#110 So I Made this Belgian Dish to Celebrate Belgium's Win over Panama =) ⚽做个比利时名菜庆祝世界杯首场胜利


Belgian Red Devils just scored 3 goals ⚽ in the match against Panama in Group G, Fisht Olympic Stadium, Sochi! ✌ To celebrate this win of the country I see as my second home, I made the popular Belgian dish - mosselen-friet in Dutch or moules et frites in French, a main dish of mussels and fries 🍟originating in Belgium. Another national dish (kind of) is Stoverij / Carbonade flamande, the equally famous Belgian beef stew. 🍲😋 =)

This is my entry to the #foodboasting photo contest by @karenmckersie. Camera: Canon Kiss X3. Check her contest out and join the food fun! 👩‍🍳🥂

可能很多朋友也看了刚结束的这场世界杯小组赛:比利时对阵巴拿马,以精彩的3:0胜出。曾游荡过60多国,也去过巴拿马,但比利时这个低调的小国是我在国外居住最久的一个地方,不久后又要过去,也相当于第二故乡吧。就像很多呆过的地方一样,住在那里的时候不觉得怎么样,甚至各种牢骚不满,而疏离一段时间后,才渐渐觉出它不动声色的好来。所以说“有比较才有鉴别” – 在理。

为庆祝小比国这首场的胜利,我动手做了起源它家的名菜 – 白葡萄酒炖海虹/青口/淡菜。一般是配着炸薯条和蛋黄酱吃的。海虹可以有原味、蒜香等各种选择。(关于比利时引以为豪的炸薯条,请参考文末链接#17 :D) 另外一道有名的国菜是啤酒炖牛肉,以前也做过几次,将来找个机会分享下~。

因为活动举办者特别要求只能有一张照片不能多写字,我也不便扯太多虽然还是没忍住扯了点。其实,就跟很多炖煮的西餐一样,做法很简单 – 酒、炖、洋葱、芹菜、香草,保持原汁原味就好,就一个字 – 鲜。

Here are some more posts I did about Belgium:

#4 The Magical Church - Reading Between the Lines 解读比利时透明教堂

#17 Discover the Beauty of Groenplaats in Antwerp 钻石城的绿色广场原来竟是座墓场?

#48 By the Scheldt River of Antwerp(1) 失望的小女孩

#65 Life Goes On 风雨兼程

Thank you for reading. Please tell me what you think in the comments. Until next time! =)

感谢阅读!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

Here are some of my travel shots. Follow me for more adventures around the globe!

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This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#110 So I Made this Belgian Dish to Celebrate Belgium’’s Win over Panama =) ⚽做个比利时名菜庆祝世界杯首场胜利’

#109 Kids & Mangoes & Life 👼 🇪🇹 孩子和芒果(的哲思 ;p) | 摄影月旦评

Hey fellow Steemians, normally I do long posts with lots of photos and text walls, but today I want to keep it short and sweet. The first photo is my entry to @derangedvisions’s photography contests - Having Fun, and the second one is for @portraitcontest’s Outdoor Portraits. You see I still make it a longer post with 2 photos, rather than 2 posts with 1 photo in each. ;) Check out these contests and join the fun!

What I want to say about the photos is just:

Life can be difficult, like the young boy has to sell mangoes to help support his family;
Life can be fun too, like the happy kids play catching mangoes when they don’t have fancy toys.

Location: South Ethiopia
Camera: Canon Kiss X3



大家好!今天就不多唠叨照片了,毕竟一张用心的摄影,也已经是跨越万水千山,胜过万语千言了对吧? 何况我还有张耶✌ :p



地点: 埃塞俄比亚南部某聚居地(因为只有几间草房,不知道算不算村子) + 路边的香蕉地
器材: 小佳能Kiss X3
总是听人说摄影是烧钱的爱好,我只想说器材真的没那么重要。虽然有些条件下会受限,但对于非专业摄影师来说,可能还是从多看多拍开始比较实际。我这最初级的几千块的相机用了近10年从来没换过,这花费很多人一年买个名牌包就没了吧,有的甚至还不够。前些天@skenan还在帖子里提到了他和众多男人的困惑,其实我这还是女人吗也是困惑不已为什么要花那么多钱去买个包,甚至还有人排长队抢购,完全不理解啊。如果你明白,欢迎留言告诉我原因,来来来,让我们一起探讨人生~ :)

Thank you for reading. Please tell me what you think in the comments. Until next time! =)

感谢阅读!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

Here are some screenshots from my Instagram. Follow @ItchyfeetDonica for more adventures around the globe !

