#140 Chinese Translation of Quasar Framework Documentation (1) - 1118 words completed | ✍ 开源框架教程翻译

Project Details

Quasar is an MIT licensed open-source framework. It helps web developers create various responsive websites/apps without additional heavy libraries like Hammerjs, Momentjs or Bootstrap.

This framework

allows developers to write code once and simultaneously deploy as website (SPA, PWA, SSR + SPA client takeover, SSR + PWA client takeover), Mobile App and/or Electron App using the same code base.


Image Source: https://quasar-framework.org/

Before I started the translation of Quasar Framework Documentation, I first read it through in GitHub. After I checked out their website, I joined their Discord channel to see what is ongoing about the project at the moment. I know, I didn’t even do so much stalking when I had a crush on someone in my teenage years. ;) But I always believe doing some homework will be helpful for the translation.

So I found its documentation clearly structured and completely crafted. With this piece, we would learn about Open Source and best-practices to make sure that the contributions are compliant. It includes an introduction of the basic terms like copyright, licensing and attribution; knowledge of the identity and rights of contributors; and content about different license types, such as licenses for code, for text, for fonts, and for artwork/design/video.

This project is interesting to me, since I work with developers and designers. Plus, I have experience in translating IP documents and selling my photography works, so the legal terms in this documentation look familiar. Hopefully my translation would help Chinese users utilize such leading-edge developer tools and techniques with less confusion.


Contribution Specifications

Translation Overview

Quasar Framework Documentation is a new project consisting of 4453 words in a single file. No previous Chinese translation of it has been done, so I started from 0% and finished 1/4 in the first submission (see the screenshots below). It is my first contribution to this project. I have enjoyed the subject matter and the translation process with a complete context. :)


I translate from English to Simplified Chinese.

Word Count

I have translated 1118 words in this submission:




Proof of Authorship

My translation activities can be viewed in my Crowdin profile: https://crowdin.com/profile/Donica/activity

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#139 瑞典青旅的同性恋女生 & 世界很小 🌏 | 🇸🇪 The Lesbian Girl I Met in Stockholm & Small World


All photos in this post were taken in Stockholm by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多

Back from the Alps, I got stably connected to the modern world again. So I was browsing through news when I read the heated discussion of a Chinese family’s experience in a hostel in Stockholm. It reminds me of my own encounter with a lesbian girl there.

At the airport in Stockholm, I met the same German girl whom I chatted with in the airport of Bangkok a few months ago. Small world, isn’t it? So I’m recalling some seemingly impossible reunions during my travels. The magic of traveling.


刚从阿尔卑斯的深山老林回来,😁 回归网络世界,恶补一下中文和时事,看到很多旅游媒体都在讨论曾先生和父母在斯德哥尔摩一家旅馆被瑞典警察强制带离的事件。

一时间各种舆论观点层出不穷,有声讨中国游客“撒泼”的,有搜索旅馆黑历史的,有质疑夸张被弃地点的,有力挺中国大使的,有比较瑞中法律和文化差异的。还有人甚至提到这几年瑞典极右势力的抬头,进而分析了整个欧洲所面临的严峻局势…… 🙀



到达荒野里一片树林中的小机场后,我坐上开往市区的大巴。上车后,突然发现坐我后面的妹子有点眼熟,定睛一看,这不是几个月前在泰国曼谷机场排队值机时,站在我后面跟我聊过几句的德国姑娘吗?她也盯着我看,认真确认过眼神后,遇上的果然是同一个人。😃 这是怎样的猿粪?世界很大,相逢也巧。佛啊,你说前世五百次的回眸,换来今生的一次擦肩而过?那,我们这是回眸了一千次吗~ 不知今后是否还会在某个角落再次偶遇?




