#93 Exploring Comuna 13 of Medellín - A Journal of 20+ Photos 🇨🇴 探索毒枭老巢的贫民窟 | 月旦评

#93 Exploring Comuna 13 of Medellín - A Journal of 20+ Photos 🇨🇴 探索毒枭老巢的贫民窟 | 月旦评

25 years ago, Medellín of Colombia was dubbed by Time Magazine as “the most dangerous city on earth”(Netflix “Narcos” anyone?). Nowadays, it has been attracting visitors and expats from all over the world, with its mild temperature throughout the year, its low expenses in living and its booming vitality across the city.

The citizens are proud of their home rated as one of the world’s most innovative cities, along with New York and Tel Aviv. When I was in Medellín, I found so many digital nomads of different nationalities based there, some of them fell in love with the place and decided to stay longer.



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There were lots of intriguing sights and exciting activities going on in Medellín that I plan to blog about. And today, I’m sharing my experience in visiting Comuna 13 of this impressive eternal-spring city. Comuna 13 is a densely populated and poor neighborhood among Medellín’s 16 barrios. It used to be the most violent area in this formerly “murder capital of the world”.

Ok, imagine, a notorious slum area with the highest murder rate in “the most dangerous city on earth”! Sounds scary right? The good news is this neighborhood managed to reinvent itself from the drug and gang wars. Sure, things are not just black or white, and a new comuna is not built in one day, but the positive changes towards a good direction is still something amazing to see.


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There are a few organized tours guided by local agencies that you can join. However, I decided to visit Comuna 13 independently to find out what’s it all about. Another traveler I met earlier in the same hostel in Panama was also interested in the place, so we took a bus together to the neighborhood. After about one hour in the bus and some walk up the steep slopes, we finally arrived at the gate of Comuna 13:

当地的旅行社也有组织由导游带领参观这个贫民窟的活动,但是一直很惧怕跟团的我决定还是自己去一探究竟。只身深入虎穴,有点怕怕啊~ 还好前些天在巴拿马的旅馆里认识的一位英国小哥也飞到了麦德林并打算去贫民窟看看。所以我们一拍即合,共同前往。于是搭了巴士,晃晃悠悠一个小时终于到了山脚下,又走了一截上坡路,最后来到13区的入口:

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The Troubled Past

Some decades ago, Comuna 13 was controlled by gangs and drug lords, the most infamous being Pablo Escobar from the 1980s. (I can probably write a book about him based on all the 2-sided stories told to me by locals.) The narrow staircases along the steep hills made it difficult for police to enter to take action, as each gang had its own lookout on the high mountaintops so they could easily escape.

Different gangs fought over control after Pablo Escobar’s death in 1993, causing high murder rates. In 2002, when the Colombian military were fighting over left-wing guerrillas, over 100, 000 residents of Comuna 13 were left in the heavy combat and siege. Many of these innocent inhabitants were killed or injured. As a result of the victory, the paramilitary groups began to control the whole city of Medellín allied with the police.





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The Revival

Later, Comuna 13 welcomed some new changes. An architect suggested the world’s first giant outdoor escalators to connect neighborhoods – the 6 covered escalators with bright orange roofs were completed in 2011, which was a great help for the locals. Before that innovation they had to climb up the steep hills for half an hour, while now it’s a comfortable 5-minute ride.

Local government offered young people free paint and tools for their creativity. That’s why we could see so many stunning murals on the buildings and walls by street artists. These colorful creative works surely played a role in cheering people up. I also noticed a few libraries and community centers. The inhabitants were encouraged to read the wide choices of books and magazines from handy manuals to world literature works. There were also various activities for them to participate. The abundant flowers and plants in the new parks provided a refreshing and relaxing atmosphere.