!steemitworldmap 4.867632 lat 36.512543 long South Ethiopia d3scr

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#109 Kids & Mangoes & Life 👼 🇪🇹 孩子和芒果(的哲思 ;p) | 摄影月旦评’

#108 Monkey Puzzle Trees & Nahuelbuta Park of Chile 🌲 🇨🇱 土著圣树 -- 智利南美杉 | 摄影月旦评

What’s up fellow Steemians! Today I’m showing you some thousand-year-old Monkey Puzzle trees from Nahuelbuta National Park in Chile. The 3 monochrome photos are my entries to @daveks’ B&W Photo Contest themed Trees. Check out his page and join the fun!

大家好,今天请跟我来看看智利中部一处国家公园里的千年土著圣树 – 南美杉。

NahuelButa (3).jpg.jpg)

This national park is located in the beautiful La Araucanía Region in central Chile. Araucaria araucana is the name of the trees in this park. A more common name is “Monkey Puzzle/Tail” tree, or “Chilean pine”. Nahuelbuta literally means “big tiger” in Mapuche language, and it is a sanctuary for Monkey Puzzle trees (the national tree of Chile) which are sacred to the Mapuche native American tribes.

The monkey puzzle trees in Chile look like the Bunya trees in southern Queensland where I live, which I will blog about soon. Interestingly enough, just like the sacred monkey puzzle trees to Mapuche people, Bunya trees are also valuable resources for the aboriginals in Australia. They were fiercely protected by the Aborigines, which led to colonial authorities prohibiting European settlers from cutting the trees in the 19th century.

这个国家公园(自然保护区)叫Nahuelbuta,来源于土著马普切人的语言,意为”大老虎”。这个”大老虎”守护着一大片土著人心目中的圣树 – 智利南美杉。这种杉树是智利的国树,俗称”智利松”或”迷猴树”,可能是因为它奇特的外形,让爬树的猴子都觉得迷惑吧 :)。

NahuelButa (1).jpg.jpg)

These trees are native to the Chilean and Argentinian south-central Andes, typically above 1,000 meters. They are also popularly grown as ornamental trees. Some of these living fossils date back 2,000 years, and can grow up to 40 meters high, like the Sky Tree in Southwest China. Monkey Puzzle trees is the hardiest species in the conifer genus Araucaria. The scale-like triangular leaves are thick and tough with sharp edges and tips.

NahuelButa (4).jpg.jpg)



NahuelButa (7).jpg.jpg)

NahuelButa (10).jpg.jpg)

NahuelButa (8).jpg.jpg)

You can explore the 30 roads and 15 trails in the park by car or on foot. We visited this park on a road trip from the city Concepción where we lived. After a few hours’ hike along scenic and muddy paths, we reached the peak - Cerro Piedra del Águila before sunset. Most photos you see from my post were taken at the peak, where on a big rock there was only a tiny uneven surface for our foothold.

Standing at 1,379 meters in the middle of nowhere in the chilly wind, I was totally stunned by the breathtaking view of the exuberant and pristine monkey puzzle trees all over the mountain ranges, with a few extra tall ones sticking out in front.

And it’s more than that - to the west it’s the immense Pacific Ocean, and to the east an impressive chain of Andean volcanoes. All these framed the sky marked by spectacular hues.

We three sat on the tip of the big rock in awe, watching the postcard view in peaceful solitude. But it was getting really cold and windy when the sun eventually left us, and it’s harder and harder to breathe. So we reluctantly hiked down the peak when it’s almost dark.

NahuelButa (5).jpg.jpg)

NahuelButa (2).jpg.jpg)

NahuelButa (6).jpg.jpg)

All content by @itchyfeetdonica (the screenshot from Google Map)
图文 by Donica多

Thank you for reading. Please tell me what you think in the comments. Until next time! =)

感谢阅读!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

Here are some screenshots from my Instagram. Follow @ItchyfeetDonica for more adventures around the globe !

!steemitworldmap -37.792691 lat -72.998155 long Nahuelbuta National Park, Chile d3scr

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#108 Monkey Puzzle Trees & Nahuelbuta Park of Chile 🌲 🇨🇱 土著圣树 – 智利南美杉 | 摄影月旦评’

#107 The @blocktrades World Cup | My Selections⚽️🏆

Hey my Steemit friends, I’ve seen some cool fellow Steemians like @travelgirl, @joythewanderer, @ace108 and @deanliu… who did the prediction post of the 2018 Russia World Cup, and finally, I’m doing this too!