原来如此,住过形形色色的青旅、民宿和酒店,遇到过那么多五湖四海的游人,这还是第一次碰上来自本地的住客。我这才注意到她头发是染黑的,根部是北欧人常见的浅金色,而当时的我头发染成了所谓的巧克力色,根部是亚洲人常见的黑色。😄 呵呵,人总是对自己所没有的很好奇,想着改变现状。


其实朋友、同事中都有喜欢同性的,在比利时还有过两位女同邻居一起养着两个小孩,也见过中国男生跟比利时男生的结合。更多的是旅途中遇到的世界各地的LGBT(Lesbian女同, Gay男同, Bisexual双性恋, Transgender变性者),听过很多他们的故事,同情他们不被理解的遭遇。而在瑞典遇到这个来住当地青旅的姑娘,还是不禁有点惊讶。

因为一直以为北欧是相对来说对LGBT比较宽容的地区,瑞典是全世界第一个在法律上允许变性的国家,也早在40年代就已合法化同性恋关系。他们有名的LGBT游行Stockholm Pride从1998年到现在,每年8月举行,已经走了20年。在这里尚有这些家人反对的碰撞,可以想见世界其他地方的状况了。去年底在澳洲,才刚刚看到众议院通过同性婚姻合法化的法案,顷刻间,整个国家一片狂欢。👏🎉




从塔林去里加的大巴上,坐我旁边的罗马尼亚小哥,在荷兰学土木,千里迢迢追来拉脱维亚挽回要分手的女友。 跟我神聊了一路,后来里加游玩结束,我们互相道别,以为人生旅途不会再交叉。结果回比利时没多久,周末在安特卫普北边的朋友家吃饭时,突然收到这小哥邀我去玩的短信。想想确实不远,于是,第二天我就毫无计划地跳上了去代尔夫特的火车。于是,又一次旅伴重逢。他还从苦逼的论文间隙抽空带我参观了个奶酪工厂,多让人感动的革命友谊~ 又过了一年,他骑摩托车环游欧洲时经过比利时,去大学城找我玩,我把地板借给他睡了一晚,还用一碗热汤解救他于冷风呼啸的夜途。😎

还有还有,冰岛首都接待我的巴西裔沙发主,过了几个月去伦敦出差,也顺道睡了晚我布鲁塞尔阁楼上的沙发。带他在附近闲逛时还发现家很好吃的巴西餐馆,于是,黑豆炖肉饭和烤肉一起吃到扶墙而出。😋 他送我一块硕大的巴西国旗图案的绿色纺织品,我就随手把它挂在窗户上遮阳。没想到短短几年后,我真的去了他心心念念的足球桑巴的故乡。然后,在里约热内卢有名的性感沙滩,我目睹了那些传说中热辣的巴西女郎。原来,她们把那种大国旗当作浴巾裹在自己玲珑的躯体上。😂


突然想到小时候最爱看的节目《正大综艺》(你好,李秀媛~🙂),里面的主持人每期都会说:“不看不知道,世界真奇妙。” 而这些旅途中的相遇和重逢,是不是也很奇妙?😏


刚又好奇查了下李秀媛的近况,看到篇不是很近的网易旅游专访(2012年的) – 对世界的好奇心永远不变,很有共鸣,来点节选:













我妈大概给我安排了20几次相亲,之前还有一段时间报纸、杂志猜我是不是同性恋…… 如果你放下工作是一个很大的牺牲,不放下对人家来讲就是很大的不公平。后来我觉得有些东西不能两全,你必须做一些取舍,这些取舍最好是对别人没有伤害,对自己也是觉得心安的,所以我很好心放那个男人走了。


后来我看到报纸上有《世界真奇妙》的节目征外景主持人…… 当时我只是备取,不是正取,他们选了一个在美国念书的博士,可是因为她去西班牙斗牛的时候被小牛斗了一下,放弃了这样的人生,最后换成了我。我现在不吃牛肉,就是因为感谢那只牛把她撞走了。


配图都是我在瑞典斯德哥尔摩拍的照片,和同性恋女生的故事一起参加@aaronli的 “A City a Story” 征文。感兴趣的朋友也来投稿吧~ 🤗

Thank you for reading. Please tell me what you think in the comments. Until next time! =)

感谢阅读!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

Here are some of my travel shots. Check out my travel posts on Steemit World Map, and follow me for more adventures around the globe!

