#338 Wanna Waffle (and Affogato)? | 来点华夫饼?


Greetings everyone! Today I’d like to show you a cafe restaurant and its desserts I enjoyed in Hanoi, Vietnam.

It was a hot and humid afternoon. After walking around that famous Lake of the Returned Sword sweating like a pig, I thought it would be great to relax a bit in an air-conditioned cafe with some ice cream and coffee.

And then there was one. Right next to the lake. If you have been to Vietnam, you must have noticed that there are plenty of nice cafes dotting the city streets, serving their world-renowned coffee.


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So I stepped into this place called “Wanna Waffle?” and was told to go upstairs. I walked up to the top floor, thinking there might be a chance to see the whole lake. But it’s a shame that my imagined beautiful lake view was blocked by the buildings and trees outside.

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The interior was pretty nice and modern, decorated with pictures of waffles. I particularly liked the black lines of Hanoi’s landmarks on the white wall. This piece of artwork looked simple and neat with a local touch.

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I ordered a coffee, a waffle with ice cream, and later on an affogato ( so it’s coffee again and ice cream again… sometimes you have to repeat the good things in life, right?;)). They all tasted so good! I hope you can feel that from my pictures? My phone camera didn’t do them justice, but yeah, just imagine! :)

The waffles and ice cream served on a black slate with the wooden spoon and fork created a pleasant presentation. And the waffles could totally compete with the ones in the Waffle country - Belgium. ;)

Also, the affogato here was as divine as those I tried in Italy. In case you don’t know, Affogato is a scoop of vanilla ice cream (normally gelato in Italy) coming together with a shot of hot espresso, sometimes served with liqueur and biscotti, an oblong-shaped crunchy almond biscuit. When ready to eat, just pour coffee and/or liqueur over the ice-cream. Hmmm, so yummy!

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The service here was fast and friendly, and it’s not too expensive considering the great location. So, I highly recommend this cafe to you if you visit the lake area in Hanoi.

Restaurant Information

Wanna Waffle?
Hanoi, Hoàn Kiếm, Hanoi, Vietnam

Wanna Waffle (and Affogato)?
This post participated in the Tasteem contest My favourite dessert

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#337 Jungle Soccer | 丛林足球 + 孩童照集合 Neoxian City Photo Challenge

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These cute boys were playing soccer on an open field in front of their huts. I saw them in the Amazon jungle of Ecuador. Living conditions were pretty harsh in this hot and humid place, and I guess they didn’t have much more toys than this rubber ball. But apprently they were having fun. For children, happiness is so simple. Sometimes it is just a ball and a little space to play. They remind me of another photo I posted before - some kids playing with a ball in Vitoria, Spain:



This is my entry for @neoxian-city’s Photo Challenge WEEK #4 themed CHILDREN. I used Canon Kiss X3, lens 15-85mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM. I have always loved taking photos of children, and here are some more I shared before. Hope you enjoy them too! :)



















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#336 Guess where? (3) | 猜猜这是哪儿(三)


Hey everyone! Here comes my third and last entry for @ntopaz’s Skyline Photo Contest. In my previous two entry posts, I shared the skylines of Sydney and London, 2 amazing metropolises that I truly enjoyed in my travels.

Now this one is probably my favorite of the three. In almost all the travel articles I read about this city, the authors unanimously opted for the word “sensational” to describe it. And I totally agree! I’ve been lucky enough to visit quite a lot of big cities across the globe, and few boast this unique energy in the air. Then there’s the setting. Dense urban buildings weave their way among the breathtaking beaches, bays, peaks and forests. It’s simply stunning.

Ok, enough hints! :) Can you guess which city it is? And from where I took this photo? I’ll reveal the answer in a week.

The original one before it’s cropped by the site:




Some of my skyline photos posted before:




All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多

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#335 Pichilemu | 冲浪胜地

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Pichilemu is a popular surfing spot at the Pacific coast in Chile. Sometimes the waves here can reach 9 meters high! It’s about three hours’ drive to the southwest from the capital city Santiago.



Pichilemu的城中心虽然很小,但也值得一看,有些殖民时期留下来的老建筑,还有纪念碑、喷泉和棕榈大道等。附近的Colchagua山谷还是智利有名的葡萄酒产区,可以在首府San Fernando搭乘蒸汽火车葡萄酒专列,一路穿越葡萄园向西行进。

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We had a stop here on a road trip, but none of us tried surfing. The others dipped into the sea water shortly with their feet, and I, with my hands, haha. Yes, it’s freeeeezing cold! I’m more used to warm waters. So we figured that watching the sunset while being sprayed by the huge waves was also fun. 😉

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I truly admired the few brave surfers we saw that day. That must be true love to the sport! I guess it’s pretty cold even with the wetsuit on (perhaps not for them ;)). Some beaches here host international surf competitions every year. You can also enjoy other water sports such as windsurfing, kitesurfing and sailing.

