#152 [CO] Hike with Me in El Chaltén (1) 🇦🇷 🏔🍁| 跟我一起来徒步 - 烟雾山秋色 (一)

Artwork Image

How’s it going Steemians? Today I want to share my photos and experience hiking towards Cerro Fitz Roy mountain from the village El Chaltén in Argentina. It is one of my most unforgettable treks filled with epic views along the way. I love the color palette in the magic of beautiful fall foliage.



El Chaltén is a charming village located in the Los Glaciares National Park, near the border between Argentina and Chile. It is surrounded by magnificent peaks and stunning glacial lakes. This location makes El Chaltén a popular base for hiking trails. So it is named Argentina’s Trekking Capital. I feel it’s a bit more quiet and peaceful hiking in this region than in the more well-known Torres del Paine national park in Chile.


Are you ready now to follow my steps to the peaks? Let’s go!

In the early morning, we start the long hike from our airbnb in El Chaltén. After some easy walking, we reach this river and a small hydro station. The glacier water is super clear and cold, and even tastes a bit sweet (or is it because we are too thirsty? ;p), so we fill our bottle with this precious aqua from the stream:


Soon a wooden sign comes to sight. “Laguna de Los Tres”, that’s right! The stunning turquoise lake flanked by the three peaks (Los Tres)! It’s a picture of this lake with the jagged granite spires that brought me to El Chaltén. Now I’m a bit closer to my destination:


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Spanish moss or Old Man’s Beard is a common plant here in the woods:

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Walking through the native woods, we already have a view of the unique mountains and glaciers:
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Later, we come to the starting point of the National Park of the Glaciers:
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Look at this sign of reminder. So true! In many cases, we humans are at the disposal of the almighty Mother Nature, even when it’s not at such a wild place:
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You see the dead,
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and the new life:
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After some more hiking, we reach the outlook - Mirador Glacier Piedras Blancas. These are the views I captured from here:



The main peak in the photos is the shining star - Cerro/Monte Fitz Roy, also known as Cerro Chaltén. “Chaltén” means smoking mountain in the local language of the nomadic hunters in Patagonia. Since the peak is covered by clouds most of the time, the natives believed it was a volcano. But when we were there, it’s mostly sunny and pretty clear around the peak. :)

烟雾山的名称来自当地游牧民族的语汇,由于山顶终年云雾缭绕,所以他们琢磨这大概是座火山吧。=) 但是,我们在那边的时候都碰上晴天,山顶看上去还挺清晰呢~

to be continued…


All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多

Thank you for reading. Please tell me what you think in the comments. Until next time! =)

感谢阅读!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

Here are some of my travel shots. Check out my travel posts on Steemit World Map, and follow me for more adventures around the globe!

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#152 [CO] Hike with Me in El Chaltén (1) 🇦🇷 🏔🍁| 跟我一起来徒步 - 烟雾山秋色 (一)’

#151 My Drawing of Crypto 🖍 - "Connect the Dots" Challenge by Sndbox | 我画的加密币logo

donica's nebulas.png

Greetings everyone! Recently @sndbox kicked off their #cryptodots challenge - to create your favorite crypto currency logo. And the topic this week is - Connecting the Dots.

Steemians are tasked to download a dot grid (see the last image) and to illustrate a crypto logo they like. Without any doubt, my favorite crypto at the moment is Steem, :D but since I did a sketch of it (on the right) already in my self-introduction post, now I’d love to try something different. I’ve always loved the clean and geometric design of Nebulas coin’s logo, so I’m recreating it in this challenge.

As you can see from my drawing in the head image, the logo of Nebulas is formed in sharp black lines. I am fond of its concept of two intersecting platforms. Have you spotted that at first glance? For the purpose of connecting dots, I turned the whole logo in 45 degrees when making it. So tilt your head a bit when you look! ;)

Do you like my entry? Please tell me what you think in the comments below!

Here is a brief introduction of the crypto -Nebulas from their website. Its website design is also one of my favorites among all the sites of cryptocurrencies I know of.

Nebulas is a next generation public blockchain, aiming for a continuously improving ecosystem.

Based on its blockchain valuation mechanism, Nebulas proposes future-oriented incentive and consensus systems, and the ability to self-evolve without forking.

