Greetings everyone! I once joined a metalworking workshop in Antwerp and made a silver ring. Yeah, Antwerp is known as a diamond city, but a plain silver ring is much cheaper and easier to make. ;) Here are the steps I followed:
大家周末好~ 这次分享的是我在安特卫普的一家金属手工作坊学习打造银戒指的过程。从不规则银条开始,到最后打磨为成品,自己手作戒指真是充满乐趣和成就感呀~ :)
Cut off a silver strip and flatten the rough edges with a hand file.
Put that precious piece of silver bar into acid bath for cleaning.
Hammer the silver bar into a round(ish) shape - not an easy job, but so much fun to try this for the first time! :D
Solder the open silver round strip with another tiny piece of silver to close the loop. This brazing requires quite some skills and patience. I wouldn’t have achieved it without the experienced master’s help.
Then it comes to the most time and energy consuming part! I had to hammer the silver loop hard over a mandrel to make it more round and get the nice facets. So the whole workshop room was filled with the beautiful hammering soundsnoises for a long time (not only from me, but also from other enthusiastic apprentices. ;D) After the hard work of hammering, my ring formed some unique metal facets. Then I used the sand paper (in the middle picture 5) to deburr the edges.
At last, polish the ring with a polishing wheel.
So that’s it! My handmade, one of a kind silver ring is born!
Except for the fun and joy of making it by myself, I especially like the shiny metal facets from the aaaaarduous hammering. ;) It gives a special personal touch to the ring. To me, it’s more valuable than even a diamond ring.
Do you like it too? Have you tried doing metal work or making other crafts by yourself? If you have, you can also join the Handmade & Craft Design contest by @ntopaz! =)
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