#128 Visit Australia Zoo with Me (1) “鳄鱼猎人之家” - 澳洲动物园(一)

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Hey my Steemit friends, today I’m going to show you wallabies and 2 kinds of kangaroos from Australia Zoo, and give a bit introduction of its legendary owner family.


这个动物园在澳洲大名鼎鼎,被称作“鳄鱼猎人之家”,因为创立者的儿子 – 动物保护主义者史蒂夫·欧文曾和妻子主持纪录片《鳄鱼猎人》而闻名天下。我也看过他的纪录片,很有意思的一位冒险家,常常带着老婆和一儿一女一起出动,为保护野生动物奔走呼号。他们一家人对野生动物的热爱溢于言表,对周围的人还有电视机前的吃瓜群众也有很强的感染力。可惜的是,他2006年在澳大利亚昆士兰州录制水下纪录片时,被一条黄貂鱼的背棘刺中胸部,不幸中毒身亡,而他所拍的那部片子名为《致命的海洋生物》。年仅44岁,却就此在自己热爱的领域永远告别了他挚爱的家人和野生动物们。


This zoo is known as Home of The Crocodile Hunter:
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From the billboard below you see the photo of Steve Irwin, a household name in Australia and many other parts across the globe. Irwin and his wife Terri achieved worldwide fame by hosting the internationally broadcast wildlife documentary series – The Crocodile Hunter (1996–2007). I watched a few episodes and found him fun and adventurous. And his passion in protecting wildlife is contagious. But sadly, he died in 2006 after being pierced in the heart by a stingray barb, and “Ocean’s Deadliest” was the underwater documentary he was filming.

His parents founded the Australia Zoo in Beerwah, a town situated north of Glass House Mountains (I blogged about these amazing mountains here), pretty close to where I lived. So it’s made a great weekend visit from home. :)



Inside the zoo, there were plenty of photos and other materials displayed, telling their adventure stories and efforts in wildlife conservation. I’d love to show you some in my coming posts. Though Steve’s son Robert Irwin is pretty young, he is a great photographer. I was impressed by his awesome photo works in the exhibition room, and this calendar is standing on my desk right now:


There’s a lot to see and to do in this zoo, such as watching the shows of feeding giant tortoises and otters, patting koalas… and of course, the most famous attraction is the Wildlife Warriors Show! I surely got my adrenaline pumping as I watched a massive croc launching a strike from the water’s edge. But let’s start from some milder ones first:


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Wallabies and kangaroos are similar marsupials that belong to the same family, but wallabies are generally smaller than kangaroos with shorter legs and a more varied color pattern.


I once wrote about one wild wallaby standing in the middle of the road in a forest:


A wallaby lost in thought:

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Now it’s Eastern Grey Roo’s turn.

Kangaroo mama and joe are both getting fed:

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Here’s something I found a bit weird (or creative? I love Aussies, haha) – kangaroo balls as souvenirs: 😅

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A little bird standing on a kangroo’s back:
看到那只站在袋鼠背上的可爱小鸟了吗 哈哈:
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At last, a serious red kangaroo:”No one’s gonna grab my food!”
最后,来张威武的红袋鼠: “谁也别想抢走我的小吃~”

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Just chilling:
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Ok, that’s it for today, hope you enjoyed it! =) Here’s a post I did about another unique Aussie creature, check it out if you are interested:


Koalas in the Wild! 跟我来看野生考拉

All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多

Thank you for reading. Please tell me what you think in the comments. Until next time! =)

感谢阅读!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

Here are some of my travel shots. Check out my travel posts on Steemit World Map, and follow me for more adventures around the globe!

!steemitworldmap -26.837072 lat 152.964714 long Australia Zoo d3scr

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#128 Visit Australia Zoo with Me (1) “鳄鱼猎人之家” - 澳洲动物园(一)’

#127 Cook with Donica - Fish with Pickled Cabbage 👩‍🍳🍲一起来做酸菜鱼【CN美食大赛#1🐟】

Hey fellow Steemians, in this post I want to share with you a recipe – fish with pickled cabbage and chilli. It is originally from Chongqing, China as part of the Szechuan cuisine. And today it’s getting very popular across the country, as it is easy to cook and is super tasty! Plus fish is something healthy that won’t make you feel too guilty.

I love this dish and cooked it plenty of times before. On this past Sunday I made it again. Like always, it turned out to be divine, or a devil if you can’t handle the hotness. ;) But of course you don’t have to add so many chilies like I did. Save your tongue, save your life.

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So let’s get the flame on!!!