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Besides the waves and the black sand beaches, the cliffs and rock formations are quite impressive as well. As you can see from my photos, there are people riding horses to enjoy the nature.

I can’t say it’s stunningly beautful here, but it’s refreshing and relaxing to spend some time at the beach. Oh, and that feeling of a bit out of this mundane world, like in many remote places in Chile, though Pichilemu is not so remote.

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If you have more time, wandering around the small town of Pichilemu is a great choice too. Its downtown center has colonial architectures, national monuments, fountains and palm-lined pathways to offer.

If you have even longer time to linger, you can visit the surrounding hills, pine forests and vineyards. Make sure to taste the local wine from the famous Colchagua Valley. This area is known for its wineries in Chile. It’s also fun to hop on the steam-powered Wine Train in its regional capital San Fernando to enjoy a journey to the west through the valley!

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The head image here is my entry for Qurator’s Photo Friday competition.

All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多

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Here are some of my travel shots. Check out my posts on Steemit World Map, and follow me for more adventures around the globe! :)

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#334 Locals and Horses | 原住民和马 Peoplephotography by worldcapture Week #40

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Trekking in the rainbow mountains of Peru is one of my most unforgettable travel experiences. The peak of Vinicunca (Montaña de Siete Colores or Montaña de Colores) stands 5,200 metres above sea level. So, hours of hiking on the highland in very thin air is quite tough, I mean for people who are not from there. It seems like a piece of cake for the locals though. Plus the weather conditions high up are pretty harsh and change all the time, some locals offer horseriding service to trekkers who couldn’t make it to the top.

I also felt the difficulty to breathe during the hike, especially when being hit by the hail and the high UV at the same time. Luckily I didn’t suffer any serious altitude sickness like some others did. I was so exhausted and almost frozen after finally arriving at the highest point. But I managed to walk all the trail by myself (thank you parents for giving me a strong body! :)).

Along the way, quite a lot of hikers couldn’t go on anymore and chose to ride the horses. I saw a few fainting to the ground, so the horses must be a godsend for them. This also contributes to the local economy, as it can help the Quechua people make a living out of tourism.

So today I’m sharing some photos I shot of the locals with their horses. You can see their colorful clothing as well as the epic landscape. It’s totally worth my effort, isn’t it? =) The first photo is my entry for @worldcapture’s Peoplephotography contest. Hope you enjoy them!

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All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多

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Here are some of my travel shots. Check out my posts on Steemit World Map, and follow me for more adventures around the globe! :)

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#333 Welsh Silverside | 在威尔士吃了很多派(一)

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On my recent trip to Wales, I tried quite a lot of pieish food. Today I’m sharing with you a lunch I had in a waterfall country there. The head image is my entry for Qurator’s Tasty Tuesday competition.

It was in The Old White Horse Inn. It’s a nice cozy place with a rustic feel, a great stop to fill up energy tank before hiking to the waterfalls nearby.


这家餐馆/pub叫老白马,我竟想到白马寺 位于一处瀑布山区的入口,所以对我们打算去徒步看瀑布的人来说,是个补充能量的好驿站。

这里的内部装修是古朴的乡间风格,随处可见木质元素,墙上饰有很多木板写就的励志警句、人生格言,看得我一时心潮澎湃,久久不能平静 ;)。连菜单也印成了木头底纹。暖暖的色调和壁炉里的火苗在这种经常狂风呼啸的荒郊野外很是抚慰人心。外墙刷成了白色,吊挂着的盆栽花朵颜色鲜艳、赏心悦目。

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For the starter, I ordered fricassee of button mushrooms with garlic croutons. Fricassee is a method of braising cut meat and serving it later with its sauce. The sauce is traditionally a white sauce, like the homemade creamy garlic butter and herb sauce here. Very heartwarming in the chilly wind!

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For the main, I had Welsh black silverside of roast beef, a cut from cattle’s hindquarter, just above the leg cut. As you can see from the menu picture above, there are also options for vegetarians and vegans. The tender and succulent beef went well with the rich gravy, but the lamb flavor was a bit too strong in the sauce for my personal taste. No, I’m not joking about the sheep in Wales… ;) Believe me, as a Chinese, I have heard of enough stereotypes, and I don’t eat dogs.

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According to a comment, the puff pastry on top is a shop bought frozen Yorkshire Pudding. ;) It reminds me of the common dish in Belgium: vol-au-vent in French (meaning “windblown” to describe its lightness) or Koninginnehapje in Dutch (meaning “queen’s bite”). It’s served with a round hollow puff pastry case for filling in chicken stew.

Have you tried similar dishes before? Did you enjoy them?

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More Foodie Posts:

All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多

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Here are some of my travel shots. Check out my posts on Steemit World Map, and follow me for more adventures around the globe! :)


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