#98 Colorful Olinda & Latin America - Photocollagecontest #8 MySmartphonePhotography 多姿多彩的南美 + 奥林达拼图

I found these cool rainbow gates in San Juan, Puerto Rico


下面写到关于拉丁美洲的地理文化范围,对多彩拉美的热爱和接下来的写作计划,还有以前写的一部分关于多彩拉美的文章…… :)


@marcovanhassel’s Photo Collage Contest is themed COLOURFUL, so some colorful photos I took in Latin America immediately came to mind. Of course there are also full of colors in other parts of the world, and not everything in Latin America is colorful, but when it comes to COLOURFUL, the first candidate popping up is always this part of the world.

According to Wiki, Latin American countries are:

a group of countries and dependencies in the Western Hemisphere where Spanish, French and Portuguese are spoken.

So there are some exceptions here, such as:
the former British colonies Belize and Guyana,
the former Dutch colony Suriname,
some parts in Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras and Panama…
many Caribbean islands like Bahamas, Dominica, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Antigua & Barbuda…

Oh how I love geography and culture, and if you love it too, I recommend to you the awesome Youtube channel Geography Now by Barby! Ok, now I have to stop rambling about the geography and move on (rambling) to the topic of COLOURFUL.

I mentioned in my previous post about the Colorful Caminito in Buenos Aires, Argentina:

Caminito reminds me of many other places in Latin America which boast colorful architectures and decorations. You may think it’s too dramatic or effusive if you see this flow of colors on some other continents, but here, it just works. You feel the wild imagination and vibrant vitality, and it’s contagious, well, at least to me. I was strolling in this bright-colored neighborhood with a cheerful mood. =)


In the coming days, I would love to blog about much more colorful architectures, nature, food, art, crafts, clothing, etc. in Latin America, such as the houses and streets in Havana, Guatapé, Salento and Salvador, the graffiti in San Juan, Bogotá, Santiago and São Paulo, the churches and palafitos on Chiloe island (many drone videos too), the colorful coastal cities Valparaiso and Punta Arenas, the colorful food in Mexico, the colorful landscape and traditional clothing high up in the Andes…

Here are some COLOURFUL posts I did about Latin America earlier (still updating this list), check them out if you are interested: :)

Follow Me to Grey Glacier
Traditional Clothing in Peru’s Colca Canyon
Trekking in Rainbow Mountains in Peru
Mount Fitz Roy in Argentina and Its Story
Reach Torres del Paine in a Different Way!
Exploring Comuna 13 of Medellín
The Wild Cuban Beach and Dying Mangroves
An Abandoned Boat on the Island of Vieques
Colombian Coffee Triangle’s Fun Vehicle - Willys Jeep

And today for the Photo Collage Contest(finally, drum roll please…), I’m putting together some colorful elements of the pretty colonial town Olinda, on Brazil’s northeast coast. Since they were all taken with my phone, it’s not a bad idea for the collage, otherwise these poor pixels in one single picture might be stretched all over the screen on Steemit. ;)


Olinda sits around a tree-covered hill overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. Except for its beautiful natural setting, this well-preserved artsy town is a historical and cultural center in Brazil. In 1535, Olinda was founded by the Portuguese, and served as an important center of the sugarcane industry since the end of the 16th century. For almost two centuries, sugarcane industry was the mainstay of the economy in Brazil.

巴西西北部大西洋沿岸的古城奥林达依山傍海,不仅所处的自然环境非常美,也是巴西的历史和文化名城。1535年,葡萄牙人建立了这座城,自16世纪末期起的两百年间,一直都是巴西经济的支柱 – 甘蔗糖业的重要中心。

So what did this thriving sugar economy bring to Olinda? I could clearly see the affluence and prosperity from the architectures and gardens in Olinda’s historic center. It is such a charming town with all those colorful houses, fabrics, fruits, flowers and art-crafts. When I strolled through its old streets, a lot of happy locals were playing music, singing and dancing outside their homes or shops. I also tried listening to some folk music in a CD shop and totally fell in love with the tunes.