More and more organized tours to this unique barrio have been launched as well. After a few months, I visited some favelas(slums) in Rio de Janeiro of Brazil, and witnessed the similar success story of transformation. There are for sure lingering issues, and much work remains. I heard that gangs were still controlling some slums and there were occasionally shootouts. But at the same time, there are clear signs of progress, and most importantly, after all the violent wars and conflicts, there is HOPE (touching background music should be played here…).






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My lovely travel buddy from England was quite nervous walking around there, he kept saying he was paying close attention to everything surrounding us, since we could be shot at any time. But I found the locals pretty friendly and busy living their life just like anywhere else in the world: the elderly people were sitting outside and chatting, most younger folks were working, and children were playing and chasing each other happily. I didn’t see any reason they would hurt us.

So I was wandering about with a light heart. Maybe I was too positive but luckily nothing bad happened. I think it helped when we were 2 people and didn’t wander too far from the main stairs and escalators. If you go there, make sure you watch your belongings in case of any street robberies, which I’m afraid could happen not only in this neighborhood but in many other places across the globe.

我们在山间游荡时,我的旅伴 – 那位来自英格兰的小哥一直非常紧张。他不停地跟我说他在密切关注周围的一切,以防我们被乱枪击中。而我觉得周围的居民跟别处的也没有什么两样,看上去挺友好,都在忙着过自己的生活:老人们在门口坐着聊天;年轻人大都在干活;孩子们在嬉戏玩耍。总之我是看不出什么重大危险来。


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I guess I have this problem of lacking fear in my travels, like once I was strolling alone in a hillside slum in Guayaquil of Ecuador, and I didn’t feel anything dangerous. Later there was a local woman who told me it’s not safe to walk there, so she accompanied me downhill to the main streets. I was very grateful for what she did for me, otherwise there might be some safety issue, if a local thought so – they must know the place much more than a solo traveler like me. So two lessons learnt: always be careful and always listen to the locals. 🙂



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When we were having dinner in a roadside snack bar, a young woman suddenly walked to us and started winking to my travel buddy. It might be obvious that we were not a couple, or she just didn’t care, as she kept smiling to him and handed him a note with her phone number on it, haha😄. My fellow traveler was getting blushed by this sudden sweetness. We tried to talk to this girl and some other inhabitants about their life there, as their stories could always offer first-hand insight into the local culture. It’s a pity that our crappy Spanish couldn’t go too deep in the conversation, but the locals seemed to be pretty laid-back and happy about their new life.

We walked around those brick and cement houses with corrugated iron roofs, greeted local residents and were greeted by them. There were cute kids running to us and posing in front for photos. I could constantly feel the vibrant, creative and cheerful vibe in this community. We stayed at the mountaintop till dark, so we could have this fantastic night view of the lit houses tucked away all over the rolling mountains:

随后我们在路边的一个小餐吧里吃晚饭,突然间,一位衣着破旧、长相普通但却风情万种的姑娘摇曳生姿地向我们走来。估计是我们俩看着就不像一对情侣,或者她也根本不在乎是不是,总之她完全忽略了我的存在,一个劲儿冲着那位英国小哥微笑抛媚眼,还问店家要了一张小纸条,写下自己的号码塞到他手里。这些热情似火的拉丁姑娘也真是可爱,我在加勒比和南美居住之后发现她们的撩汉技能真是望尘莫及啊,哈哈。那位内敛的英国绅士还立马羞红了脸,但是这姑娘已经一屁股坐到了我们旁边。我们就试图跟她还有其他当地人聊聊家常,以了解下当地生活和文化。只可惜我们破烂的西班牙语不足以进行深度交流,但似乎周围的人都过得挺开心快活。这多数拉丁人乐观的天性又是我一无趣的东亚人常常觉得难以企及的一点 =)。


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So that’s it for today’s sharing about Comuna 13 in Medellín, Colombia. What impressed you the most with this neighborhood? Would you dare to explore it on your own if you have the chance? Tell me what you think in the comments! Until next time. =)


All content by @itchyfeetdonica

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