#146 Sea Lions | 🇨🇱 海狮大放送~

How’s it going my Steemit friends? This time I’m sharing some photos of sea lions I shot in the Humboldt Penguin National Reserve (Reserva Nacional Pingüino de Humboldt) in Chile. This reserve is located north of La Serena, the southern gate of the Atacama region. It is formed by three islands: Damas and Choros in the northern part of the region, and the Chañaral de Aceituno in its southern part.

As the reserve’s name tells, its most famous inhabitants are the Humboldt penguins, endemic to the current with the same name - Humboldt. Though I spotted a lot of these cute little penguins who nested on the rocks and islands, they were quite far away from our boat. So I couldn’t get any decent close-up shots of them.

Instead, a colony of sea lions were pretty close to us. I’m now first posting the photos of these fellows, and I will write up a more detailed post about the other creatures I spotted in this trip, such as penguins, albatrosses, cormorants, otters, whales and bottle-nosed dolphins. And we explored a bit in one of the islands, also had a picnic lunch with this wild beauty. That’s truly an unforgettable experience!

Thank you @flamingirl for hosting this fun contest! Please pick one photo as my entry. :) Fellow Steemians, if you are also interested in this “WE LOVE ANIMALS - PHOTO CONTEST” hosted by her, check out her page and join the photo fun!


各位先将就着看看吧~ 以后有空时我会写写在这个自然保护区的具体行程和经历。除了可爱的小企鹅和海狮,还看到了水獭、鸬鹚、信天翁、海豚、鲸鱼等动物。期间还在一个荒无人烟、风景秀丽的小岛上停留一番,在高大的仙人掌间野餐了一顿午饭。真是一次让人非常难忘的旅程~(哈哈,不好意思,是不是有点像小学生作文结尾?)=)









Since it was incredibly chilly and windy at the Pacific Ocean, I had no mood to take photos of myself with the sea lions, ;) only a photo I took of the boat next to ours:



Thank you for reading. Please tell me what you think in the comments. Until next time! =)

感谢阅读!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

Here are some of my travel shots. Check out my travel posts on Steemit World Map, and follow me for more adventures around the globe!

!steemitworldmap -29.257450 lat -71.538807 long Reserva Nacional Pingüino de Humboldt d3scr)

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#146 Sea Lions | 🇨🇱 海狮大放送~’

#145 Alligators 🐊 | 🇺🇸 美洲短吻鳄大放送~

What’s up fellow Steemians! Today I’m sharing some photos I took in Florida, USA. I captured these moments when kayaking the meandering Kissimmee River in the Everglades near Orlando. It is a subtropical marshy wetlands full of wildlife.

I was lucky to spot the American alligators and Florida cooters (large river turtles) not far from my kayak. :D When we pulled our kayak very close to the alligators for photos, I was actually a bit afraid. I was imaging the scene in which they attacked us and I fought back like a hero. ;) Luckily, nothing happened and we were still alive!

Thank you @flamingirl for hosting this fun contest! Please pick one photo as my entry. :) My Steemit friends, if you are also interested in this “WE LOVE ANIMALS - PHOTO CONTEST” hosted by her, check out her page and join the photo fun!


发现那些鳄鱼后,我们把船头摇到很近拍照,几乎就要碰上那些大家伙了,内心除了鸡冻,还是有点小害怕地~ 有点担心万一鳄鱼突然掉转头,快速游过来凶残地袭击肿么办。我在脑海中默默想象了几遍跟鳄鱼英勇搏斗的场景,还好事实上并没有发生,安全把船划离了鱼口…… 哈哈 =)





And a water bird. Anyone knows the English name of it? I like this picture the most, since the background is cleaner than in those alligator photos (or shall I blame my poor lens?;p), but yeah, chances are smaller to spot close-by wild alligators than birds. :)


Photo proof of me at the site as required by the hostess:


Thank you for reading. Please tell me what you think in the comments. Until next time! =)

感谢阅读!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

Here are some of my travel shots. Check out my travel posts on Steemit World Map, and follow me for more adventures around the globe!

!steemitworldmap 27.599804 lat -81.150988 long Florida, USA d3scr

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#145 Alligators 🐊 | 🇺🇸 美洲短吻鳄大放送~’

#144 Monkeys 🐒 Win some SBD! | 🇮🇩 长尾猕猴大放送 (文末有彩蛋 🎊)

Hey my Steemit friends, today I’m sharing some photos of monkeys I took in the Monkey Forest in Ubud of Bali, Indonesia. This forest sanctuary is known as the Sacred Monkey Forest of Padangtegal. It is home to a horde of grey long-tailed macaques. I enjoyed this green space with beautiful traditional temples and of course - monkeys. :)

This forest lies within the village of Padangtegal. It’s not only a conservation center, but also an important spiritual place for the local residents. Other than around 700 monkeys, there are almost 200 species of trees to provide you a cool refreshing retreat from the tropical heat.