If you have any questions or thoughts about these colorful elements from Olinda, feel free to leave your comments below! Exchange makes change. Look forward to your sparks~ 🌟

感谢阅读!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

Thank you for reading. Check out my recent posts, and follow me for more! =)

土耳其咖啡占卜的暧昧 A Story About Turkish Coffee Fortune Telling

Upcycled Newspaper Figures in Havana 创意十足的升级改造

Learn Chinese Idiom on Mother’s Day - the Story About Mencius’ Mother 孟母三迁

DIY with Donica: Make a Plant Saver DIY环保小物~自动给水花瓶

Paint with Donica - 4 Treasures of Chinese Painting + Recreating Film Characters 来画国产动画角色 + 文房四宝小知识

Batik Stories (1) - My First Batik Work in Indonesia 蜡染系列(一)我的蜡染处女作

Here are some screenshots from my Instagram. Follow @ItchyfeetDonica for more adventures around the globe !

!steemitworldmap -7.991584 lat -34.839709 long Olinda, Brazil d3scr

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#98 Colorful Olinda & Latin America - Photocollagecontest #8 MySmartphonePhotography 多姿多彩的南美 + 奥林达拼图’

#97 土耳其咖啡占卜的暧昧 - 反吐槽大会 A Story About Turkish Coffee Fortune Telling | 月旦评

今晚在整理土耳其的照片,正好看到CN区活动大师@tvb姐组织的反吐槽大会#12其中一个主题是“暧昧”,所以想到在伊斯坦布尔度过的一天,这次我竟然没有拖到星期天晚上的最后一刻,实在是感动到流泪…… 大家也来踊跃参加活动啊~!






于是我跟着他上了小巴,一路往码头开去。这车上除了司机和导游,还有大概八、九个游客,有老有少,都是来自伊朗的同一个大家庭。一路上有说有笑,载歌载舞,我还拍了他们满车跳舞的视频,浓郁的波斯风情,如果有吃瓜群众想看,可以留言建议我个最快的上传方式,我这是有多懒 因为这毕竟是关于暧昧的反吐槽啊,所以我好像不能太跑题地去宣扬波斯歌舞咯,哈哈…… 虽然这一大家子伊朗人真是太热情有趣啦,可能下次碰上合适的征文主题我会再写写他们。



因为其他伊朗游客都是一家人,在舱外忙着嬉戏拍照。而我睡眠不足,困倦得不行,看了会儿风景就独自坐在船内歇着,所以导游小哥就坐到我对面,跟我聊起天来。直到这时,我才近距离地打量了他一番:浅棕色的长卷发扎在脑后,灰色的眼珠透着绿光 (小多同学你当人家是波斯猫吗?),高高的鼻梁,薄薄的嘴唇。跟多数黑头发黑眼睛的土耳其男人还挺不一样的,可能混了什么别的血吧。穿着件深灰色的针织衫,领口开着,露出条皮质项链,嗯,有点浪子艺术家的气质。



上图是男猪脚为女猪脚拍下的 只见男猪脚深情地望着女猪脚新买的土耳其大围巾,说:“你戴这个蛮好看的,我给你拍一张吧,后面就是这么有名的博斯普鲁斯大桥呢,但是别怪我拍照技术不好哦!” 那怎么会,有张纪念总比没有强,何况主人公的大部分肢体还没有很糊掉地杵在相片里,已经很满足了,哈哈哈~

然后我们一行人进了皇宫(此处略去导游解说词五千字),还参观了博物馆(再略去解说词三千),后来又去某山顶上的绿地公园里俯瞰了整个伊斯坦布尔城(略去美景描述词三百),吃了各种土耳其烤肉和甜到忧伤的点心。我发现正如不少阿拉伯人,这里的很多伊斯兰信徒吃甜度超级超标的食物也是像我们喝水一样稀松平常。我一个无辣不欢的重口味真的是望甜兴叹,难以匹敌。(众人:这跟暧昧有神马关系?别急别急,快要进入主题了,就让我借这个吐槽机会聊聊土耳其嘛…… 这世上毕竟有这么多比暧昧有意思的东西呢~)

临近黄昏,漫长的一天游览接近尾声,我们坐上小巴往回飞奔。不久后到了市区的下车点,和可爱的一大家伊朗人告别,打算各奔东西。这时,导游小哥突然朝我走来,很体贴地问:“你饿了吧?” 我按着咕咕叫的肚子,很诚实地点了点头。他露出迷之微笑,继续体贴地提议:“我知道一家不错的土耳其特色餐厅,带你去吃吧。” 哇,这绝对是经典的撩人神技,至少对于我认识的多数亚洲妹子会屡试不爽。于是我就毫无悬念地跟着他去吃了。




走着走着,他问我:“你吸过水烟吗?我知道一处地方,带你去试试吧?还有土耳其咖啡和茶哦!” 我又不假思索地跟着他去了(难怪小时候我妈总担心我被坏人拐跑,貌似我的字典里就没有“戒备”这个词(lll¬ω¬)) 于是便来到上面照片里的这家小店。满满的土耳其风情有木有?