Fish fillet, pickled cabbage, ginger, garlic, dried chilli, corn flour, white pepper, rice wine, salt, chives, white sesame






  • Marinate seabass fillet for 10 to 15 minutes with salt, rice wine, corn flour and white pepper;

  • 混合玉米淀粉、白胡椒粉、盐和料酒,将鱼片腌制10到15分钟;

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  • Heat a wok over a high flame to fry the cut garlic, ginger and chilli in cooking oil;

  • 切好的蒜、姜和干辣椒入油锅煎一会儿;



  • Add the pickled cabbage later and stir fry them;

  • 加入含有泡椒的酸菜,拌炒一分钟;



  • Pour the fish stock or hot water into the wok, bring to a boil. Add the fish and boil for another 2 minutes;

  • 加热水或高汤煮开,然后加入鱼片煮两分钟左右;



  • Pour everything into a deep bowl, and garnish with sesame and chives. Enjoy! 😋

  • 最后,把酸菜和鱼片倒入大碗内,撒些白芝麻和青葱。开吃吧!😋

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That’s it! Isn’t it easy to make? Do you want to give it a try?


All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多

Another post of mine about a fish dish:

And one post about seafood market:

More food posts:

Thank you for reading. Please tell me what you think in the comments. Until next time! =)

感谢阅读!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

Here are some of my travel shots. Check out my travel posts on Steemit World Map, and follow me for more adventures around the globe!

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#127 Cook with Donica - Fish with Pickled Cabbage 👩‍🍳🍲一起来做酸菜鱼【CN美食大赛#1🐟】’

#126 Venice at Sunset 🇮🇹 暮色中的威尼斯


Hey fellow Steemians! Hope you had a great weekend? Today I’m sharing 2 photos I took in the famous water town – Venice of Italy at golden hour. The black-and-white image is my entry for the 7 DAYS STEEMIT B&W URBAN PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST by @flamingirl.

The picture was clicked from the grand canal, with a view of the Cathedral of Santa Maria della Salute. The canal area was full of life with constant hustle and bustle. But all these turned into a peaceful scene when the setting sun started to cast a warm spell over everything. I loved watching all the boats and gondolas swaying in the water, passing by those wonderful architectures at the shore.

In the colored photo, you can see the orange-hued domes and buildings, against the pinkish sky and by the blueish water; while in the monochrome one, the structure and lines of the buildings & boats, as well as the contrast of the shades & shapes are more prominent. Which one do you prefer? Tell me what you think in the comments below! =)





你更喜欢彩色的还是单色的呢?欢迎留言分享~ : )

There’s plagiarism in the past contests, so as required by the hostess, here’s the proof of my camera settings and a photo of me by the canal:




All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多

Thank you for reading. Please tell me what you think in the comments. Until next time! =)

感谢阅读!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

Here are some of my travel shots. Check out my travel posts on Steemit World Map, and follow me for more adventures around the globe!

!steemitworldmap 45.430534 lat 12.340162 long Venice, Italy d3scr

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#126 Venice at Sunset 🇮🇹 暮色中的威尼斯’

#125 Streets of the Basque Capital (2) 🇪🇸 巴斯克首府街头(二)

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I found this beautiful street mural in the city of Vitoria Gasteiz during my road trip to northern Spain. The painting spreads over the whole wall and blends perfectly with the windows, the flower pots and the electrical cabinet in front. I also like how the artist handled the details of the fabric. You see all the creases and even the letters on the small tag. It must have cost a lot of time and it required great skills to create this piece of artwork.

In fact, I never heard of this capital city of the Basque country before, but it turned out to be a huge gem. It was awarded the title of European Green Capital in 2012 and it is consistently ranked as one of the 5 best places to live in Spain. Wandering through the city, I was amazed by this multicultural place with a wide variety of architectures and the stunning street art in many corners of the city.





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The same wall and the other one nearby:

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The statue you see here is Celedón, a traditional character who kicks off the festivities in honor of the White Virgin from August 4th to 9th each year.

The “Bajada de Celedón” was created in 1957 by a group of young people from the city of Vitoria Gasteiz. The figure descends from the tower of the San Miguel Church to a balcony in the Virgen Blanca Square. From there, he comes out as a human in order to go through the crowds up to the “balconada”(a row of balconies), where he invites everyone to join the fun festivities. Later at night of August 9th, Celedón returns to the tower of the church. He waves farewell to the public and will come back in the following year.


