#122 Visiting Vietnam Veterans Memorial 🇺🇸 + War Remnants Museum 🇻🇳 越南战争双馆记 | 月旦评


Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall, Washington D. C. | by @itchyfeetdonica
Donica多 | 摄于美国华盛顿 – 越南退伍军人纪念墙

According to an Asian proverb,

“There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people’s eyes”.

The same goes with Vietnam War, a war that has made a huge impact in countries like Vietnam and USA. In this post I’m going to show you some photos I took when I visited the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D. C. of US and the War Remnants Museum in Ho Chi Minh City of Vietnam.

I was neither in the War nor from any of the 2 countries, so I don’t feel like commenting on it with my limited knowledge and experience. What I want to do here is just displaying the different scenes I witnessed from 2 corners of the world.

Feel free to tell me what you think about the photos, about the war, or about anything popping up to your mind.


陈绮贞唱的看过许多美景、看过许多美女也不错。你说这是装逼?对呀,谁会虚伪否认装逼也是旅行的意义之一?但这不是目的只是途径而已。举个栗子🙋‍🌰:在智利工作时先后遇到过两个保加利亚姑娘,一听说我去过她们那游客不太多的祖国,甚至她们那鸟不拉屎的家乡时,都是二话不说,立马加我为好友。另外一个阿尔巴尼亚姑娘也是这么落入了我好友的圈套,而我都没有主动把妹 别误会,我其实是直的啦,虽然觉得弯的也没什么不好🏳️‍🌈 (你看,这又是旅行的意义之一,让你敞开心胸接纳各种不同的观念和行为)

当然,靠旅行经验来把妹/撩汉只是旅行很小的一部分意义,今天要聊的是更加深刻的意义(摆出严肃脸 😏 害怕hold不住)。扯了半天,其实就是给我要写的“城事影像”活动征文铺垫(💈 广告时间:这个活动很有文化内涵,主办人@aaronli最近又被黑账户被盗资产,所以大家都来支持一下吧~ 比如参加活动让他惊喜,得到奖金后再捐还给他让他双重惊喜……)。这期的主题是“黑暗”,这…… 似乎有悖于我一贯拥抱的欢快主旋律啊~。






历史是个有趣的东西,其本质似乎是客观的,但曾客观存在的人都已作古,只能任由后人评说。正经的评说一般要结合史料记载和考古发现之类的。而载入史册的资料就是绝对客观的吗?🧐 有人说历史是由胜利的一方书写的。就连每次看百度百科和维基百科,反映的历史都是不同的,更别说各国编写的历史教科书这个任娘打扮的小姑娘了。除了广泛游历,这也是多学一/几门语言的好处,看世界看人生 – “啪啪啪”,一下多打开了好几扇窗~

比如,我们熟悉的抗日战争(War of Resistance Against Japan),在国际上是被称作第二次中日战争(Second Sino-Japanese War)的。就像下面要出现的越南战争的名称,在越南是叫抵美救国抗战(Resistance War Against America,可惜我不懂越南语,只能放个英文名称以便比较),而在国际上是越战(Vietnam War)或者第二次印度支那战争 (Second Indochina War)。



Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall | Washington D. C., USA
越南退伍军人纪念墙 | 美国华盛顿






War Remnants Museum | Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
越南战争遗迹博物馆 | 越南胡志明市

而在这一黑暗战争的发生地 – 越南,战争遗迹博物馆里呈现的又是另外一番景象。花了一下午,看完几层楼的室内陈列和露天展览,很沉重,很难过,想哭却又哭不出来,一种刺痛淤积在胸口,持续了好久。



Posters and books about war & peace:











2 famous photos from the Vietnam War:
两张出自越战的比较有名的摄影作品 – 暗无天日的战争岁月中苦苦挣扎的平民们:



Robert Capa,这个二十世纪著名的战地摄影记者,葬身于越战前线的地雷:







All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多
Photos shot by Canon Kiss X3 & iPhone 7

Thank you for reading. Please tell me what you think in the comments. Until next time! =)

感谢阅读!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

Here are some of my travel shots. Follow me for more adventures around the globe!

!steemitworldmap 38.890982 lat -77.047702 long Vietnam Veterans Memorial, D.C. d3scr

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#122 Visiting Vietnam Veterans Memorial 🇺🇸 + War Remnants Museum 🇻🇳 越南战争双馆记 | 月旦评’

#121 Magical Experience - Hot Air Ballooning in Cappadocia (2) 🇹🇷 🎈 奇幻热气球之旅(二)

Cappa2 (9).jpg.jpg)

This is the second half of Hot Air Ballooning in Cappadocia, following my last post. You can find the introduction about this place and my ride here.

I described the incredible fantastic feeling in my last post, and now towards the end of the journey, our balloon is getting lower and lower, ready for landing. At the same time, there are more and more hot air balloons appearing in the sky.