接下来,终于要点题了,哈哈哈,好多铺垫~ 抽水烟的同时,导游小哥还点了一杯茶和一杯咖啡。土耳其人很喜欢喝茶,跟我们的红茶口味相近,但是盛在郁金香形状的玻璃杯里。街边随处可见人们坐着慢悠悠地享用茶点。土耳其咖啡口味浓郁,沉淀丰富,类似越南咖啡。最特别的是,用咖啡来占卜是土耳其一个古老的传统。具体做法是,把咖啡从白瓷杯里倒入旁边的容器,根据白瓷杯壁残留的咖啡渣的图案纹路来占卜。当然,我是从来不信这些算命的玩意儿的,只是觉得了解一下各地的传统习俗挺有意思。

我怕晚上睡不着,就选了看上去比较淡的茶,好歹咖啡因含量比咖啡的低一点儿吧?小哥指导我把他的咖啡倒去旁边的容器,然后对我说:“你现在可以占卜我的命运啦!” 我哭笑不得,只好假惺惺地盯着那杯壁上的咖啡渣,佯装在预测他的将来。过了几秒钟,他突然很认真地看着我,问:“我未来的生活里会有个中国姑娘吗?” 我心里咯噔一下,视线从咖啡渣转移到他脸上,哎呀,这闪着绿光的灰色眼眸里竟然有两团小火苗。这也太措手不及了吧,我何德何能,得以祸害这么个挺好的小生灵?

“没有。” 我赶紧回答。觉得有点无情,就又加上:“但是会有位秘鲁姑娘的。” 天知道我当时怎么想起来加上这句,思路应该是这样滴:他可能中意亚洲面孔?也说过想去南美,而南美的国家里,秘鲁人的长相比较亚洲。好吧,我是不是太天马行空了…… 然后,他竟然沉默了。啊,干嘛弄这么尴尬?我一过客,过了今天,以后可能再也不会见面,你何必这样?我于是说笑着挽回局面,他把咖啡一口喝了,跟我一起走出这家小店。



最后,我们终于走到了我那家旅馆门口,我跟他告别,打算转身进去。他站在门口,看着我,欲言又止。我实在是困得不行,一心想着爬上我那张小床,但又不好意思把他晾在那里。我只好也站着,等他发话。他说:“今天过得非常开心,谢谢你。” “同感,也谢谢你。” 然后,他沉默了半晌,又开口说道:“后会有期。” 说完冲我微笑了一下,就转过身走了。我目送了几秒他瘦高的背影,很欣赏他的做法,虽然前世的八百次回眸换来今生一次擦肩而过,但既然无缘再续,不如相忘于江湖。

然后就没有然后了,吃瓜的群众们,带上你的小板凳散了吧,回家洗洗睡啦…… 😉

All content by @itchyfeetdonica

感谢阅读!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

Thank you for reading. Check out my recent posts, and follow me for more! =)

Upcycled Newspaper Figures in Havana 创意十足的升级改造

Learn Chinese Idiom on Mother’s Day - the Story About Mencius’ Mother 孟母三迁

DIY with Donica: Make a Plant Saver DIY环保小物~自动给水花瓶

Paint with Donica - 4 Treasures of Chinese Painting + Recreating Film Characters 来画国产动画角色 + 文房四宝小知识

Batik Stories (1) - My First Batik Work in Indonesia 蜡染系列(一)我的蜡染处女作

Here are some screenshots from my Instagram. Follow @ItchyfeetDonica for more adventures around the globe !

!steemitworldmap 41.041100 lat 29.045135 long Istanbul, Turkey d3scr

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#97 土耳其咖啡占卜的暧昧 - 反吐槽大会 A Story About Turkish Coffee Fortune Telling | 月旦评’

#96 Upcycled Newspaper Figures in Havana 创意十足的升级改造 | 环保征文~月旦评

What’s up fellow Steemians! Today I’m going to show you a DIY home studio in the old district in Havana, Cuba. Seemingly useless stuff like old newspapers and wires were upcycled into cool figures here. Before that, I would first introduce the concept and benefits of “upcycle”, and recall some upcycling examples from my previous posts.