More of my posts about street art:

Previous posts about Northern Spain:

All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多
Photos shot by Canon Kiss X3

Thank you for reading. Please tell me what you think in the comments. Until next time! =)

感谢阅读!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

Here are some of my travel shots. Follow me for more adventures around the globe!

!steemitworldmap 42.847830 lat -2.674390 long Vitoria Gasteiz, Spain d3scr

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#125 Streets of the Basque Capital (2) 🇪🇸 巴斯克首府街头(二)’

#124 Streets of the Basque Capital (1) 巴斯克首府街头(一)| 摄影月旦评

Hello fellow Steemians, in this post and the following ones, I’m going to show you some parts of Vitoria Gasteiz. It is the capital city of the Basque Autonomous Community in northern Spain.

各位周末好~ 在这几篇帖子里,请跟我一起来看看西班牙巴斯克自治区的首府 – 维多利亚市的几处街头景象。对,巴斯克就是北边老是闹独立的那块地方~

Like many non-European tourists, except for those famous Spanish destinations like Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Seville, Granada and some islands, I only knew Bilbao and San Sebastián in this part of Spain. I never heard of Vitoria Gasteiz until my road trip to northern Spain, and it turned out to be a huge gem. It was awarded the title of European Green Capital in 2012 and it is consistently ranked as one of the 5 best places to live in Spain.




I witnessed these kids playing on the iron bench with the poor statue, and captured the scene with my camera. I found it pretty amusing - the statue’s serious face versus the kids’ having fun. =) You can’t expect naughty children to behave like adults - sitting next to the statue on the bench. Are they being creative by sitting on his shoulder or are they just damaging public properties? What do you think? :)



Here are some more street shots from the same city:

Happiness is simple. Sometimes it is just a basketball and a little space to play.


How would you title this photo?



Feels like paparazzi when shooting this one ;)

下面这张是不是有种狗仔抓拍明星的既视感? ;) 我很钦佩这些上了年纪依旧精心打扮的人们,虽然我自己常常是素面朝天、休闲舒服地就出了门,除非心血来潮或重要场合,一般懒得花时间多加修饰。我不是提倡妆容精致或穿着得体,而是欣赏他们浑身上下散发出来的不放弃人生的那股正能量~ :)


Looking at each other:

Here’s a photo of the grass city name of this green capital. :) More about Vitoria Gasteiz in the coming post. Stay tuned and see you soon… =)

最后一张是我在市中心广场看到的草皮做成的维多利亚市名,估计是因为“欧洲绿色之都”的美名吧。下一篇中会奉上更多这座独特巴斯克首府的照片~ :)


A few posts I did before about kids on the street:

Kids & Mangoes & Life 孩子和芒果(的哲思 ;p)
The Busker and His Soulmate 街头知音
By the Scheldt River of Antwerp(1) 失望的小女孩
Some SMILE Portraits in My Travels 一些旅途中的微笑
A Syrian Girl Feeding a Cat 喂猫的叙利亚女孩

Previous posts about Northern Spain:

Framed Playa de la Concha in San Sebastián 贝壳湾
Bird Nests near Burgos 鸟巢们

All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多
Photos shot by Canon Kiss X3

Thank you for reading. Please tell me what you think in the comments. Until next time! =)

感谢阅读!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

Here are some of my travel shots. Follow me for more adventures around the globe!

!steemitworldmap 42.847810 lat -2.674370 long Vitoria Gasteiz, Spain d3scr

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#124 Streets of the Basque Capital (1) 巴斯克首府街头(一)| 摄影月旦评’

#123 A Russian Folk Song Covered by Us + My Trans-Siberian Journey (2) 🚂 - Boat Tour on the Moscow River 🇷🇺 合唱《莫斯科郊外的晚上》+ 泛舟莫斯科河

What’s up fellow Steemians! In this post I’m moving on with my trans-Siberian journey. First, I’ll present a Russian folk song another Steemian and I recorded in Mandarin. Click on the head image to listen on @dsound or listen from IPFS at the end of this post. Can you guess which voice is mine? :) It’s loosely translated as “Moscow Evenings/Nights”, a Russian song yet better known outside Russia. It is particularly popular in mainland China during the Communist era when cultural exchanges with the Soviet Union were strong.

