#98 Colorful Olinda & Latin America - Photocollagecontest #8 MySmartphonePhotography 多姿多彩的南美 + 奥林达拼图

#98 Colorful Olinda & Latin America - Photocollagecontest #8 MySmartphonePhotography 多姿多彩的南美 + 奥林达拼图

I found these cool rainbow gates in San Juan, Puerto Rico


下面写到关于拉丁美洲的地理文化范围,对多彩拉美的热爱和接下来的写作计划,还有以前写的一部分关于多彩拉美的文章…… :)


@marcovanhassel’s Photo Collage Contest is themed COLOURFUL, so some colorful photos I took in Latin America immediately came to mind. Of course there are also full of colors in other parts of the world, and not everything in Latin America is colorful, but when it comes to COLOURFUL, the first candidate popping up is always this part of the world.

According to Wiki, Latin American countries are:

a group of countries and dependencies in the Western Hemisphere where Spanish, French and Portuguese are spoken.

So there are some exceptions here, such as:
the former British colonies Belize and Guyana,
the former Dutch colony Suriname,
some parts in Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras and Panama…
many Caribbean islands like Bahamas, Dominica, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Antigua & Barbuda…

Oh how I love geography and culture, and if you love it too, I recommend to you the awesome Youtube channel Geography Now by Barby! Ok, now I have to stop rambling about the geography and move on (rambling) to the topic of COLOURFUL.

I mentioned in my previous post about the Colorful Caminito in Buenos Aires, Argentina:

Caminito reminds me of many other places in Latin America which boast colorful architectures and decorations. You may think it’s too dramatic or effusive if you see this flow of colors on some other continents, but here, it just works. You feel the wild imagination and vibrant vitality, and it’s contagious, well, at least to me. I was strolling in this bright-colored neighborhood with a cheerful mood. =)


In the coming days, I would love to blog about much more colorful architectures, nature, food, art, crafts, clothing, etc. in Latin America, such as the houses and streets in Havana, Guatapé, Salento and Salvador, the graffiti in San Juan, Bogotá, Santiago and São Paulo, the churches and palafitos on Chiloe island (many drone videos too), the colorful coastal cities Valparaiso and Punta Arenas, the colorful food in Mexico, the colorful landscape and traditional clothing high up in the Andes…

Here are some COLOURFUL posts I did about Latin America earlier (still updating this list), check them out if you are interested: :)

Follow Me to Grey Glacier
Traditional Clothing in Peru’s Colca Canyon
Trekking in Rainbow Mountains in Peru
Mount Fitz Roy in Argentina and Its Story
Reach Torres del Paine in a Different Way!
Exploring Comuna 13 of Medellín
The Wild Cuban Beach and Dying Mangroves
An Abandoned Boat on the Island of Vieques
Colombian Coffee Triangle’s Fun Vehicle - Willys Jeep

And today for the Photo Collage Contest(finally, drum roll please…), I’m putting together some colorful elements of the pretty colonial town Olinda, on Brazil’s northeast coast. Since they were all taken with my phone, it’s not a bad idea for the collage, otherwise these poor pixels in one single picture might be stretched all over the screen on Steemit. ;)


Olinda sits around a tree-covered hill overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. Except for its beautiful natural setting, this well-preserved artsy town is a historical and cultural center in Brazil. In 1535, Olinda was founded by the Portuguese, and served as an important center of the sugarcane industry since the end of the 16th century. For almost two centuries, sugarcane industry was the mainstay of the economy in Brazil.

巴西西北部大西洋沿岸的古城奥林达依山傍海,不仅所处的自然环境非常美,也是巴西的历史和文化名城。1535年,葡萄牙人建立了这座城,自16世纪末期起的两百年间,一直都是巴西经济的支柱 – 甘蔗糖业的重要中心。

So what did this thriving sugar economy bring to Olinda? I could clearly see the affluence and prosperity from the architectures and gardens in Olinda’s historic center. It is such a charming town with all those colorful houses, fabrics, fruits, flowers and art-crafts. When I strolled through its old streets, a lot of happy locals were playing music, singing and dancing outside their homes or shops. I also tried listening to some folk music in a CD shop and totally fell in love with the tunes.

If you have any questions or thoughts about these colorful elements from Olinda, feel free to leave your comments below! Exchange makes change. Look forward to your sparks~ 🌟

感谢阅读!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

Thank you for reading. Check out my recent posts, and follow me for more! =)

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Here are some screenshots from my Instagram. Follow @ItchyfeetDonica for more adventures around the globe !

!steemitworldmap -7.991584 lat -34.839709 long Olinda, Brazil d3scr

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