Upcycling is a trendy way that contributes to sustainability. It also boasts some benefits comparing to recycling. Conventional recycling methods couldn’t deal with certain materials, while upcycling reuse items made of most materials, and very little part is discarded in this process.

Another major benefit is it’s more energy efficient than recycling. Recycling often breaks down the original material using more energy to make something else. Instead, upcycling usually utilizes a used object in an innovative way without reprocessing the material it’s made from.

For example, we can repurpose books, logs, cupboards, feathers, glass bottles, coke cans, mixed media, etc., to find value in old objects. In my previous posts, I mentioned some examples, such as what you see in my photos below:

最近这些年,低碳生活逐渐成为人们所倡导和践行的环保理念,很多人开始在日常生活中试着为环境保护贡献一点自己的力量。英语里传过来的一个词 “upcycle” 变得越来越流行,势头盖过原有的热词”recycle” (循环利用)。”upcycle” 意思是“升级改造”,指用创新的方式将一些废弃旧物进行改造,让其发挥新的功效。

和循环利用(recycling)将原材料完全拆解再制成别的东西相比,升级改造(upcycling) 不对原材料进行再处理,而是换个方式利用它们。除了节约能源,升级改造的另一个好处就是能够让那些传统循环方式无法回收处理的物品再次被利用。


The 5 Christmas tree photos below were shot in Plaza de Armas(the central square) in Santiago de Chile, most of them were made of used objects like shoes and rag dolls:

I love how they upcycled the old window to a table in this hostel on the island of Chiloe:

The two pictures below were taken at a night art market in New Orleans, USA:


Now please follow me to a DIY home studio in Havana, Cuba. Let’s check out how the owner turned the used objects like newspapers and wires into some fun figures.


下面的照片是客厅里的工作台,可以看到形态各异的狗,都是旧报纸糊在骨架上的。左边这只母的还戴着椰壳胸衣,真是热带风情满满啊~ :
Havana DIY (3).JPG.JPG)

Havana DIY (2).JPG.JPG)

Havana DIY (6).JPG.JPG)



最后来张家庭工作室后门街上的我,感谢某路人甲为我留影一张 :)。典型的拉美风格老街,随处可见色彩浓烈的涂鸦:这跟“升级改造”有神马关系?抱歉我也不知道,但是貌似很多朋友喜欢看作者的照片,可能会增加可信度?我是个真人,真的去这个家庭工作室参观过并拍下了所有照片,哈哈哈


差点忘了提,大才女@dancingapple的环保征文和大才子@aaronli的“城事影像”都是超棒的活动,我这篇文章也是受到这两个活动的启发。大家给我点完赞留完言后,赶紧去他们的页面继续流连一下~ :D

So that’s it for today. Have you been inspired? Did you notice anything upcyclable around you? Feel free to share your comments. Until next time! =)

All content by @itchyfeetdonica

感谢阅读!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

Thank you for reading. Check out my recent posts, and follow me for more! =)

Learn Chinese Idiom on Mother’s Day - the Story About Mencius’ Mother 孟母三迁

The Wild Cuban Beach and Dying Mangroves 鲜为人知的加勒比海滩 & 濒危的红树林

Exploring Comuna 13 of Medellín 探索毒枭老巢的贫民窟

DIY with Donica: Make a Plant Saver DIY环保小物~自动给水花瓶

Paint with Donica - 4 Treasures of Chinese Painting + Recreating Film Characters 来画国产动画角色 + 文房四宝小知识

Batik Stories (1) - My First Batik Work in Indonesia 蜡染系列(一)我的蜡染处女作

Here are some screenshots from my Instagram. Follow @ItchyfeetDonica for more adventures around the globe !

!steemitworldmap 23.135337 lat -82.351138 long Habana Vieja, Cuba d3scr

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#96 Upcycled Newspaper Figures in Havana 创意十足的升级改造 | 环保征文~月旦评’

#95 Learn Chinese Idiom on Mother's Day - the Story About Mencius' Mother 孟母三迁 | 摄影月旦评

Photo taken by me at a Buddhist temple in central Sri Lanka

Hey fellow Steemians,

How’s your weekend going? I’ve been teaching Mandarin to non-native speakers for over 10 years, and now I’m working with @cn-reader to introduce Chinese language and culture. Today is Mother’s Day, so let’s learn a Chinese idiom about mother’s love.

In this post, we will have a look at 孟母三迁(mènɡ mǔ sān qiān), which literally means “Mencius’ Mother Relocated Three Times”.

