telescope’s viewfinder for the view in distance, but somehow it’s not working after she put in a coin. I captured her disappointed face at that moment. And I never knew that one day on Steemit, there would be a photography contest themed DISAPPOINTMENT ;), so I believe my photos below are a perfect match for this theme. :D

我曾经住在比利时的安特卫普附近,所以常常去这座城市逛各种市场、博物馆、设计小店、手工作坊等。那年夏天,我妈过来看我,碰上难得的炎热天气,所以我带她去靠海的斯海尔德河漫步吹风。走着走着,前面有个小女孩引起了我的注意,她摆弄着一台河边的望远镜,想看看远方的风景,试着投放了几次硬币也没有成功,估计是出了故障,我就随手记录下了她此刻失望迷茫的表情。没想到今天刚看到一个摄影活动的主题是“失望”,所以我就挖出这两张几年前的照片来参赛,也来参加中文区的摄影月旦评。 =)

Antwerp is a gem that I’d love to talk about a bit more. =) Lonely Planet calls this city “the country’s capital of cool”, “a powerful magnet for everyone from fashion moguls and club queens to art lovers and diamond dealers”(I hope this quote won’t get the cheetah bot here ;p ) . I once wrote a post about the beautiful Groenplaats in this city. Check it out if interested.

And in my coming post I will focus on a few cool sights along the Scheldt River. I actually already wrote a draft about some places to see, then I quickly realize that this post is getting too long and is overshadowing this main topic of “disappointed girl”, so I’m cutting it here and will continue in my next post.

What do you think of these shots? Have you been to Antwerp or Belgium? Feel free to share your comments below. Stay tuned and see you soon! =)

安特卫普一直是我很喜欢的欧洲城市之一,也是常被一般去欧洲的游人忽略的地方,所以我想继续聊聊它。: )《孤独星球》把它称为“比利时的酷都”,说它“强烈吸引着时尚艺术爱好者、酒吧俱乐部迷和钻石经销商”。我曾经写过一篇这座城市迷人的绿色广场。接下来我想介绍下斯海尔德河岸边的艺术区和几座独特的新旧建筑。其实我已经写了不少,有点刹不住的感觉,才意识到完全抢了此文主体“失望的小女孩”的风头,所以想想还是留待下一篇继续扯吧。我们下回见喽!


Thank you for reading. Check out my recent posts , and follow me for more! =)

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@ItchyfeetDonica is my only account here and I’m 200% real ;) → Introduce Cross-culture Me on This Cross-over Platform 处女贴-自我介绍

Here are some screenshots from my Instagram. Follow @ItchyfeetDonica for more shots around the globe !

!steemitworldmap 51.220328 lat 4.395727 long Antwerp, Belgium d3scr

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