First a throwback:


Cappa2 (1).jpg.jpg)

This is my blue balloon, though I took most pictures of that more photogenic rainbowish neighbor: ;)


Since I wasn’t be able to shoot the whole image of my balloon, here’s part of the basket, and its complete shadow:

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Landed… I was still alive - so excited! :D


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After landing, the balloon was packed, and we were offered champagne and other drinks. It felt great to celebrate together and warm up after the long flight in the cold morning. Each passenger was also awarded a flight certificate, woohoo~ I know, this is probably the easiest certificate you can get in your life - you only need to stand in a small moving basket for about 1 hour. And there you go - you did a historical flight over a moon-like landscape! ;)

落地后,大气球被打包。飞行员发给我们每人一杯香槟,还颁发了飞行证书。一篮子乘客聚在一起举杯欢庆这一幸福的时刻~ =) 这可能是最容易得到的证书了吧 – 只需要呆站在一个在空中缓缓移动的篮子里,大约一小时后,飞行证书就到手了!还是如此奇幻地飞过地球上最像月球的地貌,简直酷毙了有木有?

Cappa2 (3).jpg.jpg)

All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多
Photos shot by Canon Kiss X3 & iPhone 4

Thank you for reading. Please tell me what you think in the comments. Until next time! =)

感谢阅读!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

Here are some of my travel shots. Follow me for more adventures around the globe!

!steemitworldmap 38.643321 lat 34.852278 long Cappadocia, Turkey d3scr

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#121 Magical Experience - Hot Air Ballooning in Cappadocia (2) 🇹🇷 🎈 奇幻热气球之旅(二)’

#120 Magical Experience - Hot Air Ballooning in Cappadocia (1) 🇹🇷 🎈 奇幻热气球之旅(一)| 摄影月旦评

Cappa (3).JPG.JPG)

Hey fellow Steemians, in this post and the following one, I will show you my magical experience of hot air ballooning in Cappadocia, Turkey.

I visited this amazing place 4 years ago, and I only started to sort through my photos just now because I happened to see a couple of photo contests today:

  • the Thursday #colourfulphotography by @juliank;
  • Birds of Flight - Deranged Photography Contests by @derangedvisions;
  • Shadow Photo Contest by @melinda010100, with the theme “Giant Shadows” this round proposed by @nolasco;

If you are also a photography enthusiast, check out the pages of these great Steemians and join the photo fun! =)

I shot these photos on a hot air balloon ride above Cappadocia, a semi-arid region in Central Anatolia, best known for its unique moon-like landscape and unusual rock formations.

The formation of this strange landscape started during the third geological period, when three volcanoes located on the edges of this region began erupting frequently. Here you can also find underground cities, cave churches and houses carved in the rocks.



我是四年前去的这里,由于一直连续旅行和工作拖延症晚期,当时拍的照片就扔在移动盘里几乎没再摸过。直到今天看到几个摄影活动,比如“多彩”、“飞行物”、“巨大的影子”、“简洁风”,这些关键词让我突然想起这次难忘的热气球飞行。所以我整理了一下照片,因为太多,会分两次发出来。这次就先一起来看看飞行的前半部分吧~ :)

I had to get up at 5am in the cold morning, but it was definitely an out of the world experience that I would never forget.

The balloon was gently drifting over the fantastic landscapes, when the orange hued rays of sunrise kissed the fairy chimneys, orchards, vineyards, pigeon houses and cone-shaped rock formations. It was a marvel with dreamlike serenity.



在这清晨的静谧之中, 神仙烟窗,圆锥形石柱、蘑菇状奇石,白鸽岩屋等大自然鬼斧神工下的超现实奇景,不紧不慢地在眼前徐徐伸展开来。

Preparing for the flight:
Cappa (14).JPG.JPG)

The beautiful and powerful burner:
Cappa (13).jpg.jpg)

Here are some other balloons and the otherworldly views I shot from my big basket. It’s not easy to describe that incredible surreal feeling. Come to experience it by yourself! =)

下面是我从自己乘坐的热气球篮子里拍到的高处和脚下的各种幻境。语言很难确切地形容当时美妙的感觉请原谅我词穷,总之,需要你们自己来体会! :D

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Cappa (2).jpg.jpg)

So that’s it for the first half of my hot air balloon trip, stay tuned for the next half! :)

如果没有去过,我真心向你安利这片神奇的土地和这个飞行项目,虽然现在越来越有名,越来越商业化。但是,相信我,你绝对不会后悔这个选择的,真的是超级独特的经历!我不是托儿 ;)

All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多
Photos shot by Canon Kiss X3 & iPhone 4

Thank you for reading. Please tell me what you think in the comments. Until next time! =)

感谢阅读!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

Here are some of my travel shots. Follow me for more adventures around the globe!