孟/mèng : family name of 孟子/mèngzǐ (Mencius)
母/mǔ : mother
三/sān : three
迁/qiān : move, relocate

So why does she do that and what is this idiom used for? Let’s first check out the original story:

Mencius was a well-known ideologist and politician in ancient China, who was seen as the second saint in the School of Confucianism after Confucius. This story is about Mencius’ mother who relocated their homes 3 times, to offer a better environment for little Mencius.

When Mencius was a kid, their first home was close to a cemetery, so little Mencius copied the behavior of the tomb visitors and cried a lot. Mencius’ mom didn’t want that, and they moved to downtown, close to a market. Then little Mencius started to copy the vendors in yelling to sell produce and products (personally I don’t think it is that bad - can be good for his entrepreneurial spirit, but yeah it’s in ancient China…). So his mom relocated again - their new neighbor was a butcher from whom the son tried to learn how to kill pigs (oh nooo…). After some careful consideration, Mencius’ mom picked their new home by a school. This time it seemed to be a great choice, as her son studied frequently in the school and learnt good manners as well. From then on, they stayed living in that place, and Mencius eventually grew to be a great person.

So this story shows mother’s love to her child. In order to find a good place for the child’s growing, parents tend to sacrifice a lot ever since ancient China. Today, Chinese use this idiom to describe the same situation - a mother or parents do whatever they can for a better living of their child, especially when it comes to education.


Example Sentence:

“孟母三迁,择邻而居” 说明了中国重视教育环境的传统。

“孟/mèng 母/mǔ 三/sān 迁/qiān ,择/zé 邻/lín 而/ér 居/jū ” 说明/shuōmíng 了/le 中国/zhōngguó 重视/zhòngshì 教育/jiàoyù 环境/huánjìng 的/de 传统/chuántǒng。

Meaning: Mencius’ mother relocated three times to choose their neighbor. This shows the tradition of how Chinese people value their children’s education.

Photo taken by me at a Miao minority village in south-western China






“孟母三迁,择邻而居” 说明了中国重视教育环境的传统。

“孟/mèng 母/mǔ 三/sān 迁/qiān ,择/zé 邻/lín 而/ér 居/jū ” 说明/shuōmíng 了/le 中国/zhōngguó 重视/zhòngshì 教育/jiàoyù 环境/huánjìng 的/de 传统/chuántǒng。

All content above by @itchyfeetdonica

Here is the story from a Youtube channel:

What do you think of this story? Can you make a new sentence with this idiom? Feel free to share what you think in the comments! See you next time. =)

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#95 Learn Chinese Idiom on Mother’’s Day - the Story About Mencius’’ Mother 孟母三迁 | 摄影月旦评’

#94 The Wild Cuban Beach and Dying Mangroves 鲜为人知的加勒比海滩 & 濒危的红树林 | 环保征文~月旦评

CayoJutias (2).jpg.jpg)

What’s up fellow Steemians! It’s sunny today, and I’m in a beach mood, so vamos a la playa(let’s go to the beach)! :) Come follow me to Cayo Jutías - a mangrove-covered key situated in western Cuba’s Pinar del Río province. I was staying in a casa particular (a local’s house) in the picturesque town of Viñales, which is best known for its dramatic limestone hills, caves, and tobacco fields. I should seriously do a (dozen) post(s) about this amazing valley too!

In the morning I walked to the town center and found a bus leaving for Cayo Jutías. What I read about this place in Lonely Planet came to mind, so I hopped on the bus on a whim. Yeah, without even swimming suits, sunscreen or snorkeling gears. So hello Caribbean sun and sands! I’m coming, with only my sunglasses and camera… =)



CayoJutias (13).jpg.jpg)

After about one hour, I reached the long blanket of white shiny sand. This wild, remote and tranquil beach is attached to the mainland by a short causeway. A “cayo” means a “key” in English - a sandy, low-lying island formed on coral soil, which is a common landscape throughout the Caribbean islands. Jutías is named for the indigenous tree rats in this region.


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Here I only found a small hut selling drinks, a family playing on a boat and a couple of other people sunbathing or swimming. You can rent a sun chair or sea canoe for a low price, and spend a relaxing afternoon at this gorgeous utopia.

There was no overnight accommodation here, which might be a good thing for keeping it serene and unspoiled. I heard the sands here turn pink at sunset, but I couldn’t test or photograph it as I had to go back to town with the last bus.

