#326 Golden Beach 🇦🇺 | 继续海滩


Dipping into the sea at the end of a hot sunny day was a great choice, and I enjoyed this golden hour with gentle sea breeze. The golden beach in my photo is not on the Gold Coast south of Brisbane, but in Newcastle north of Sydney.

Australia is blessed with plenty of city beaches like this one in New South Wales, which I visited on a road trip during the New Year holiday, the hottest period in that region.

I also recommend the more tranquil beaches on the Sunny Coast where I lived. But I could only upload 3 photos max for this Beach Photography contest by @ntopaz, and this has been the last one already! :) But no worries, I will share those amazing beaches with you in my future posts. So stay tuned and see you soon! :D

Here’s my original work before it’s cropped by the site:




All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多

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#325 Once Upon a Time In Hollywood 🎥 | 好莱坞往事

Last week, I watched Once Upon a Time In Hollywood (2019) in a cinema here (finally), which reminded me of my trip to Hollywood over 5 years ago. I took the Amtrak’s Sunset Limited train from New Orleans, and arrived at Los Angeles after about 45 hours. As its name suggests, it was an epic journey packed with amazing sunset views. I’d also recommend the California Zephyr one between Chicago and San Francisco, another excellent train route! I just adore train travels. :)

Ok, let me come back to Hollywood, so I went through the photos I took there, and picked some to share with you. The head photo is my entry for the #monomad challenge and the Cityscape Photography Contest. The Chinese part below is my review of the movie. Now let’s start for a short photo trip in the central area of Hollywood!


Talking about Hollywood, that famous large sign on a hill might pop up to your mind? Before I went to Los Angeles, I thought this birthplace of the U.S. film industry is a community based on a hill. ;)

In fact, Hollywood is a neighborhood located to the west and northwest of downtown Los Angeles. It’s flanked by Hollywood Hills to the north where we see that big sign. The sign on Mount Lee used to be “Hollywoodland” advertising a housing development. Later in 1949, the “land” was removed from the sign in its rebuilding to refer to the entire district.

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Many of my photos here were taken on the Hollywood Boulevard, the core area at Hollywood & Highland district, where most tourist attractions are located. For example, you can see the TCL Chinese Theatre, the Dolby Theatre, the Hollywood Wax Museum…

The TCL (Grauman’s) Chinese Theatre has a funky palace-type exterior, and was declared a historic and cultural landmark in 1968. I’m very sure it’s not designed by Chinese after seeing it, haha. It’s such a weird building but quite eye-catching. It reminds me of the Crazy House I visited in Da Lat, Vietnam. And its IMAX theatre features one of the largest movie screens in North America.

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In front of the Chinese Theatre, you can check out the historic Hollywood Walk of Fame. It contains the hand and foot prints as well as the signatures of popular stars from the 1920’s through today.

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If you are only a tourist like me, you can get awarded as well! Look at me - Woman of the Millennium! ;) I sent some cards to my friends from here and bought a Best Mama key chain for my mom. She is still using it now. :)

Since its completion in 2001, the Dolby Theatre has been acting as the home of the Academy Awards (Oscars) ceremony. The well-known Hard Rock Cafe sits between The Dolby Theatre and CTL (Grauman’s) Chinese Theatre. The Hollywood Wax Museum is also closeby, and sexy Marilyn Monroe has been greeting passers-by on the street.

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At last, a fun fact - something to do with us weird Chinese again:

According to the diary of H. J. Whitley, also known as the “Father of Hollywood”, on his honeymoon in 1886 he stood at the top of the hill looking out over the valley. Along came a Chinese man in a wagon carrying wood. The man got out of the wagon and bowed. The Chinese man was asked what he was doing and replied, “I holly-wood,” meaning ‘hauling wood.’ H. J. Whitley had an epiphany and decided to name his new town Hollywood. “Holly” would represent England and “wood” would represent his Scottish heritage. Whitley had already started over 100 towns across the western United States.