!steemitworldmap 38.644298 lat 34.856789 long Cappadocia, Turkey d3scr

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#120 Magical Experience - Hot Air Ballooning in Cappadocia (1) 🇹🇷 🎈 奇幻热气球之旅(一)| 摄影月旦评’

#119 Street Art & Ghost Festival @Malacca 🇲🇾 马六甲街头壁画和鬼节一瞥


When I see the topic of the Citystory photo contest hosted by @aaronli, I’m kind of lost in choices. It is “Street Art” this week. There are various forms of street art including graffiti, posters, sculptures, stickers, urban knitting, installations, etc.. Since I lived in Latin America, my eyes got used to a feast of colorful street murals from big cities to tiny towns. Even in the hidden gems underdogs like Belgium, there are creative street comics of Tintin’s adventures. But I have to choose one from the numerous, so I’ll first go for a type of unique Asian style – the murals on a couple of back streets in Malacca, Malaysia.

Malaysia is a charming multicultural destination boasting Malay, Chinese, Indian and other cultures. I have visited a few places there and have always wanted to go back. I was surprised to see so many stunning street murals in cities like Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Ipoh and Malacca. Among those street art works, the best known one might be the mural in old town Penang – “Brother & Sister on a Bicycle” painted by the Lithuanian artist Ernest Zacharevic.

我看到这期的“城事影像”主题时,立马陷入选择困难症的泥沼 😆。 这周的主题是“街头艺术”,街头艺术形式多样,比如有涂鸦、海报、雕塑、贴纸、纺织装饰品、装置艺术等。光是涂鸦,这些年就见到太多,尤其是拉丁美洲那无处不在的街头壁画,大都色彩鲜艳、意象奇特、水平高超,以喷绘比较常见。就连比利时这种常被嘲笑无趣的欧洲小国,街头也有《丁丁历险记》的巨幅漫画涂鸦。 但这么多街头艺术,我选哪里来写呢?想想还是从咱们亚洲开始吧,今天就来介绍大马的马六甲一处东方风味浓郁的街头壁画。


The street murals are also common in Malacca, this historical city rich in heritage buildings, ancient landmarks and colonial structures. With influences from different cultures like Portuguese, Dutch, British, Japanese, Javanese and Chinese ones, this is a great place to visit. I have to write about its amazing food too, but today let me first focus on the mural art. The most prominent mural art works here can be seen on both sides of the lovely canal.

And when I walked into a few small streets with my mom, I discovered more gems. :) Unlike the constant long line of visitors in front of the “Brother & Sister on a Bicycle”, only us two were here. Look at the pictures I shot: these murals are so full of life – working men and resting women, children and animals playing around, all vividly depicted in bright colors with a cheerful tone. It is fun to have a peek into the locals’ life through these lively daily scenes. At the same time, the subjects in these paintings are reflecting the multi-culture feature of Malaysia.



Here are some more photos taken at the pretty streets nearby: cats are as common as graffiti:


I used the flower & wall picture I took here to make 2 headers in Chinese and in English. Though it’s not easy to write on screen with fingertips, I just had too much fun in playing with it ;), so I made 4 ones (see another 2 above )with the post title and my signature. What do you think of them? Perhaps I should just hand-write post titles on my photo works in future? :D

我在给这面绿墙和红花拍的照片上写了几个字做封面,虽然用指尖在屏幕上写字不容易,但写上瘾了,一口气写了四张 ,哈哈哈~ 我是不是太神经了……😅 小伙伴们你们觉得这个主意怎么样?干脆我以后就直接在照片上写文章标题算了?

It happened to be the Hungry Ghost Festival when I was at Malacca, so I witnessed some local ethnic Chinese preparing ritualistic food offerings, and burning incense and joss paper for the visiting spirits of their deceased ancestors.


* Hungry Ghost Festival is a traditional Buddhist and Taoist festival in Chinese culture. The seventh month of Chinese lunar calendar is regarded by older generation as the Ghost Month, and the 14th or 15th day of the month is called Ghost Day.
Similar to Halloween from the Western culture, during the Ghost Festival, the spirits of the deceased are believed to visit the living from the lower realm. They search food and take revenge upon those who wronged them in life. While in the Qingming Festival in spring and Double Ninth Festival in autumn, it’s the other way around - living descendants pay homage to their deceased ancestors.
Except for burning paper objects such as houses, furniture and cars for their deceased families, people also pay tribute to other wandering ghosts so that these homeless souls do not bring bad luck or misfortune.


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So that’s it for today’s post about the murals and some back streets in Malacca, Malaysia. Here are a few more posts I did before which are relevant to street art, check them out if interested 🙂:


All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多

Thank you for reading. Please tell me what you think in the comments. Until next time! =)

感谢阅读!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

Here are some of my travel shots. Follow me for more adventures around the globe!