Thanks to @flamingirl’s WE LOVE ANIMALS - PHOTO CONTEST, I went to my hard drive to sort through these monkey photos. As always, I have too many choices, and I just can’t help sharing a lot of them! So @flamingirl, please choose one you like the most as my entry to your contest. Thanks! =)













Apparently, they are not afraid of humans at all, like monkeys in many natural habitats around the world. :)





In the last photo here, can you detect how many monkeys are in it? Come leave your comment to get a little upvote (Sorry that I’m not a whale, so I can’t offer much ;p)! The first 3 ones who get it right will share 2 SBD from me. =)

最后这张照片里,你能看出有几只猴子吗?最先留言给出正确答案的三位小伙伴,我会送出一点小小奖励 ~ 共享2SBD。其他参与的也会点赞,可是值不了几分钱,请表嫌弃,哈哈。快来找找看吧!:)


Thank you for reading. Please tell me what you think in the comments. Until next time! =)

感谢阅读!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

Here are some of my travel shots. Check out my travel posts on Steemit World Map, and follow me for more adventures around the globe!

!steemitworldmap -8.519626 lat 115.258702 long Sacred Monkey Forest, Ubud, Bali d3scr

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#144 Monkeys 🐒 Win some SBD! | 🇮🇩 长尾猕猴大放送 (文末有彩蛋 🎊)’

#143 Chinese Translation of Quasar Framework Documentation (3) | ✍ 开源框架教程翻译

Project Details

Quasar is an MIT licensed open-source framework. It helps web developers create various responsive websites/apps without additional heavy libraries like Hammerjs, Momentjs or Bootstrap.

This framework

allows developers to write code once and simultaneously deploy as website (SPA, PWA, SSR + SPA client takeover, SSR + PWA client takeover), Mobile App and/or Electron App using the same code base.


Image Source: https://quasar-framework.org/

Before I started the translation of Quasar Framework Documentation, I first read it through in GitHub. After I checked out their website, I joined their Discord channel to see what is ongoing about the project at the moment.

So I found its documentation clearly structured and completely crafted. With this piece, we would learn about Open Source and best-practices to make sure that the contributions are compliant. It includes an introduction of the basic terms like copyright, licensing and attribution; knowledge of the identity and rights of contributors; and content about different license types, such as licenses for code, for text, for fonts, and for artwork/design/video.

This project is interesting to me, since I work with developers and designers. Plus, I have experience in translating IP documents and selling my photography works, so the legal terms in this documentation look familiar. Hopefully my translation would help Chinese users utilize such leading-edge developer tools and techniques with less confusion.


Contribution Specifications

Translation Overview

Quasar Framework Documentation is a new project consisting of 4453 words in a single file. No other translators have done Chinese translation of it before, so I started from 0% and finished 48% in my first 2 submissions. This is my third contribution to this project, and I completed another 25%. So now it’s 73% translated:




I have enjoyed the subject matter and the translation went smoothly. Then @aafeng proofread my work and gave me some good advice. We also talked about a few doubts such as if the “<1>“ should be removed from one string. I’m looking forward to finishing the last part of this translation. :)


I translate from English to Simplified Chinese.

Word Count

I have translated 1116 words in this submission:

3. 1116words.PNG

Proof of Authorship

My translation activities can be viewed in my Crowdin profile: https://crowdin.com/profile/Donica/activity

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#143 Chinese Translation of Quasar Framework Documentation (3) | ✍ 开源框架教程翻译’

#142 Flamingos | 火烈鸟大放送~


This is the proof photo as required by the contest hostess (drawing - by my fingertip) ;)
这是应主办人要求证明我和鸟都在场的照片 用指尖画了两笔 还请不要嫌弃 哈哈

I love flamingos. Who doesn’t? (Or perhaps I should say most girls like them? :D) These elegant pink birds are just adorable. You see them everywhere from fabric patterns to plastic toys.