So first I want to give a shoutout to @blocktrades, @acidyo and @anomadsoul for putting on this community engaging contest!

Check out the original post , and join the fun & the 2,000 SBD prize pool if you are lucky!

Since I don’t know much about football/soccer ⚽️, I did a little research on these teams’ performance in the past, and when I’m not sure, I just throw a W or L randomly according to my travel/living experience in that country. Though I’ve been to most of the countries here, my only close connection to soccer game might be watching Chile (it’s not even on this list :p) win the 🏆 Copa América in 2016 when I lived there. I still remember all the horns and screaming from every corner of the streets that night, haha.

Talking about travels, since I’m a travel addict (but @anomadsoul already took the name when I signed up) and a photography enthusiast, I’ve been using my own travel photos as head pictures for my posts. I’ll keep this practice and use the photo I shot at the iconic red square in Moscow, where Russian President Vladimir Putin attended the FIFA World Cup opening concert earlier today.
Enjoy the lovely view! =)




Here’s my predictions:


WRussiavsSaudi ArabiaL








WCosta RicavsSerbiaL



WSwedenvsSouth KoreaL







WUruguayvsSaudi ArabiaL





WBrazilvsCosta RicaL





TSouth KoreavsMexicoT





LSaudi ArabiavsEgyptW







LSouth KoreavsGermanyW



TSwitzerlandvsCosta RicaT





Now some music~ 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia Official Audio:

Live It Up

Nicky Jam feat. Will Smith & Era Istrefi

来听听2018俄罗斯世界杯主题曲 –《放飞自我》
演唱: 美国西语说唱天王尼基·贾姆 + 好莱坞巨星威尔·史密斯 + 阿尔巴尼亚歌手伊拉·斯特拉菲


Thank you for reading. Please tell me what you think in the comments. Until next time! =)

感谢阅读!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

Here are some screenshots from my Instagram. Follow @ItchyfeetDonica for more adventures around the globe !

!steemitworldmap 55.753749 lat 37.620782 long Red Square, Moscow d3scr

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#107 The @blocktrades World Cup | My Selections⚽️🏆’

#106 Golden Gate Bridge 🌉 🇺🇸 金门大桥的前世今生 | 摄影月旦评

What’s up Steemit friends! Today I’m showing you some interesting facts behind the architectural wonder - Golden Gate Bridge, based on my trip to San Francisco, USA(all photos from myself), inspired by @aaronli’s A City a Story photo contest themed “Bridge”. Also, @kimzwarch and his team is running a cool project – Archisteem & Placestoremember. Check out their pages and join the fun!

Outlook & Location 外观 & 环境

First, let’s see how this beloved symbol of San Francisco looks like during daytime when it’s sunny. It was a warm clear day when I took these photos, which was not so common according to my local hosts. Since this area is often shrouded in heavy fog, the consulting architect Irving Morrow selected an orange vermilion color (aka. international orange) to enhance the bridge’s visibility in fog and to complement the natural surroundings. Because the bay was always covered in fog, the early European explorers who sailed along the coast in the 16th century didn’t even notice its entrance. Only after 200 years, another exploration party finally found the strait. This popular foggy bridge has even been closed three times because of weather.

今天要带大家一起看看美国西海岸旧金山这座世界闻名的拉索大桥 – 金门大桥。先来两张风和日丽时拍下的照片。听当地的沙发主人们说,这种阳光和煦的日子并不常见,通常大桥都是笼罩在浓雾之中。因为海湾这里总是雾蒙蒙一片,能见度低,建筑师欧文莫罗就给大桥外观选择了独特的橙红色(国际橙色),方便人们雾里看桥,也好和周遭的绿树青山相映成趣。由于湾区这里总是被笼在雾气中,早期16世纪的欧洲探险者航行到这片海域时,竟然都没留意到这里有个入口(好一个笼在深雾人不识)。直到200年后的18世纪,另外一个探险队才终于发现了这个海峡。金门大桥还曾因为恶劣的天气难以通行而被关闭过三次。 不用自行脑补这大雾弥漫的场景,下面有图有真相。=)



Here’s a postcard I bought at the souvenir shop to mail to my mom. Together with the following two photos done by professional photographers, you can see the spectacular views of the Golden Gate Bridge at sunset and at night:





This famous bridge connects San Francisco with Marin County of California to the north. But it’s almost mission impossible to build a bridge like this in the early 20th century. Why? Look at the strait that connects the San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Ocean (see the map below), let me tell you - it is over 2000 meters wide, and the water is 150 meters deep in the center! And its water is subject to strong, swirling currents due to the tides moving in and out of the bay. Together with the gusting winds and heavy fog here, you can imagine how hard it is to build a bridge across the Golden Gate (this name was given by an American explorer because it reminded him of the “Golden Horn” near Istanbul) during that period of time.