!steemitworldmap 2.194086 lat 102.239658 long Malacca, Malaysia d3scr

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#119 Street Art & Ghost Festival @Malacca 🇲🇾 马六甲街头壁画和鬼节一瞥’

#118 The @blocktrades World Cup | My Selections for the Semi Finals ⚽️🏆 聊聊世界各地的烤肉串 🍢


Meat skewers being roasted over charcoal on a Mangal (the grilling apparatus)
photo by @itchyfeetdonica, shot in Moscow

Shashlik or shashlyk, is translated from Turkic languages as “skewerable”. It is a kind of skewered and grilled cubes of meat popular in Central Asia, Eastern Europe, Caucasus, the Baltics, and the Middle East. There are similar skewered meat in other parts of the world, like the kaochuanr in China, arrosticini in Italy, brochette in France and Catalonia, anticuchos in Peru and other Andean states…

The Cossacks borrowed the word “shashlyk” from the Crimean Tatars, and this type of food finally reached Moscow in the late 19th century and became popular across Russia. It is commonly sold as street food and cooked in outdoor gatherings, like the beloved barbie by Aussies and the churrasco across Latin America and Europe.





下面进入正题 – 预测2018俄罗斯世界杯的半决赛结果。因为不懂足球,但又不想太水,所以扯了扯更加了解的主办地和全球各地类似的美食,哈哈哈。。。想玩的小伙伴可以点下面链接看看游戏规则,一起来猜吧!:)

Russia 2018 World Cup is coming to the exciting stage of semi finals tomorrow! Let’s move along to predict the results! Which 2 teams do you think will make it to the final? Check out the details of the contest run by @blocktrades, @anomadsoul and @acidyo to join the fun! =)

Here’s my prediction for the semi finals:

Score Team vs Team Score
1 France vs Belgium 2
1 Croatia vs England 2


Thank you for reading. Please tell me what you think in the comments. Until next time! =)

感谢阅读!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

Here are some of my travel shots. Follow me for more adventures around the globe!

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#118 The @blocktrades World Cup | My Selections for the Semi Finals ⚽️🏆 聊聊世界各地的烤肉串 🍢’

#117 My Entry for the 7 DAYS STEEMIT SUNSET PHOTO CONTEST by @flamingirl beach 🏝 🌅 🇺🇸 威尼斯 & 海滩

Venice Beach LA1.JPG

The Venice Beach I’m going to show here is not in Venice of Italy, but one of many great beaches in Los Angeles, USA. So are you also wondering what the connection is with the Italian city?

The tobacco millionaire Abbot Kinney founded this seaside resort town in 1905, in the vision of building a “pleasure pier” in California that boasted Venetian architecture of Italy. It was originally called the “Venice of America”, in the hope that visitors could ride gondolas to tour the water town just like in Venice of Europe.

Later in 1926, Venice merged with Los Angeles, but the area kept its bohemian vibe and is known as a cultural hub today. I found it a lively and peculiar place full of strange charm. People come here for attractions like Abbot Kinney Boulevard, Recreation Center, the Venice Canals, and of course the beach.

I heard it can get packed during hot summer time, since it’s very popular among tourists as well as locals. While I visited it on a cool spring day, there’s no crowds at the beach. From late afternoon till dark, I walked the long Boardwalk to reach the famous Santa Monica Pier. I was lucky to witness the color changes of the sky along my way. The head image is my entry for SUNSET PHOTO CONTEST by @flamingirl. Enjoy the capture of these slender palm trees standing against the brilliant sky!




可能你会跟我一样好奇为什么这里也叫威尼斯呢?就像美国很多名字里带有“新”字的地方,比如新约克(纽约,原名新阿姆斯特丹)、新泽西、新奥尔良…… 这个北美的“威尼斯”也带着欧洲文化的印记。1905年,烟草巨贾艾伯特 · 基内建立了这个海滨度假小镇,梦想着将这里建成加州的威尼斯 – 处处是意式风情的威尼斯建筑,人们可以坐着刚朵拉小船沿着水道自由穿梭。

到了1926年,这个威尼斯小镇被洛杉矶市合并,而这块地区仍然保留了它独特的波希米亚风情,是个奇异怪趣的所在和有名的文化中心。这里的艾伯特 · 基内大道、休闲中心、威尼斯运河还有迷人的海滩总是游人如织。因为很受当地人和外地游客的欢迎,据说盛夏的时候,海滩上常常人满为患。






All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多


Thank you for reading. Please tell me what you think in the comments. Until next time! =)

感谢阅读!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

Here are some of my travel shots. Follow me for more adventures around the globe!

!steemitworldmap 33.986548 lat -118.473936 long Venice Beach, USA d3scr

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