#71 A City a Story Photo Contest #19 NOLA Night Art Market 🇺🇸 新奥尔良夜市

#71 A City a Story Photo Contest #19 NOLA Night Art Market 🇺🇸 新奥尔良夜市


Hey my Steemit friends, in this post I’m showing you the Frenchmen Art Market in New Orleans, USA. I visited this outdoor night market near the mighty Mississippi River, at the edge of French Quarter, where it’s known for the lively nightlife.

This art market is decorated with lights, and showcases art and crafts created by local artists. Located in the historic district and the cultural center, this market is also surrounded by art galleries, jazz clubs, diverse architecture and fine restaurants. It’s great fun for me walking around in this open-air market for a treasure trove of handmade souvenirs, after devouring some divine Louisiana Creole food and jazz music. As usual, I only bought small knickknacks like Creole recipe magnets, as I didn’t want to add burden to my around-the-US trip.

大家好!Aaronli主持的城市故事照片活动这一期的主题是“夜生活”,说到“夜生活”,可能多数人会想到泡吧、舞厅、美食夜市(也是我的最爱)之类,但今天我想跟大家分享一个美国南方新奥尔良/纽奥良市的艺术夜市。这个市场离宽广的密西西比河不远,处于法国区的边缘,是块夜生活丰富的地区。其实这里的夜市上也有各种让人垂涎的克里奥尔美食,只是我光顾着吃了,没怎么拍照片 ;p。







然而这些打击并没有对乐观奔放的当地人造成多大负面影响,人们还是照旧进行了著名的传统Mardi Gras音乐狂欢节。Mardi Gras意为“肥美星期二”,是两周狂欢的最后一天,接下来的“圣灰星期三”就是西方基督教传统中“大斋节”的开始。由于从圣灰星期三一直到复活节前的40天里,传统意义上的教徒需要斋戒和忏悔,所以这之前人们会进行疯狂无节制的吃喝庆祝。我到那里时狂欢节结束没多久,地上还到处都是彩色的串珠。

In the 2 photos below, you see creative crafts upcyled from glass bottles and tin cans:


  • 废旧玻璃瓶摇身一变成了艺术品
  • 各种饮料易拉罐做成的小鱼装饰



New Orleans boasts a dynamic art scene which has drawn creatives from around the globe. I loved its melting pot style of American, European, African, and Caribbean flavors.

Locals like to call their city NOLA(New Orleans, Louisiana) or Big Easy(in 1970s a columnist compared life in the Big Apple New York City to life in New Orleans - The Big Easy). NOLA is known as the birthplace of Jazz and the fun Mardi Gras. Each year, people all over the world come to join this 2-week wild festive celebration throughout the whole city. I also enjoyed its Creole food a lot. Due to the wide variety of immigrant influences, Louisiana Creole cuisine has a rich and tasty flavor. Shrimp gumbo, Jambalaya, Oysters Rockefeller, Louisiana-style crawfish boil… mouthwatering…


Here are some symbols of NOLA:


So that’s it for today’s story about NOLA night art market. Hope you enjoy this photo journey! Tell me what you think in the comments! All content by @itchyfeetdonica. My post is inspired by @aaronli’s “A City A Story” Photo Contest. Check out his page and show him some love! And show me some love too! Thank you and until next time. :D


Thank you for reading. Check out my recent posts, and follow me for more! =)

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Here are some screenshots from my Instagram. Follow @ItchyfeetDonica for more shots around the globe !

!steemitworldmap 29.962797 lat -90.058701 long New Orleans, USA d3scr

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