GGB (7).jpg.jpg)


History & Statistics 历史 & 数据

After the discovery of gold in California in 1848, San Francisco quickly became a major city with its fine harbor and great location out on a peninsula. And its growth was slowed by the lack of bridge as it’s developing. In 1916, a proposal for a bridge prompted San Francisco’s city engineer, Michael M. O’Shaughnessy to make his estimate. At last, the bridge engineer Joseph Strauss came up with a sturdy cantilever bridge design, with an estimated cost of $17 million.

However, no budget was available for this bridge until 1928 when the Golden Gate Bridge and Highway District was formed to actually finance it. In 1929, the new design was finally set after some consulting engineers suggested to modify Joseph Strauss’s cantilever bridge to a full suspension bridge with sweeping lines. In the January of 1933, the construction began, and it was completed in 1937 at a cost of $35 million, twice of the initial cost predicted by Strauss. It was the longest suspension bridge in the world until 1964 when Japan’s Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge was built. In 1994, the American Society of Civil Engineers named the bridge one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World.

GGB (4).jpg.jpg)

GGB (5).jpg.jpg)

Once a poet described the Golden Gate Bridge as:

A cruve of soaring steel, graceful and confident over infinity.

What a beautiful description of this architectural marvel! Miles of wire, tons of steel, thousands of rivets were used in building this astonishing beauty. Now let’s check out the staggering statistics:

GGB (2).jpg.jpg)

GGB (6).jpg.jpg)


Fun & Sad Facts 奇闻轶事

  • As I mentioned earlier, the architect Irving Morrow, selected the International Orange color to paint the whole bridge. In fact, this color was originally meant only to be a sealant for the steel. Thanks to him, the unique color has contributed to the popularity of this most photographed bridge.

  • The bridge’s deck was very high, so Joseph Strauss designed a safety net suspended under the bridge to catch the construction crew who could possibly lose their balance. This net did save several lives, but near the end of construction in 1937, a 5-ton work platform fell from the bridge into the net along with 10 workers. Sadly, the safety net gave way and the workers drowned.

  • Nowadays the tragedy still happens, but not by accident. There are suicide hotline telephones on the bridge, since around 30 depressed souls commit suicide by jumping off the span each year. And the heavy fog and strong currents make dead bodies unnoticed.

  • Ellis, a key member of the design team who designed “every nut and bolt on the darn thing” was fired part way through the project by Strauss, but he was obsessed with the bridge, and continued working on its necessary calculations by hand on his own time. This is true love.

  • The cables of Golden Gate Bridge were made by the same company that built the Brooklyn Bridge(fuzzily pictured below) of New York City. Strong cables were needed to support the structure and bend long in the crazy winds, so Strauss turned to the expert company which made the cables for the Brooklyn Bridge 52 years earlier. They developed a method called parallel wire construction for Golden Gate Bridge.

The equally famous Brooklyn Bridge in New York City is a hybrid cable-stayed/suspension bridge. It’s a pity that I didn’t take any decent photos of the Brooklyn Bridge at night when I went through it. What I could find now is only a blurry tourist photo shot on it, so here it is, together with my tourist photo in front of the Golden Gate Bridge. Sorry I only got unnatural boring posing photos by random passerby’s when traveling alone there, haha. Or try some selfies like this lovely girl:


I also did a post before about the amazing old bridge in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, check it out if you are interested. =)

西海岸这座金门大桥让我想到了美帝另外一座同样有名的大桥,那就是东海岸纽约的布鲁克林大桥。这两座桥的拉索也来自同一家公司(上面英文有提到,有空我会翻译)。可惜当时几次都是晚间匆匆经过,没有好好拍大桥,只找到一张请路人帮忙拍的傻乎乎的游客照(上方右图)。左图为另一张傻乎乎的金门大桥前的游客照。一个人的旅行比较难有自然瞬间的照片,大都是找路人帮忙摆拍,只能对着镜头傻笑,其中甘苦我在这个帖子里提到过,哈哈。或者也可以像上图中那个可爱的小女孩一样陶醉自拍~ ;)


Thank you for reading. Please tell me what you think in the comments. Until next time! =)

感谢阅读!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

Here are some screenshots from my Instagram. Follow @ItchyfeetDonica for more adventures around the globe !