I believe this fun challenge is an awesome way to combine art and the crypto world, and to effectively engage the Steemit community. So if you are interested too, don’t hesitate to check out @sndbox’s page and join the fun! =)



为了更好地连接那些点,我在画图的时候,把原logo倾斜了45度角,所以你在看的时候记得也把头或屏幕转一下~ 哈哈。你觉得我改造的这个图标怎么样?欢迎留言评论。: )


Thank you for reading. Until next time! =)

感谢阅读!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

Here are some of my travel shots. Check out my travel posts on Steemit World Map, and follow me for more adventures around the globe!

Posted using Partiko iOS

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#151 My Drawing of Crypto 🖍 - “Connect the Dots” Challenge by Sndbox | 我画的加密币logo’

#150 My Minimalist Series (4) | 简(四)

What’s up fellow Steemians! Following my previous 3 posts of Minimalist Series, today I’m sharing more photos of the same style. They serve as my entries for @davek’s B&W Photo Contest themed Minimalism. Check out his page and join the photo fun! :)

As he mentioned in his post, the definition of Minimalism is:

A style using a minimal amount of components such as colour, shape, line and texture.

大家好!今天我来分享几张简洁风的黑白摄影,第一张是在比利时的蓝花森林,后两张拍于智利的阿塔卡马沙漠。俗话说:“一图胜千言”,不同观者对同一张照片的解读通常也不同,而且大自然母亲的魅力也不用我多说,何况我应该秉承这简洁风的理念嘛 希望你们喜欢!欢迎留言告诉我你的想法~ 谢谢!=)

So here we go - my 3 minimal shots of our amazing mother nature:


👆 Bluebell Forest | Belgium

👈 @ Atacama Desert | Chile


👆 @ Atacama Desert | Chile


And here are my earlier posts of the same series: 这里还有三篇我以前发布的关于简洁风的文章:**

My Minimalist Series (1) | 简(一)

My Minimalist Series (2) | 简(二)

My Minimalist Series (3) | 简(三)

All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多
Photo shot with Canon EOS Kiss X3

Thank you for reading. Please tell me what you think in the comments. Until next time! =)

感谢阅读!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

Here are some of my travel shots. Check out my travel posts on Steemit World Map, and follow me for more adventures around the globe!

!steemitworldmap -22.258623 lat -68.394908 long Chile d3scr

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#150 My Minimalist Series (4) | 简(四)’

#149 Follow Me to an Abbey (35 photos) 🍻 | 🇧🇪 修道院的美好时光~

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How’s it going my Steemit friends? Today I’m sharing my photo journal of a beautiful weekend - great quality time spent with family and friends. It’s the anniversary of Tongerlo Abbey in Belgium, so there’s an event of celebration with beers, snacks, music performance and vespers in the church. And it happened to be sunny, so everything looked even more pleasant. The climate is a bit weird this year in Europe right? Normally it’s pretty chilly already at this time of the year in Western Europe. But yeah, nobody is complaining about the warm sunshine. At least I don’t mind. Stay even longer please! :)


大家好!今天分享的是周末在比利时的Tongerlo修道院度过的美好时光。比利时国家虽小,啤酒却有两千多种,它历史上的最初酿造也是起源于修道院。这里的啤酒文化被联合国教科文组织列为人类非物质文化遗产。各种啤酒也有自己专属的玻璃杯,一般都印有名称和商标,有不少还有独特的外形。据说如果有酒保将啤酒倒错玻璃杯,轻则被众人耻笑,重则丢掉饭碗,可见比利时人对啤酒是有多上心~ 呵呵。

Now follow me for a tour in this lovely abbey and its back garden:

First, it’s the church and a court yard with a typical Flemish style. Pardon me for this incomplete view of the building - I was using a prime lens, and it’s already the furthest spot I could run to for the photo… ;)

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Tongerlo Abbey was founded in 1128 in honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and it used to be quite influential in the district of Northeast Belgium and the south of the Netherlands. Since 1545, this Abbey has been home to a replica of “The Last Supper” by Leonardo Da Vinci. It’s a valuable copy, since it reveals many details that are no longer visible in the deteriorated original fresco.



After the entrance, you will see these beer stands. Belgium is a small country, but it boasts over 2,000 different beers, each of which requires a unique glass. Belgian beer culture is listed by UNESCO as intangible cultural heritage of humanity. Like chocolates, French Belgian fries and waffles, it’s something Belgians are pretty proud of. So don’t miss the chance to try them out if you come here!