So when I saw the WE LOVE ANIMALS - PHOTO CONTEST by @flamingirl(Hi! :D), I immediately thought of these shots I took in South America. They were all living wild, so I didn’t get too close to them. Plus the restriction of my lens, I couldn’t get any decent close-up shots. Still, these birds look pretty amazing from distance, don’t they? (Dear hostess, I’m afraid you have to pick one entry from them, since I can’t decide ;p)

The first 4 (including the head image) are from National Reserve of Flamingos, located in the commune of San Pedro de Atacama, Antofagasta Region of northern Chile. :


FlamingoChile @Donica.jpg



The following 5 ones were taken in Eduardo Avaroa Andean Fauna National Reserve of Bolivia:



FlamingoBolivia @Donica.JPG

FlamingoColorada @Donica.JPG

The lake in the photo above is Laguna Colorada (Red Lake). Its reddish color is caused by red sediments and pigmentation of some algae.


Here are a few more, shot from a train when I traveled from Oruro to Uyuni, Bolivia. It’s simply amazing that you get this sort of view from the train windows! I was hoping that train journey never ends when I sat by the window then. =)

最后五张是从Oruro到Uyuni途中的火车上拍的,是不是很神奇?:) 成群的火烈鸟如同团团粉色的火焰,单只的火烈鸟展翅低飞,略过高原湖泊,越过广袤荒野,就在火车窗外不远处。能持续坐拥这般美景,恐怕唯有玻利维亚。在其他几国乘火车时,窗外也曾有过成群的火烈鸟,但那些都只是站在很小一片泥沼中,闪现时间不超过3秒钟。;) 想起曾经,三毛的《万水千山走遍》在我幼稚的小心灵里播下玻利维亚的种子,还有几年前看傅真在《最好金龟换酒》里反复提到的玻利维亚之天地有大美,果真名不虚传。我坐在摇晃的火车上,身边全是玻利维亚人民,看着窗外的广阔天地和自由自在的火烈鸟,真希望这幻境中的旅程就这么继续下去~






Thank you for reading. Please tell me what you think in the comments. Until next time! =)

感谢阅读!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

Here are some of my travel shots. Check out my travel posts on Steemit World Map, and follow me for more adventures around the globe!

!steemitworldmap -23.316171 lat -67.326834 long d3scr

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#142 Flamingos | 火烈鸟大放送~’

#141 Chinese Translation of Quasar Framework Documentation (2) - 1041 words completed | ✍ 开源框架教程翻译

Project Details

Quasar is an MIT licensed open-source framework. It helps web developers create various responsive websites/apps without additional heavy libraries like Hammerjs, Momentjs or Bootstrap.

This framework

allows developers to write code once and simultaneously deploy as website (SPA, PWA, SSR + SPA client takeover, SSR + PWA client takeover), Mobile App and/or Electron App using the same code base.


Image Source: https://quasar-framework.org/

Before I started the translation of Quasar Framework Documentation, I first read it through in GitHub. After I checked out their website, I joined their Discord channel to see what is ongoing about the project at the moment. I know, I didn’t even do so much stalking when I had a crush on someone in my teenage years. ;) But I always believe doing some homework will be helpful for the translation.

So I found its documentation clearly structured and completely crafted. With this piece, we would learn about Open Source and best-practices to make sure that the contributions are compliant. It includes an introduction of the basic terms like copyright, licensing and attribution; knowledge of the identity and rights of contributors; and content about different license types, such as licenses for code, for text, for fonts, and for artwork/design/video.

This project is interesting to me, since I work with developers and designers. Plus, I have experience in translating IP documents and selling my photography works, so the legal terms in this documentation look familiar. Hopefully my translation would help Chinese users utilize such leading-edge developer tools and techniques with less confusion.


Contribution Specifications

Translation Overview

Quasar Framework Documentation is a new project consisting of 4453 words in a single file. No other translators have done Chinese translation of it before, so I started from 0% last time, and finished 25% in my first submission. This is my second contribution to this project, and I completed another 23%. So now it’s 48% translated:




I have enjoyed the subject matter and the translation process with a whole context of the documentation. :) I corrected a Chinese term that I previously translated in the first submission, as I found the new term more proper when my translation work went further with more context. I truly appreciate the help from my proofreader @sunray, and I had some discussion with him about word choices like I did last time with @aafeng. They both examined my work promptly and offered valuable suggestions. I’m looking forward to more communication with them and with the Chinese team.


I translate from English to Simplified Chinese.

Word Count

I have translated 1041 words in this submission:
2. 1041words.PNG

Proof of Authorship

My translation activities can be viewed in my Crowdin profile: https://crowdin.com/profile/Donica/activity

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