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看片前没看任何剧情或背景介绍,只是因为是昆汀粉,觉得应该珍惜他为数不多的作品,而且据说这之后他只会再拍一部长片。以前只知道取名于曼森团伙的玛丽莲曼森乐队和导演波兰斯基,后者是因为看过他的几部电影比如《钢琴师》,不知道曼森那伙人住在Spanh Ranch,还有波兰斯基惨遭杀害的女星老婆叫Sharon Tate,所以观影时对好几个场景一头雾水,特别是Sharon那条线发生的事。于是,看完后恶补了一下历史, 加上好奇心驱使的连环搜索,看了很多那段时期的纪录片,从意式西部片看到嬉皮文化看到撒旦恐慌,不出意外的又搭进去比电影本身还长的时间。



看到一些纪录片中出现杀人团伙幕后头目Charles Manson年轻时的样子,恍然大悟片中皮特在屋顶上大秀肌肉时,下面的那个路人甲就是他。

李小龙曾是Sharon Tate的武术教练,难怪那场她看自己电影的戏里,亮出了她跟李小龙学艺的片段。拍李小龙被整这段时皮特觉得不妥,据说其他剧组人员也恐有种族歧视之嫌,但昆汀还是坚持了他的艺术自由。看片时全场也就我一个亚洲人,虽然明白这只是电影,而且当时的李小龙还没有很红,但看着一代武术大师以那种姿态出现还是有点小吃惊啊~ 后来果然看到报道说李小龙女儿指责昆汀贬损她父亲形象……

查资料时,看到当时4人谋杀团伙的其中一女也搭过车,跟片中搭车皮叔的Pussycat一样都住过Spanh Ranch。那这个被曼森洗脑的迷妹凶手搭过谁的车呢?据说是大名鼎鼎的The Beach Boys乐队的鼓手Dennis的车,这也是头目Charles Manson跟鼓手Dennis结识的起源。后来曼森被Dennis引荐给音乐制作人Terry,因为没有得到重用而起复仇之心。他去过Terry在比弗利山Cielo Drive的家,后来出租给了波兰斯基夫妇,也正是无辜谋杀发生的地点。不过这倒算不上剧透喔,因为昆汀并没有让一样的历史在电影里重演,他重点讲述的是两位虚构男主的挣扎和奋斗。就像他的很多其他作品,暴力美学中夹带着黑色幽默,结局总是让人讶异,同时又有着如释重负的快感。


还有跟小李子在《华尔街之狼》里搭过戏的实力派大美女Margot Robbie,虽然戏份不多,但演技真是没话说。说是原本受害女星Sharon的姐姐不赞成拍这部电影,但去片场看到Margot后立刻如沐春风,还把妹妹生前的首饰借给她戴。几个月前刚在同一影院看了《苏格兰玛丽女王》, 她在里面演伊丽莎白一世,自毁美女形象,却斩获无数好评。还有还有,她前年塑造的花样滑冰选手Tonya……

最后,再来个真正的八卦:看到片中小李子去趟意大利带回的老婆种种很意呆利的行为,还以为女演员是意大利人,不想竟是昆汀自己去年刚迎娶的以色列模特。 然后,今年刚离婚的皮特又莫名躺枪,被小报造谣称恋上片中饰演Sharon聚会女友的演员,就因为她长得有点像前妻安吉丽娜朱莉,而事实上,这位女演员只是短暂出镜,他们连同框的场面都没有…… 不得不佩服这些小报的想象力啊~。

Here’s a video by Screen Rant about the hidden clues and Easter eggs in the movie:

All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多

Posted using Partiko iOS

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#324 Lindos Bay | 海湾


This is the view of the beautiful Lindos bay and the beach in Greece. I took this photo when traveling on the Greek island of Rhodes. You can imagine how fantastic it is to swim in this crystal clear water of the Mediterranean Sea! :) Lindos is also a town known for its historical temples, old castles, whitewashed churches and clifftop acropolis.

It’s my entry for @ntopaz’s Beach Photography contest. Feel free to join the fun if you have beach photos to share as well!

Here are the camera settings and the original image before it’s cropped by the site:



All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多

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#323 Beach Fun | 开心 People Photography by Worldcapture Week #36

Isla Mujeres (5).jpg.jpg)

Here are some photos I took at Isla Mujeres, a popular Mexican island for holidays. It was over 5 years ago, I joined a day trip from Cancun and reached Isla Mujeres by boat. Before dipping into the clear warm water, I first walked around at the beautiful beach, and saw this family having fun there.