Since we are now in an abbey, we are served with their own beer. In fact, beer brewing started in abbeys in Belgium dating back to the 12th century. At that time, the relatively low-alcohol beer was seen as a more sanitary option than drinking water. The local abbeys first brewed and distributed beer as a fund raising method under the Catholic Church’s permission. In the following centuries, the brewing methods have been evolving. Only until the 19th century, the first Trappist brewery in Belgium started operation, and that beer was exclusively for the monks.

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As you can see from this green list, 3 Tongerlo beers with different alcoholic strengths are offered:

从下面的酒单上(那张寒碜的绿纸 ;)),就能看到三种不同酒精度的Tongerlo啤酒:

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The “abbey beers” are similar in style or presentation to monastic beers. Tongerlo beer is one of the 18 certified Abbey beers in Belgium. It’s brewed in Boortmeerbeek by Brouwerij Haacht. (Hehehe, long Dutch/Flemish words… ;p)

You can see here from the photo: the church and its image on the beer glass. As I mentioned earlier, Belgians are quite serious with their beer glasses. Each different beer has its own branded glass, many of which even has a unique shape. I heard some bartenders are frowned upon or disqualified if they pour a beer into an unmatched glass. =)

Tongerlo啤酒是比利时18种认证修道院啤酒之一,从下图中可以看到它的酒杯设计 — 印有后面教堂的图案:

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Of course, you can also drink tea, coffee or wine if you are not a fan of beers:


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Enjoy some music performance while drinking and chatting in the yard. The friendly monks are having fun as well:


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And there’s finger food too. I was happily trying out a wide selection of snacks, like different types of cheese and ham, olives, raisins… and yummilicious deserts - cheese cakes, strawberry cakes and chocolate cakes. Hmmm, so satisfying… But I only took this one food photo below, perhaps because it’s not in Asia, and no other people were pesky bloggers like me who were crazy about taking pictures of food, haha… So I kind of forgot about this snapping shots thing when eating! And it’s a bit out of focus when I was holding food in another hand. ;p Otherwise I’m sure the pictures of the deserts will make you drool… :D


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A cute baby boy in the family and his parents:

下面来组跟拍 — 可爱的一家子:

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Playing with Mama is always so fun:


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Hmmm, how does the leaf taste?


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Squeeeeezed by love: :D


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Now let’s move on to the back garden, a green natural space full of flowers and fruit trees!


These pears might look a bit strange, but I heard that the jam made out of them tastes good:


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Prunes fresh off the tree:


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Pink pink rose:


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We get lucky - even spot a few white peacocks. It’s not so common to see them like their blue buddies:

幸运地看到三只白孔雀,跟蓝孔雀比起来,貌似更加珍稀,我突然想到四叶草 VS 三叶草 ☘ :

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Now let’s walk back to the church for the vespers:


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I didn’t take photos during the vespers, and here’s the music scene afterwards:


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You are probably like me - having seen numerous churches, but this interior is still pretty neat right?


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Come out to the greeeeeeen lawn (also very neat) and visit the little house there:


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Look at these beautiful mechanics indside the house:


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On the wall, you get a view of the whole abbey area. Hmmm, a good place for some drone photography:


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Ok, now it’s time to finish our trip. Hope you enjoyed it like I did. :)


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All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多

Thank you for reading. Please tell me what you think in the comments. Until next time! =)

感谢阅读!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

Here are some of my travel shots. Check out my travel posts on Steemit World Map, and follow me for more adventures around the globe!

!steemitworldmap 51.105872 lat 4.906035 long Tongerlo Abbey, Belgium d3scr

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#149 Follow Me to an Abbey (35 photos) 🍻 | 🇧🇪 修道院的美好时光~’

#148 Chinese Translation of Quasar Framework Documentation (4) | ✍ 开源框架教程翻译

Project Details

Quasar is an MIT licensed open-source framework. It helps web developers create various responsive websites/apps without additional heavy libraries like Hammerjs, Momentjs or Bootstrap.

This framework

allows developers to write code once and simultaneously deploy as website (SPA, PWA, SSR + SPA client takeover, SSR + PWA client takeover), Mobile App and/or Electron App using the same code base.