Some people call this place the most discovered “undiscovered” beach in Cuba. There’s another pretty beach to the east in this province called Cayo Levisa, which boasts some choices of overnight stay, but it’s also less tranquil.




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I walked around to explore each corner and dipped into the warm sea afterwards. I just didn’t see anyone around, so the picture of me above was taken by hanging the camera on a tree behind - that’s why it’s such a strange angle, but I’m happy that I was still in the frame. ;)

The wind was blowing hard. Lush green bushes were growing wild along the sandy beach, and dead mangroves were scattered all over the place. These light logs and branches looked unique against the turquoise water and blue sky. Though it’s a pretty fascinating view, it’s sad to see these mangroves dying of thirst.



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The Essential Roles of Mangroves

Mangroves make up 20% of the forests in Cuba and cover 4.8% of its territory. They play a vital role in the tropical areas of the Americas. In Cuba, four species of mangroves – white, red, black, and button have been utilized to produce charcoal, railroad ties and tannin for curing leather.

Mangroves also serve a crucial role in the environment and biodiversity: they provide breeding grounds for marine life, prevent flooding and saltwater intrusion into fresh water and farmland, and they can curb erosion of shorelines.

But sadly, the mangroves in Cuba have been deteriorating fast. The dead logs and branches you see in my photos here are a common sight in many coast areas in the country. So what caused this scene?





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Why They Are Deteriorating

Natural disasters like droughts and hurricanes are getting worse and worse due to climate change. To fight these disasters, the Cuban government had a policy in the 1960s to store up fresh water. As a result, most rivers in Cuba have been dammed and almost 1000 reservoirs have been built.

Because the dams cut the natural circulation of the fresh water, the mangroves can’t get as much water as they used to. So as a vegetation which requires a constant flow of fresh and saltwater, mangroves in Cuba have been weakening. Thus another natural disaster is actually happening.

Besides the lack of fresh water, deforestation, soil sealing, industrial pollution, shrimp farming, and the construction of dikes and channels, also contribute to threatening the 11 species of mangroves in this region. Not only in Cuba, over half the world’s mangrove forests have been destroyed over the last 30 - 40 years. And different regions of the world have different causes for mangroves’ deterioration.






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What Can Be Done

So what can be done to help preserve the mangrove forests? Now in Cuba, there are SOS Mangroves programs led by NGOs and their local partners as well as education authorities. Part of the mangroves in the area have been protected in the Wildlife Refuge Area. Students have been educated about the ecological system while cleaning up and monitoring the coast. While there are still large parts being destroyed or deteriorated.

It’s important to educate locals and raise public awareness of the importance of protecting mangrove forests. Government and other organizations in some countries have done campaign and support efforts to these activities. There are also regulatory enforcement like heavy fines for cutting down mangroves. Planting more mangroves at suitable places should be encouraged. Locals living in the vicinity of mangrove forests can be trained to take up alternative jobs rather than extracting the resources of the mangroves.

What else do you think could be done to protect these mangrove forests? Feel free to share your other thoughts too! Until next time. =)




中国的红树林保护区主要分布在浙江、福建、两广、海南这些气候温暖的沿海区域。这里推荐一个很棒的保育红树林的网站 – 中国红树林保育联盟,根据网站给出的数据:




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All content by @itchyfeetdonica

差点忘了提,大才女@dancingapple的环保征文和大才子@aaronli的“城事影像”都是超棒的活动,我这篇文章也受到这两个活动的启发。记得去他们的页面继续流连一下~也来参加活动哦 :D

感谢阅读!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

Thank you for reading. Check out my recent posts, and follow me for more! =)

Exploring Comuna 13 of Medellín 探索毒枭老巢的贫民窟

Geometric Shapes - Architectures + Furniture + Sculpture 几何摄影5张

DIY with Donica: Make a Plant Saver DIY环保小物~自动给水花瓶

Paint with Donica - 4 Treasures of Chinese Painting + Recreating Film Characters 来画国产动画角色 + 文房四宝小知识

Colorful Caminito 多彩的文化街区

A Photo Journey: Exploring Aryapala Meditation Temple 蒙古禅修图片之旅

Batik Stories (1) - My First Batik Work in Indonesia 蜡染系列(一)我的蜡染处女作

Some SMILE Portraits in My Travels 旅途中的微笑

Stories of Shadows (2@Europe + 2@South America) 光影交错的瞬间

Here are some screenshots from my Instagram. Follow @ItchyfeetDonica for more adventures around the globe !

