#85 Colorful Caminito - A City a Story Contest "Colors" 多彩的文化街区 - 新移民的梦想之地

#85 Colorful Caminito - A City a Story Contest "Colors" 多彩的文化街区 - 新移民的梦想之地

Hey my Steemit friends! In this post I’d like to show you a place full of colors and culture value. That is - Caminito in Buenos Aires! Caminito means “little alley” in Spanish, and it is located in the ghetto barrio La Boca. This traditional alley is a colorful street museum with great cultural significance.

今天我要带大家看看阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯的一条多彩街道 – 卡米尼托(El Caminito),意思是“小通道”。这条街位于贫民区博卡区,以街道两边五颜六色的波纹铁皮和木板房而著称。


It’s this place that inspired Juan de Dios Filiberto to compose the music for the famous tango “Caminito” in 1926. Thus it’s claimed as the birthplace of Argentinean tango. Today, plenty restaurants and bars here offer tango and folk dance shows to visitors. Besides that, you can also watch visitors who dressed up to try out this famous dance on the street(see the picture below). Not at the same level of course, but you get the feel! ;)

Later in the evening we went to the traditional cafe - Cafe Tortoni to watch a tango show, which included several different performances. All of them were truly impressive - I should do a video post about this Argentinean gem someday(it will probably come to my mind again when there’s a contest themed DANCE…).

Juan’s relative, the local artist Benito Quinquela Martín also used the buildings as his canvas to create paintings. Nowadays, more vivid and vibrant artworks by local artists have incorporated as part of the Caminito.




这个街头博物馆和传统胡同因为其多重文化内涵,在布宜诺斯艾利斯的历史上和当今时代都具有重要意义。因为这块地区激发了诗人胡安·迪奥斯·菲利·贝托的灵感,从而于1926年创作出著名的探戈舞曲 – “卡米尼托”。所以这里也被认为是阿根廷探戈的发源地。


当天晚上我们又专门去市内的Cafe Tortoni观看了整场精彩的表演,这家历史悠久的传统餐厅名气很大,带有舞台剧场,具体细节我以后会写到(估计如果将来我看到个跟“舞蹈”有关的竞赛活动,我这健忘的脑子会再度想起这一茬儿)。总之非常受震撼,阿根廷的探戈果然名不虚传!




At the end of the 19th century, around 3 million Italian (another 3 millions from other countries) immigrants arrived in Argentina, among them a significant number came from Genoa. Most of the Genoese immigrants stayed in this port area (La Boca) in Buenos Aires. So the exciting new life began!

But with all these immigrants pouring in, there weren’t enough homes for everyone. To solve this problem, their traditional housing - Conventillos came to the rescue. These communal buildings had only one street entrance opening onto a patio interior that accessed a few tiny rooms. And the immigrants had to build many of their dwellings on raised foundations or piles due to frequent flooding. Imagine how crowded and hard it was to live in that environment!

To build their Conventillos, these poor new residents went to the docks/shipyards to collect thin corrugated sheet metal and wooden planks. And the materials were painted with the leftover paint used for the ships. As a result, the houses became a colorful patchwork when they didn’t have enough paint of the same color to cover an entire house. That’s the first version of these colorful houses in Caminito.

Later in 1950s, some locals, including the above-mentioned Argentinean painter, Benito Quinquela Martín, restored this neighborhood, with Benito’s initiative of painting the houses in more bold colors. In 1959, the government built a street museum with the name given by the well-known song “Caminito”.






到了上世纪50年代,在博卡区出生的著名艺术家贝尼托 · 金克拉 · 马丁(他也是探戈诗人胡安的亲戚)带领一些当地人在原先建筑的基础上进行改进,提倡用更大胆的色彩来装饰外墙。他还以这一区域作为灵感来源,创作出许多绘画作品。他不仅在废弃街道的墙上做画,还搭建了一块跳探戈的临时舞台。1959年,当地政府把这块街区建成了街道博物馆,以胡安那首著名的探戈舞曲 – “卡米尼托”为街道命名。




Caminito reminds me of many other places in Latin America which boast colorful architectures and decorations. You may think it’s too dramatic or effusive if you see this flow of colors on some other continents, but here, it just works. You feel the wild imagination and vibrant vitality, and it’s contagious, well, at least to me. I was strolling in this bright-colored neighborhood with a cheerful mood. =)

Though this cultural site is more of a tourist attraction now, let’s not forget that this neighborhood used to be built from scratch by the poor immigrants, and it housed a whole community’s hopes and dreams.






So that’s it for today’s Caminito. Tell me what you think in the comments! Until next time. :D

All content by @itchyfeetdonica



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!steemitworldmap -34.639281 lat -58.362722 long Caminito, BA d3scr

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