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#139 瑞典青旅的同性恋女生 & 世界很小 🌏 | 🇸🇪 The Lesbian Girl I Met in Stockholm & Small World’

#138 Candid Shots of Couples ❤ 旅拍情侣一组

What’s up fellow Steemians! I just found out the new theme of the B&W Photo Contest - Candid Photography. Definition:


Taking photos of people when they have no idea that you are doing it. Without creating a posed appearance.

Actually, most of my photos of people are candid shots during my travels, taken on streets, in the wild and indoors. Since the contest allows maximum 3 entries, I am picking a theme to make my choices easier.

In the past, I posted quite a lot of candid shots of children having fun and local people in their traditional outfits, and this time I decided to choose some pictures of couples I captured on the road.

So here are my candid shots of 4 couples. The first 3 serve as entries for the B&W Photo Contest hosted by @daveks. Also, I’m using the tag #monomad which is a photography project initiated by @brumest. Check out the pages of these awesome hosts and join the photo fun! =)

大家好!今天来分享几处欧洲旅途中抓拍的情侣/夫妻,欢迎留言评论~ :)


👆 @ Iceland | 拍于冰岛

👈 @ France | 拍于法国

👉 @ Belgium | 拍于比利时


👆 @ Danmark | 拍于丹麦

Some posts I did before with candid shots of people:

All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多
Photo shot with Canon EOS Kiss X3

Thank you for reading. Please tell me what you think in the comments. Until next time! =)

感谢阅读!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

Here are some of my travel shots. Check out my travel posts on Steemit World Map, and follow me for more adventures around the globe!

!steemitworldmap 63.804319 lat -19.278697 long Iceland d3scr

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#137 My Minimalist Series (3) | 简(三)


👆 me running like crazy with the Bolivian flag at Uyuni salt flat 😃

This post is a bit different from the travel or photography posts I normally do. It’s kind of free writing to express my thoughts. But of course, it’s hard to escape my beloved elements of travel or photography. ;)


Less is more.
Simplicity is king.
Quality, not quantity.
Collect moments, not things.
Eliminate instead of organize.

You might hear similar sayings hundreds of times? Same here.

I was fond of minimalism in the aesthetic sense from the beginning, without knowing this term, such as architectures or patterns with simple lines and shapes, and paintings or photos with enough negative space…

But the wider sense of minimalist style started to sink in, when I decided to quit my day job and sold my apartment while in mortgage. When I finally gave up everything I worked hard to have owned, but to study and work abroad and to travel the world, it came to me.

It’s not that I wanted to follow any minimalism fad, it’s because when I traveled a lot, I simply couldn’t possess a lot. I had to discard all the unnecessary stuff to move around lightly. I started to realize it’s perfectly possible to live out of a suitcase or/and a backpack. When I was on the road for less than 3 months, a small backpack was always enough.


👆 shot by me from Amtrak’s California Zephyr train | USA

I guess frequent travelers or expats know it - you don’t need that much except for some essential items. Would you rather own the world and see a little, or own a little and see the world? When you own less, you see more; and when you feel more, you desire even less.

Eventually, the magical hands of minimalism started to reach all parts of my life, reminding me constantly to ask myself the questions:

“Do I really need this? “
“Can I reuse that instead of replacing it?”


👆 shot by me right after sunrise in the desert area | Bolivia

So I consume less and less, but create more and more. Still, I’m not sure if I’m a 100% minimalist. Or does the word of “minimalism” really make that much sense?

Though I adore the clean Nordic style, I also love the effusive flow of colors and details everywhere when living in Latin America.

I value the serenity and solidarity in the empty wildness, with only basic necessities to survive; But at the same time, I enjoy the clashing of ideas with different minds, in a messy space filled with models and prototypes.

I cherish a little simple sandwich in a quiet Western town, while I miss as well the endless choices of food, along with the hustle and bustle from Asian streets.