!steemitworldmap 22.708117 lat -84.024673 long Cayo Jutías, Cuba d3scr

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘#94 The Wild Cuban Beach and Dying Mangroves 鲜为人知的加勒比海滩 & 濒危的红树林 | 环保征文~月旦评’

#93 Exploring Comuna 13 of Medellín - A Journal of 20+ Photos 🇨🇴 探索毒枭老巢的贫民窟 | 月旦评

25 years ago, Medellín of Colombia was dubbed by Time Magazine as “the most dangerous city on earth”(Netflix “Narcos” anyone?). Nowadays, it has been attracting visitors and expats from all over the world, with its mild temperature throughout the year, its low expenses in living and its booming vitality across the city.

The citizens are proud of their home rated as one of the world’s most innovative cities, along with New York and Tel Aviv. When I was in Medellín, I found so many digital nomads of different nationalities based there, some of them fell in love with the place and decided to stay longer.



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There were lots of intriguing sights and exciting activities going on in Medellín that I plan to blog about. And today, I’m sharing my experience in visiting Comuna 13 of this impressive eternal-spring city. Comuna 13 is a densely populated and poor neighborhood among Medellín’s 16 barrios. It used to be the most violent area in this formerly “murder capital of the world”.

Ok, imagine, a notorious slum area with the highest murder rate in “the most dangerous city on earth”! Sounds scary right? The good news is this neighborhood managed to reinvent itself from the drug and gang wars. Sure, things are not just black or white, and a new comuna is not built in one day, but the positive changes towards a good direction is still something amazing to see.


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There are a few organized tours guided by local agencies that you can join. However, I decided to visit Comuna 13 independently to find out what’s it all about. Another traveler I met earlier in the same hostel in Panama was also interested in the place, so we took a bus together to the neighborhood. After about one hour in the bus and some walk up the steep slopes, we finally arrived at the gate of Comuna 13:

当地的旅行社也有组织由导游带领参观这个贫民窟的活动,但是一直很惧怕跟团的我决定还是自己去一探究竟。只身深入虎穴,有点怕怕啊~ 还好前些天在巴拿马的旅馆里认识的一位英国小哥也飞到了麦德林并打算去贫民窟看看。所以我们一拍即合,共同前往。于是搭了巴士,晃晃悠悠一个小时终于到了山脚下,又走了一截上坡路,最后来到13区的入口:

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The Troubled Past

Some decades ago, Comuna 13 was controlled by gangs and drug lords, the most infamous being Pablo Escobar from the 1980s. (I can probably write a book about him based on all the 2-sided stories told to me by locals.) The narrow staircases along the steep hills made it difficult for police to enter to take action, as each gang had its own lookout on the high mountaintops so they could easily escape.

Different gangs fought over control after Pablo Escobar’s death in 1993, causing high murder rates. In 2002, when the Colombian military were fighting over left-wing guerrillas, over 100, 000 residents of Comuna 13 were left in the heavy combat and siege. Many of these innocent inhabitants were killed or injured. As a result of the victory, the paramilitary groups began to control the whole city of Medellín allied with the police.





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The Revival

Later, Comuna 13 welcomed some new changes. An architect suggested the world’s first giant outdoor escalators to connect neighborhoods – the 6 covered escalators with bright orange roofs were completed in 2011, which was a great help for the locals. Before that innovation they had to climb up the steep hills for half an hour, while now it’s a comfortable 5-minute ride.

Local government offered young people free paint and tools for their creativity. That’s why we could see so many stunning murals on the buildings and walls by street artists. These colorful creative works surely played a role in cheering people up. I also noticed a few libraries and community centers. The inhabitants were encouraged to read the wide choices of books and magazines from handy manuals to world literature works. There were also various activities for them to participate. The abundant flowers and plants in the new parks provided a refreshing and relaxing atmosphere.

More and more organized tours to this unique barrio have been launched as well. After a few months, I visited some favelas(slums) in Rio de Janeiro of Brazil, and witnessed the similar success story of transformation. There are for sure lingering issues, and much work remains. I heard that gangs were still controlling some slums and there were occasionally shootouts. But at the same time, there are clear signs of progress, and most importantly, after all the violent wars and conflicts, there is HOPE (touching background music should be played here…).