I like the lovely facial expressions of the two sisters and the dynamic moment. I was traveling solo and didn’t have pictures of myself, but each time when I look at these people in my photos, the holiday mood and fun memories come back. :)

The head image is my entry for People Photography Week #36 by @worldcapture. Don’t hesitate to join the fun if you also have photos of people to share!

The original photo:
Isla Mujeres (1).jpg.jpg)

The family:
Isla Mujeres (4).jpg.jpg)


我在下海之前,先在海滩边散步了一圈,看到很多一大家子坐在海边,发现多数墨西哥成年人都是直接穿着平常的衣服而不是泳衣在海里游泳的。我路过这家人时,看到这对可爱的小姐妹在嬉水玩耍,就给她们拍了一张。因为是一个人去的,没有自己的照片,但每次看到我拍下的这些别人的瞬间, 那身临其境的海滩假日就会立刻重现。

All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多

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#322 Vegetable Tajine | 素菜塔吉锅


Hey everyone! Have you tried tajine, the popular dish from North Africa and the Middle East?

So why is it called tajine? Well, look at the shallow earthen pots in my photos here. This kind of container is “tajine” in local languages in North Africa. While in the Middle East it is called a maraq (meaning broth) or a qidra (name of the cooking pot).


地点是在摩洛哥中部干旱的小城Midelt,我刚走出旅馆,就闻到诱人的食物香气,循着找过去,看到这户外一角的简易炉灶。只见五个古朴的塔吉锅正在烧红的炭火上炖着。旁边的大厨看到我走过去,就揭开其中一个锅盖让我先一睹为快。盖子一掀开,更浓郁的香气立刻扑面而来…… 可是,午饭时间却还没有到,只能先咽咽口水拍了几张照片来解馋。炭黑的背景下,这些颜色鲜艳的蔬菜们冒着缕缕热气,感觉比饭店里端上桌后的塔吉锅还要吸引人,舌尖仿佛已经能尝到那股子烟火之味~


The main ingredients for tajine normally include some of the following: beef, chicken, vegetables, nuts and dried fruits. I once posted a beef tajine when traveling in Morocco, and I am going to share my experience in learning how to cook chicken tajine in a workshop there.

The ones here are vegetable tajines. As you can see, there were tomatoes, onions, zucchini, potatoes, carrots and some herbs inside. Yummy~

They were being cooked on charcoal fire out of a small hotel with a restaurant on the ground floor. I stayed in this place in Midelt, a dry and arid town in central Morocco. The lunch smelled so good that it immediately drew my attention when I stepped out of the hotel. The setting was not fancy at all, but the steaming hot and bright-colored vegetables just looked more attractive against it.




This is my entry for Tasty Tuesday competition. Hope you enjoy (looking at) the delicacy! :)

More Foodie Posts:

All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多

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#321 A Remote Beach | 偏远的海滩


This is a beach in southern Chile by the Pacific Ocean. I shot the photo at the seaside of Ancud, a port city on the fascinating island of Chiloé. Chile is pretty remote to many other countries, and Chiloé is even seen as a remote island by quite a lot of Chileans.

The place looks very different from most of the typical tropical beaches, while it boasted a unique atmosphere. I was amazed by the rich colors of the green trees, the red & white boat and the brilliant sky. All these beautiful elements were spreading out in front of my eyes in the peaceful golden hour. And it was chillyChile indeed! ;)

It’s my entry for @ntopaz’s Beach Photography. The picture was taken with iPhone 7:







In case you prefer the warmer beaches, here are some of my previous posts featuring them:

Just a Beach | 来块墨西哥海滩

The Venice Beach | 加州威尼斯海滩

Venice Beach LA1.JPG

Explore Easter Island with Me (1) - Introduction and Anakena | 复活节岛摩托之旅(一)

The Wild Cuban Beach and Dying Mangroves | 鲜为人知的加勒比海滩

CayoJutias (12).jpg.jpg)

San Juan (1) - Life is a Beach | 圣胡安(一)—— 城市海滩


An Abandoned Boat on the Island of Vieques | 蚊子岛上的废弃小船


Lighthouse & Beach @Salvador | 灯塔和海滩


All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多

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