Humans are never simple, aren’t we?


👆 shot by me from a ship in Sydney | Australia

At last, let me end with a few lines from The Minimalists blog I’ve been following for years:

Minimalism is a tool that can assist you in finding freedom.
Freedom from fear.
Freedom from worry.
Freedom from overwhelm.
Freedom from guilt.
Freedom from depression.
Freedom from the trappings of the consumer culture we’ve built our lives around.
Real freedom.

All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多
Photo shot with Canon EOS Kiss X3 & iPhone 7

Thank you for reading. Please tell me what you think in the comments. Until next time! =)

感谢阅读!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

Here are some of my travel shots. Check out my travel posts on Steemit World Map, and follow me for more adventures around the globe!

!steemitworldmap -20.950212 lat -67.346191 long Uyuni, Bolivia d3scr

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#136 My Minimalist Series (2) | 简(二)

What’s up fellow Steemians! As I mentioned yesterday, I’m thrilled to have discovered the fresh new Minimalist Photography Contest by @minnowhale. Check out his post that I resteemed and join the photo fun!

And the #monomad photography project initiated by @brumest doesn’t require certain daily topics anymore! I read about the new rules from this post in which my monochrome photo is featured. So if you are posting black and white photography, feel free to use the tag, and check out @monochromes for more details if you are interested!

I have been experimenting on minimal-style photos, but once I find this Minimalist Photography Contest, I feel like cramming my post with 20 minimalist photo entries, which is not so minimal. ;)

In fact, the contest allows max 2 entries, so I will divide my effusive flow of photos and thoughts into different posts, to include in my Minimalist Series. Since I want to share more than 2 minimal-style photos and some relevant thoughts, this series will be presented in over 2 posts.

Yesterday I posted a bird & branch photo from Sydney, and here’s my second entry of another bird - a flamingo in flight.


ISO 100 | 1/250 | f/10 | 70mm

飞翔的火烈鸟 | 智利 - 阿塔卡马

I was strolling in the National Reserve of Flamingos (Reserva National Los Flamencos) in the Atacama region of Chile, when I captured this flamingo flying in the sky over the vast salt flat. Yes, I will post some minimal photos about the salt flats too in my coming posts. Oh, and the Atacama desert, a great source for minimalist style photography!

What do you think of it? Tell me in the comments please! :)



All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多
Photo shot with Canon EOS Kiss X3

Thank you for reading. Please tell me what you think in the comments. Until next time! =)

感谢阅读!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

Here are some of my travel shots. Check out my travel posts on Steemit World Map, and follow me for more adventures around the globe!

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#136 My Minimalist Series (2) | 简(二)’

#135 My Minimalist Series (1) | 简(一)

Hi my Steemit friends, I’m thrilled to have discovered the fresh new Minimalist Photography Contest by @minnowhale, check out his post that I resteemed and join the fun! It reminds me of the Simple Sunday Photo Contest hosted by @shadalene, but seems she’s tied up with other priorities recently.

I have been experimenting on minimal-style photos, but once I find this contest, I feel like cramming my post with 20 minimalist photos, which is not so minimal. ;) In fact, the contest allows max 2 entries, so I will divide my effusive flow of photos and thoughts into a few posts, to include in my Minimalist Series.

Here’s my first entry - a bird I spotted on a tree at the Green Point Reserve in Sydney, Australia.


ISO 100 | 1/60 | f/5.6 | 85mm

鸟 | 澳大利亚 - 悉尼

It was getting dark that evening, and I noticed this bird resting on a branch by Watsons Bay. The beautiful silhouettes looked like a Chinese ink painting to me. The photo in black and white displays the structure and elements pretty well. If there were less twigs on the branch, it might be even better. What do you think of it? Tell me in the comments please! :)



All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多
Photo shot with Canon EOS Kiss X3

Thank you for reading. Please tell me what you think in the comments. Until next time! =)

感谢阅读!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

Here are some of my travel shots. Check out my travel posts on Steemit World Map, and follow me for more adventures around the globe!

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