Image Source: https://quasar-framework.org/

Before I started the translation of Quasar Framework Documentation, I first read it through in GitHub. After I checked out their website, I joined their Discord channel to see what is ongoing about the project at the moment.

So I found its documentation clearly structured and completely crafted. With this piece, we would learn about Open Source and best-practices to make sure that the contributions are compliant. It includes an introduction of the basic terms like copyright, licensing and attribution; knowledge of the identity and rights of contributors; and content about different license types, such as licenses for code, for text, for fonts, and for artwork/design/video.

This project is interesting to me, since I work with developers and designers. Plus, I have experience in translating IP documents and selling my photography works, so the legal terms in this documentation look familiar. Hopefully my translation would help Chinese users utilize such leading-edge developer tools and techniques with less confusion.


Contribution Specifications

Translation Overview

Quasar Framework Documentation is a new project consisting of 4453 words in a single file. No other translators have done Chinese translation of it before, so I started from 0% and finished 73% in my last 3 submissions. This is my fourth contribution and I completed the translation to 100%:




My translation went smoothly until one string with a long sentence (see the screenshot below). I read it through a few times and thought there might be an “or” missing somewhere, so I asked the project manager:

He promptly replied and updated the file with 1 new string for translation:

After I finished translating the left part, @sunray provided some valuable suggestions in word choice and pointed out a few errors in punctuation. So now I’m very excited that my translation is complete for Quasar Framework Documentation. :)


I translate from English to Simplified Chinese.

Word Count

I have translated 1178 words in this submission:

Proof of Authorship

My translation activities can be viewed in my Crowdin profile: https://crowdin.com/profile/Donica/activity

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#147 Oldtimer Tractors at the Grossglockner 🚜 | 🇦🇹 阿尔卑斯山上拉风的拖拉机老爷车


What’s up fellow Steemians! Today I’m sharing some photos of oldtimer tractors I shot last month in the Austrian Alps. It’s inspired by @derangedvisions’s photography contest - Need for Speed. @derangedvisions is an awesome photographer and filmmaker. Go check out his page and join the photo fun (after you read my post ;p)!

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Grossglockner Tractors (3).jpg.jpg)

I saw these cool tractors when driving up the Grossglockner, Austria’s highest mountain. It is the centerpiece of the High Tauern National Park in the Eastern Alps. Needless to say, the Grossglockner High Alpine Road nestled between green mountain pastures, waterfalls and glaciers is breathtaking. You can have a sneak peek from my head image in this post. But my main purpose today is to show you these lovely vehicles on my way to the peak and at the Edelweißspitze viewpoint.

These old tractors were restored and painted bright colors. I guess their owners took very good care of them. Like me, quite a lot of people at the parking were taking photos of these shiny stars. ;) It must be a pretty amazing experience driving these tractors up and down the alpine road! 😃

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👆 There were also motorcyclists riding up the mountains.

Some of the tractors had fancy enhancements to their parts. Look at this sparkling beauty:

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I heard there are festivals about vintage tractors in some villages in Europe, such as this “Oldtimer Festival” in Belgium. It is a yearly show held in Ravels since 1988, and it has evolved from collections of old agricultural vehicles and machinery. If you love vintage tractors and other machines, don’t miss these fun events.

Ok, that’s it for today’s oldtimer tractors. Did you see tractors like these before? Have you ever tried driving this kind of vehicle? :)

大家好!今天分享的是我在阿尔卑斯山区看到的一些翻新的老式拖拉机。它们被漆成闪亮的绿、蓝、红等鲜艳的颜色,在阳光的照耀下熠熠生辉,十分抢眼。还有的车发动机也被改装,看上去很酷炫。我先是在开往奥地利最高峰 — 大钟山的高山公路上偶遇几位老年绅士,他们开着这些老爷车,往山下突突驰骋。是不是很拉轰?:D 后来到了高处的观景台上,又看到更多颜色厂牌各异的老车。其他游客也纷纷拿出手机相机,对着这些耀眼的明星一通狂拍。=)


All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多

Thank you for reading. Please tell me what you think in the comments. Until next time! =)

感谢阅读!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

Here are some of my travel shots. Check out my travel posts on Steemit World Map, and follow me for more adventures around the globe!

!steemitworldmap 47.122978 lat 12.831535 long Edelweissspitze, Austria d3scr)

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