@aaronli主办的A City a Story活动本周的主题是“宁静”,这让我想起那次泛舟宁静的莫斯科河。这也是我穿越西伯利亚之旅的第一站莫斯科游览的一部分。因为这次足球世界杯举办地的缘故,上个月我开始了“西伯利亚之旅”的连载 刚翻了一下,上一篇发表还是世界杯刚开始的时候,哈哈😅……

先奉上一首宁静舒缓的俄罗斯老歌 – 我和@winniex合唱的《莫斯科郊外的晚上》(点击题图在@dsound收听或从文末的IPFS直接播放)。

The song was originally created as “Leningrad Nights” in 1955, but transliterated loosely as “Evenings in Moscow Oblast” at the request of the Soviet Ministry of Culture. In 1957, the song won prizes in both the international song contest and in Moscow. After that, it spread around the world. The song was introduced to China, also to the American mainstream audience during the Cold War era. Its covered versions peaked on the UK Singles Chart and the U.S. charts at the height of the folk revival.


This song was adapted by the German band The Scorpions in 2000, and by the Chinese composer Gao Ping in 2003 for the Vocalizing Pianist, “Evenings in Suburban Moscow.” The famous Russian singer Vitas also recorded a version with his counter-tenor voice. I could recall his stunning performance at several Chinese music festivals. The lyrics of this song were shown in Cyrillic script, as the vanity card in 2 episodes of The Big Bang Theory in 2017 and 2018.


Due to China’s connection with former Soviet Union, my uncles’ generation learnt Russian language for a few years at school. I still remember some words he taught me. I wish I knew Russian language more than a few survival phrases I learnt during the trans-Siberian trip, so I can check out the original lyrics. But since that won’t happen in recent years, here are the English lyrics for your reference: =)



Moscow Nights – English Lyrics

Stillness in the grove, not a rustling sound
Softly shines the moon clear and bright.
Dear, if you could know how I treasure so
The most beautiful Moscow night.
Dear, if you could know how I treasure so
The most beautiful Moscow night.

Lazily the brook, like a silvery stream
Ripples gently in the moonlight,
And a song afar fades as in a dream,
In the spell of this summer night.

Dearest, why so sad, why the downcast eyes,
And your lovely head bent so low?
Oh, It’s hard to speak—and yet not to speak
Of the longing my heart does know.

Promise me, my love, as the dawn appears
And the darkness turns into light,
That you’ll cherish, dear, through the passing years
This most beautiful Moscow night.

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Now following my first post of the trans-Siberian journey, here’s the boat tour I did with my local hosts on the Moscow River. It was a lovely trip filled with fun!


First, let’s check out a picture I took of the route plan. You can see clearly the landmarks along the river, most of which were also captured in my following photos. :)

下面拍的图里有坐船的路线,那些著名建筑和雕塑的名称位置都有标注,我就不一一赘述了好会偷懒😜 旅行tip no.1 - 见到线路图一定要拍下来

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I bought a can of the popular drink across Russia, Kbac(Kvass) - a traditional Slavic and Baltic beverage commonly made from rye/black bread in a process similar to beer making, with very low alcohol content (0.05 - 1.44%). The first time I tried it was in Harbin, northeast China - a city influenced by Russian culture:

我买了罐克瓦斯在船上喝,在俄罗斯的日子里几乎天天喝这个,东欧和波罗的海沿岸国家也很常见,是由裸麦面包发酵制成的,过程和酿造啤酒类似,酒精含量却超低 - 只有0.05 - 1.44%,几乎没有,在这个伏特加之国,对我这种酒量很差的人来说真是个救星。第一次喝是多年前在哈尔滨街头,这座中国东北的名城受到俄国文化影响不小。当时就觉得甜丝丝的味道不错,而且隐约感到比一般的水和果汁更解渴一点儿,所以也算夏季福音吧:

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My host’s friends checking out the photos taken for them by a photographer in the boat:
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Having fun with friends on this beautiful summer day:
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Some landmarks:

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Remember this place from the photo above? It was where I shot those dancing scenes by the river. That’s another day in Moscow at the golden hour. You can find them here - my first post of the trans-Siberian journey.


So that’s it for today’s boat tour, hope you enjoyed the song and the views! See you soon…

希望你们喜欢这首关于莫斯科的宁静老歌和这趟宁静的河上之旅~ 下次见!=)

All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多

Thank you for reading. Please tell me what you think in the comments. Until next time! =)

感谢阅读!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ :)

Here are some of my travel shots. Follow me for more adventures around the globe!

!steemitworldmap 55.729601 lat 37.597143 long Moscow River Boat Tour, Russia d3scr

► Listen on DSound

► Listen from source (IPFS)

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#123 A Russian Folk Song Covered by Us + My Trans-Siberian Journey (2) 🚂 - Boat Tour on the Moscow River 🇷🇺 合唱《莫斯科郊外的晚上》+ 泛舟莫斯科河’

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