!steemitworldmap 37.807632 lat -122.476094 long Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco d3scr

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#106 Golden Gate Bridge 🌉 🇺🇸 金门大桥的前世今生 | 摄影月旦评’

#105 西伯利亚之旅(0+1)🇷🇺 🚂 起源 + 莫斯科河岸的黄昏 | 摄影月旦评


去了之后发现俄罗斯是个挺文艺的国家,不输阿根廷和葡萄牙法国我就不提了,太有名。跟我想象中的不尽相同,就跟中国一样,这个战斗民族也有着很多被世界其他国民误解的地方。那短短二十多天沙发冲浪的经历,连同一路特别的风景和人文,都深深地印在脑子里,终生难忘。现在看当时的照片和视频,还忍不住嘴角上扬,有时还会笑出声来,😃 那段美妙的时光~ 在接下来的帖子里,我想和大家分享这段旅途中的所见所闻所感,希望你们喜欢~

一切起源于有名的西伯利亚大铁路,这根中学地理课在心里种下多年的草。相信这也是众多热爱旅行的人共同的念想,很多旅途中遇到的朋友都对这段火车之旅感兴趣,说也是他们一生中必做的一件事。最知名的那条路线是从莫斯科一路向东,直到符拉迪沃斯托克(海参崴),但是另一条路线更短也更吸引我,而且我是要去帝都好嘛,不是要去日本海啊!虽然据说海参崴这个滨海山城也挺秀丽多姿。这另一条就是到达贝加尔湖畔的伊尔库茨克后,南下经蒙古再去帝都(见下图 – 大红的线路是传说中的西伯利亚大铁路,我是到了贝加尔湖那边后又沿着玫红线路坐去了蒙古和北京)。如果选择走这两条路线中的一条,坐那种直达的国际列车,就要在火车上呆个一周,想想这大热天的七天不能洗澡,而且沿途那么多好玩的地方也只能眼巴巴地从火车里远望着,我想我还是分段坐火车,去途中几个地方浪一浪吧!



于是研究了一下线路,决定从莫斯科出发,沿途挑了几个大站各停留几天,等到了蒙古首都乌兰巴托再停留一段时间,最后回国。其实如果按我的常规思路,肯定是小站更有意思,但是第一次独自去这个陌生的战斗民族,语言不通(其实其他很多国家也是语言不通,但俄语的西里尔字母猜起来没有那么容易),路况不熟,而且大站找沙发主比较容易,索性就俗一回吧。这里推荐一个计划火车旅行很棒的网站 – Seat61,由一位英国旅行者创办,有他根据亲身经历绘制的世界各地火车旅行的线路和实用信息,而且经常更新,我这次穿越西伯利亚,还有斯里兰卡等其他一些火车旅行都有参考他提供的内容。

然而问题来了,要想出火车去浪,当然得办签证啊。又前后花了一个多月办完俄罗斯和蒙古签证,俄罗斯签证略麻烦因为需要邀请函,蒙古国估计很少有人去旅游,所以当时去布鲁塞尔的蒙古使馆,只见一间小民房掩映在偏僻路边的绿树丛中,完全没有动静,好久之后才有唯一一个人从后院来到前面的小窗口接待我,也算长见识了😆。此处略去各种资料准备、劳苦奔波五千字。 最后,终于握着新鲜出炉的两张签证,我从布鲁塞尔坐飞机🛫来到俄罗斯首都莫斯科。在这里先呆了近一周,然后坐火车去下一站叶卡捷琳堡市。


这些照片是在莫斯科的高尔基公园附近拍的。夕阳西下☀,蜿蜒流经城市的莫斯科河、还有旁边的步道建筑都被镀上一层灿烂迷人的金辉。当地居民们在河边小憩、聊天,很多人结伴而舞💃👯。这美好的夏日傍晚让人沉醉,尤其是像北欧、俄罗斯这样高纬度的地方,短暂的夏天转瞬即逝,因而更显珍贵。还记得在后一站停留的叶卡捷琳堡市,接待我的沙发主姑娘每天起床都会跟我一番感叹,说自己好❤俄罗斯的夏天,可惜它只持续一个多月 =)。

好啦,今天关于我的西伯利亚之旅的第一篇介绍和莫斯科河岸的黄昏就到这里。更多的莫斯科及西伯利亚吃喝玩乐很快奉上~下次见喽! 😃

照片文字 by Donica多



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