#95 Learn Chinese Idiom on Mother's Day - the Story About Mencius' Mother  孟母三迁 | 摄影月旦评

#95 Learn Chinese Idiom on Mother's Day - the Story About Mencius' Mother 孟母三迁 | 摄影月旦评

Photo taken by me at a Buddhist temple in central Sri Lanka

Hey fellow Steemians,

How’s your weekend going? I’ve been teaching Mandarin to non-native speakers for over 10 years, and now I’m working with @cn-reader to introduce Chinese language and culture. Today is Mother’s Day, so let’s learn a Chinese idiom about mother’s love.

In this post, we will have a look at 孟母三迁(mènɡ mǔ sān qiān), which literally means “Mencius’ Mother Relocated Three Times”.

孟/mèng : family name of 孟子/mèngzǐ (Mencius)
母/mǔ : mother
三/sān : three
迁/qiān : move, relocate

So why does she do that and what is this idiom used for? Let’s first check out the original story:

Mencius was a well-known ideologist and politician in ancient China, who was seen as the second saint in the School of Confucianism after Confucius. This story is about Mencius’ mother who relocated their homes 3 times, to offer a better environment for little Mencius.

When Mencius was a kid, their first home was close to a cemetery, so little Mencius copied the behavior of the tomb visitors and cried a lot. Mencius’ mom didn’t want that, and they moved to downtown, close to a market. Then little Mencius started to copy the vendors in yelling to sell produce and products (personally I don’t think it is that bad - can be good for his entrepreneurial spirit, but yeah it’s in ancient China…). So his mom relocated again - their new neighbor was a butcher from whom the son tried to learn how to kill pigs (oh nooo…). After some careful consideration, Mencius’ mom picked their new home by a school. This time it seemed to be a great choice, as her son studied frequently in the school and learnt good manners as well. From then on, they stayed living in that place, and Mencius eventually grew to be a great person.

So this story shows mother’s love to her child. In order to find a good place for the child’s growing, parents tend to sacrifice a lot ever since ancient China. Today, Chinese use this idiom to describe the same situation - a mother or parents do whatever they can for a better living of their child, especially when it comes to education.


Example Sentence:

“孟母三迁,择邻而居” 说明了中国重视教育环境的传统。

“孟/mèng 母/mǔ 三/sān 迁/qiān ,择/zé 邻/lín 而/ér 居/jū ” 说明/shuōmíng 了/le 中国/zhōngguó 重视/zhòngshì 教育/jiàoyù 环境/huánjìng 的/de 传统/chuántǒng。

Meaning: Mencius’ mother relocated three times to choose their neighbor. This shows the tradition of how Chinese people value their children’s education.

Photo taken by me at a Miao minority village in south-western China






“孟母三迁,择邻而居” 说明了中国重视教育环境的传统。

“孟/mèng 母/mǔ 三/sān 迁/qiān ,择/zé 邻/lín 而/ér 居/jū ” 说明/shuōmíng 了/le 中国/zhōngguó 重视/zhòngshì 教育/jiàoyù 环境/huánjìng 的/de 传统/chuántǒng。

All content above by @itchyfeetdonica

Here is the story from a Youtube channel:

What do you think of this story? Can you make a new sentence with this idiom? Feel free to share what you think in the comments! See you next time. =)

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