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My lovely travel buddy from England was quite nervous walking around there, he kept saying he was paying close attention to everything surrounding us, since we could be shot at any time. But I found the locals pretty friendly and busy living their life just like anywhere else in the world: the elderly people were sitting outside and chatting, most younger folks were working, and children were playing and chasing each other happily. I didn’t see any reason they would hurt us.

So I was wandering about with a light heart. Maybe I was too positive but luckily nothing bad happened. I think it helped when we were 2 people and didn’t wander too far from the main stairs and escalators. If you go there, make sure you watch your belongings in case of any street robberies, which I’m afraid could happen not only in this neighborhood but in many other places across the globe.

我们在山间游荡时,我的旅伴 – 那位来自英格兰的小哥一直非常紧张。他不停地跟我说他在密切关注周围的一切,以防我们被乱枪击中。而我觉得周围的居民跟别处的也没有什么两样,看上去挺友好,都在忙着过自己的生活:老人们在门口坐着聊天;年轻人大都在干活;孩子们在嬉戏玩耍。总之我是看不出什么重大危险来。


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I guess I have this problem of lacking fear in my travels, like once I was strolling alone in a hillside slum in Guayaquil of Ecuador, and I didn’t feel anything dangerous. Later there was a local woman who told me it’s not safe to walk there, so she accompanied me downhill to the main streets. I was very grateful for what she did for me, otherwise there might be some safety issue, if a local thought so – they must know the place much more than a solo traveler like me. So two lessons learnt: always be careful and always listen to the locals. 🙂



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When we were having dinner in a roadside snack bar, a young woman suddenly walked to us and started winking to my travel buddy. It might be obvious that we were not a couple, or she just didn’t care, as she kept smiling to him and handed him a note with her phone number on it, haha😄. My fellow traveler was getting blushed by this sudden sweetness. We tried to talk to this girl and some other inhabitants about their life there, as their stories could always offer first-hand insight into the local culture. It’s a pity that our crappy Spanish couldn’t go too deep in the conversation, but the locals seemed to be pretty laid-back and happy about their new life.

We walked around those brick and cement houses with corrugated iron roofs, greeted local residents and were greeted by them. There were cute kids running to us and posing in front for photos. I could constantly feel the vibrant, creative and cheerful vibe in this community. We stayed at the mountaintop till dark, so we could have this fantastic night view of the lit houses tucked away all over the rolling mountains:

随后我们在路边的一个小餐吧里吃晚饭,突然间,一位衣着破旧、长相普通但却风情万种的姑娘摇曳生姿地向我们走来。估计是我们俩看着就不像一对情侣,或者她也根本不在乎是不是,总之她完全忽略了我的存在,一个劲儿冲着那位英国小哥微笑抛媚眼,还问店家要了一张小纸条,写下自己的号码塞到他手里。这些热情似火的拉丁姑娘也真是可爱,我在加勒比和南美居住之后发现她们的撩汉技能真是望尘莫及啊,哈哈。那位内敛的英国绅士还立马羞红了脸,但是这姑娘已经一屁股坐到了我们旁边。我们就试图跟她还有其他当地人聊聊家常,以了解下当地生活和文化。只可惜我们破烂的西班牙语不足以进行深度交流,但似乎周围的人都过得挺开心快活。这多数拉丁人乐观的天性又是我一无趣的东亚人常常觉得难以企及的一点 =)。


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So that’s it for today’s sharing about Comuna 13 in Medellín, Colombia. What impressed you the most with this neighborhood? Would you dare to explore it on your own if you have the chance? Tell me what you think in the comments! Until next time. =)


All content by @itchyfeetdonica

感谢阅读!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

Thank you for reading. Check out my recent posts, and follow me for more! =)

Geometric Shapes - Architectures + Furniture + Sculpture 几何摄影5张

DIY with Donica: Make a Plant Saver DIY环保小物~自动给水花瓶

Paint with Donica - 4 Treasures of Chinese Painting + Recreating Film Characters 来画国产动画角色 + 文房四宝小知识

Colorful Caminito 多彩的文化街区

A Photo Journey: Exploring Aryapala Meditation Temple 蒙古禅修图片之旅

Batik Stories (1) - My First Batik Work in Indonesia 蜡染系列(一)我的蜡染处女作

Some SMILE Portraits in My Travels 旅途中的微笑

Stories of Shadows (2@Europe + 2@South America) 光影交错的瞬间

Here are some screenshots from my Instagram. Follow @ItchyfeetDonica for more adventures around the globe !

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